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o_smily from YCM


Everything posted by o_smily from YCM

  1. This is a dim place here, and very nice. Still getting used to the layout. It's good to be here though. I thought that I would introduce myself. I enjoy making cards, but I rarely do anything else besides that. In reality, I enjoy playing YGO and MtG, as well as reading and writing. My favorite color is purple, my favorite animals are elephants, and my favorite foods are baleadas, a Central American food consisting of a tortilla folded in half and filled with beans, and commonly includes eggs, cheese, and sour cream.
  2. Some fresh faces, some familiar faces: good, good.

    1. Thar


      All around me are familiar faces

    2. TheEternalWinter
    3. o_smily from YCM

      o_smily from YCM

      I'll still be on YCM, so no worries.

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