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Posts posted by Smear

  1. Switch Pro Controller is pretty good as well honestly IMO.

    But so far nothing compares to the DualSense haptic feedback and adaptive triggers when playing on PS5.

  2. xesVWq.jpg


    I'm a degenerate who has been playing a bunch of LoL recently so I have rotating dynamic wallpapers of a few champs that I play lmao.

    Dark Cosmic Jhin, Base Hwei and Mythmaker Irelia are the 3 on rotation currently. I like to keep my desktop clean.

  3. Ayo Solo Leveling was pretty pogged up. As a reader of the Manwha (at least to volume 8 because I'm reading it physically) the only thing I was worried about was them not being able to live up to the expectations of the illustrations but man they did an excellent job.

    I thought it was a super fun watch and I'm keen for Season 2 now that the prologue is over lmao.

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