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norI worK


Posts posted by norI worK

  1. 6 minutes ago, Darj said:

    Was more thinking about replacing 1 of the Solemns for Judgment. Unlike Strike and Warning, it cannot be dead.
    I just noticed the Violet Chimera. Makes me think you intend to have Super Poly at least in the side Deck, and yet it's not there, because I see little point in running it just for Cherries when you can just call Sunlight Wolf.

    Warning is a better card and strike doesnt lose me the game vs grind decks. Violet Chimera is a flex side. I was siding fusion of fire or mind control. Both work

  2. 52 minutes ago, Darj said:

    So cool to see Scapeghost. I like the stealing plays with Wheeleder --> Goyo --> Sheridan. Quite clever.
    I see you have Missus for laddering with the Sheep Tokens but I see no Wee Witch to ladder from Scapeghost's Tokens.
    No Solemn Judgment now that it's Limited in TCG?
    Thoughts on devoting more to the Artifact engine by running more Scythes, and Ignition, or maining Twin Twisters, to pop any otherwise dead-drawn Scythes?

    Yeah I'm supposed to have Wee Witch in there over Borrelsword. This is my old list I didn't change it online yet. I side Twisters. Ignition isn't really worth running tbh. I really don't like Judgment or running too many traps. 

    I'll be udating this post with tips and tricks throughout the day cause I'm too lazy to do it all now. Added one for Scythe.

  3. Aight I don't really play this game anymore. Haven't done anything in like 3 months due to life shit but anyways here's ya boys list





    1 Artifact Scythe

    3 Ash Blossom

    3 Effect Veiler

    3 Winter Cherries

    3 Scapeghost

    3 Candina

    3 Lycoris

    2 Corobane

    1 Lilybell

    1 Psychic Wheeleder



    3 Desires

    3 Lightstage

    2 Terraforming

    1 Scapegoat



    3 Artifact Sanctum

    2 Solemn Strike

    2 Reincarnation

    1 Warning



    2 Link Spider

    1 Linkuriboh

    1 Missus Radiant

    1 Borreload

    1 Borrelsword

    1 Topologic Bomber

    1 Saryuja

    1 Mermaid

    1 Phoenix

    1 Sunlight Wolf

    1 Vampire Sheridan

    1 Azathot

    1 Goyo Guardian

    1 Violet Chimera


    Artifact Scythe: Only playing one because I hate drawing the card cause it's a brick house. Triple Desires so you can banish it and draw two Sanctums cause this game suxx sometimes. Two isn't a bad idea because of triple Desires if you don't feel confidant in just 1 Scythe and 3 Desires. Playing two is good going second honestly because if you draw the fucking thign you can set it and hope their sided Twin Twisters hits it. Wait to activate Sanctum when they have a card on field so they can't activate Infinite Impermanence from hand in response to Scythe's effect

    Winter Cherries: This card is shit and I'm only maining it because it's better than Droll, which is also a shitty card. Works well if you brick and open it along with Scapeghost.It can shut some decks down pretty hard this format so once you fuck up their laddering process they attack into Scapeghost and go to game two cause you already won.


    Scapeghost: When your Brickstars brick you just set this and x trap card and pray that your outdated deck doesn't get hit with a train. Saves you from certain OTKs buying you a turn and just creates advantage in combination with Sanctum and Cherries. This card is honestly better in lists that play more traps, but Trapstars suck atm anyways due to the amount of single attribute and type decks atm.


    Psychic Wheeleder: This card is whack. It's a one card board breaker in conjunction with some extra deck techs. Use him and Lycoris to make Goyo Guardian. Wheeleder will then destroy and opponent's monster. Go into the BP and Steal a monster with Goyo Guardian. If you stole a monster with a level you can overlay Goyo Guardian and the stolen monster into Vampire Sheridan and then steal another monster.


    Desires: Three is better than two but can be risky if you have Sanctum in hand. Hands like Reincarnation, Sanctum and Desires I would hold off on the Desires because you can bait Ash Blossom on your opponents turn for a no risk Sanctum to lock them out. Opening Desires and Scythe is fine because you're allowed to use your +1 without worrying about Sanctums. Also to fix your fucking hand because you drew Scythe


    Mermaid: Debating between this, Galatea, Summon Sorc and Bardiche. All are Cherries targets for Orcust. Hitting Galatea allows you to stop their grind game and laddering somewhat. Summon Sorc to stop their wombo combos, Bardiche is a bitch card but not too worried about it. I chose Mermaid because Orcust can get shitty hands and will have to rely on their normal summon Iblee/Formud to go into Mermaid and start plays from there. Also can be used to get rid of Iblee on your turn.


    Sunlight Wolf: Cherries target.


    Azathot: Cherries target. He shits on Trickstars honestly. Have him and another Orcust target because if you are going second and don't see Cherries opening hand you're kinda fucked, but if you draw it on your draw phase you can chain Cherries to the PK rank up.

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