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Showing most liked content on 08/24/2019 in Posts

  1. 1 like
    Not a Kozmo expert, but this looks decent to me. The best application I can think of is assisting with opening a turn with Dark Witch or Planet on board, or turning any of the small Kozmos into Destroyer or Sliprider when going second and pop a card. However, IDK how efficient would Kozmos be at summoning this, given that it requires specifically 2 Kozmos and AFAIK Kozmos have a tendency to not rely on the ED and even run cards that go against the ED (e.g. anti-swarming floodgates, Pot of Extravagance). Maybe if it could use any 2 monsters including a Kozmo as material and/or its effect was Quick so you could do plays like dropping Sliprider or Destroyer during the opponent's turn for a disruptive pop, then you would be onto something.
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