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Showing most liked content on 05/07/2022 in Posts

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    To call it sudden was an understatement. It was supposed to be a one-night-stand thing - far from uncommon in the open relationship between her and Collin - and the girl Abby had hooked up with said she wanted to do something unconventional. So the two left campus late that night, made a short stop by a convenience store for snacks, and while they were out and about... "Look out!" It and the monstrous truck horn was just about the only warning Abby had gotten, and it still wasn't nearly enough. By the time she'd heard the latter and turned to face the forty tons of steel and cargo barreling towards her, she was already face-to-face with the grill of the beast. The panic of a semi truck sliding in her direction wasn't exactly the last feeling she'd wanted to experience in this life, but it was now what she was stuck with. There was the horn, then the truck, then the impact. That last one sounded like it should be the most painful thing she'd ever experienced, but it was only painful in the same sense that a lightning bolt was bright. A brief instant of indescribable pain, as if somebody had set off a chain of explosives inside her body, but just as suddenly as the pain came, it was gone. And then... nothing. No sight. No sound. She couldn't even feel her own body, though she doubted she'd want to at the moment. Just herself, a void of nothing, and some sort of voice that wasn't hers. Whatever it was, she either couldn't make it out, or simply didn't understand what it was saying. It gave her time to think about what had happened, though. And for the panic to set back in. That really happened? She'd been slammed by a truck? What was Collin going to think? He wasn't the jealous type, as was abundantly clear, but he was very much the protective type. He'd blame that poor girl, probably. And what about her? Not just what Collin might say to her either; she was just looking for a fun night out and witnessed a tragic case of vehicular manslaughter. And then there was the trucker who definitely wasn't getting out of this with his job intact. Oh no. Her parents. She almost didn't want to think what sort of legal fury they'd unleash on the trucker and/or his company once word got to them. This was all a mess. A terrible, awful, no-good mess, and it very much did not suit her. Getting caught up in it or worrying so much about it. But how was she supposed to not? She died after all! D-E-A-T-H death! Was it too late to like, get a second chance? Try to bargain with the powers that be? Even as she asked that mystery voice, she remembered the language barrier between it and her. So that was no good. But it must have liked the idea, because once it stopped talking, Abby felt something. Like the feeling of going up on an elevator, but way faster. And then... Bong. Bong. Bong. A sound! And when Abby opened her eyes, sights! Old sights, but sights all the same. Some kinda church, occupied by a few other people in addition to herself. The stained glass was nice. She'd always liked this stuff, though she had to admit, she'd never seen windows quite like these ones. Antlered snakes? Wolves? A tree? An orca? A far cry to say the least from the usual images stained glass called to mind. Must be a pagan church or something. They've got churches, right? And then there were the people. Immediately, the one that stuck out like a sore thumb to Abby was the one wearing what was absolutely a deer fursuit. She had to give props for the dedication, but while she was far from an expert on theology, she was pretty sure becoming animals wasn't part of the pagan checklist. Eventually, one of them broke the silence. Some guy - pretty tall even by normal people standards - who seemed like a decent sort. "So. Did you guys just die too? Or have you been here for a minute?" "I want to say we may've all just died... so does this make this heaven then?" "Fufufu...That's not it at all. I know exactly what this is! For it was prophesied since my birth! We were sent to save this world from a great evil. Specially chosen to fulfill a grand destiny!" Oh, saving the world seemed like fun. But the way this girl talked implied this was a different world. And while saving it would be great and all, Abby would have much preferred to go back to the one she was in before her unfortunate meeting with a hydroplaning semi truck. “I find it improbable that this is Heaven. More likely to be a form of Purgatory. Note the lack of doors and anyone to greet us. Hmm… I wonder if there is a common thread between our deaths.” Say, hadn't Abby seen that guy before? Aside from being REALLY tall, she could have sworn she saw his face before. Definitely a doctor - he had the badge and everything - so someone that got brought up in a lecture perhaps? She couldn't quite make out the name on his badge from here though. She'd have to work that out later. Of course, that mystery was completely removed from her train of thought - a train that got violently derailed - when he continued speaking. “I shot myself. How did you die?” "Whoa, hold on, what?" Abby didn't mean to speak out of turn or anything, but the words just flew from her mouth before she could think to not blurt them out. But now she was already talking. Probably best to not leave it at that. "Shot yourself? Like, with a gun? You good, doc? Er... that aside, hi! Didn't mean to cut in line or anything, but hi, I'm Abby, I got ran over by a truck. I'm still a bit sore from the whole thing."
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