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Showing most liked content on 07/10/2022 in Status Updates

  1. 1 like
    @Thar got picked up by the YouTube algorithm and dropped into my recommended feed, what the fuck
  2. 1 like
    Back in middle school, my townhome neighbors got be a bunch of Yugioh packs for my birthday. A few years later, my dad ordered a bulk order of cards from Ebay. I played the game with a few high school friends in the lunchroom against the questioning looks from others without a care in the world, and I won one match at a tournament that one friend brought me to, which was more than I could've asked for. At that time, I joined a forum for a site that marketed itself with its own card maker, where I met a bunch of cool people that I still speak with today. RIP Kazuki Takahashi
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