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Showing most liked content on 12/15/2022 in Posts

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    To Applicant ___ Congratulations. You have been selected for our new Region Transfer Program, and are being offered a once in a life time opportunity to attend the prestigious Naranja Academy for this school semester. In addition, you will be allowed the chance to participate in the school’s treasure hunt, a time honored tradition. If you applied, you no doubt already know what this means, but for the few who do not know, you’ll be given the opportunity to explore the Paldea region, participate in the Gym Challenge, make new friends… And as of this year, participate in Paldea’s first Pokemon Conference League, thanks to the aid of the Pokemon Activities Committee. For you aspiring Coordinators, this is the chance to earn a prestigious title as the Paldea Region’s first Top Coordinator. With this all said, it is important to note that the school has one major rule you must follow: Always be searching for your next step. It is always easy to lose yourself, or lose your way. We here at the Academy are dedicated to making sure our students come out better than they entered, and that goes double for our students from far regions. -Director Clavell Students from non-Paldea are being accepted in a student transfer, you can be one of those lucky students! There will be an in universe three-five month time spam we skip over, that'll be classes and stuff, so I'll set up a list of teachers, but most of them are going to be straight from the game itself, so if you need a quick refresher check the database below! Rules Character Application Database
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