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Showing most liked content on 03/21/2023 in Posts

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    "Looks like the boydem ain't exactly running tours. I'm all for tearing through this yellow tape," Leo cocked his head toward Sei, "but not if our resident super-hero is gonna tackle me extra fast once I'm in." "Under any other circumstances I'd be on you like drunks on a karaoke bar, but since it is Gareth, and since we've got way bigger issues than some trespassing..." Sei looked the other way. Quite literally, as in she turned away from the taped-off scene before her, looking back at the other onlookers. Leaning up against nearby telephone poles. Checking her phone to see what was happening on social media - much of it related to yesterday's headline, no surprise - and generally making an active effort to not pay any attention to Leo. "This is strictly a one-time thing though, got it? You've got one shot, so don't blow it, and remember that you owe me for not tackling you extra fast." "This is most unbecoming of a guardian," she could hear the voice of her collection of kami urge, as Kess jumped into violent action followed soon by Leo. Normally I'd agree with you, but I'm actually listening a little bit. Just keep an eye on our loose cannons and let me know if Gareth's actually in mortal danger. That's when I'll intervene, if it comes up. "Who do you suppose did that? Do you think the one who compelled Stratford put that there? Scare people, maybe?" "It would certainly be an effective tactic," Kiyoko agreed. "I wish I could get a closer look at it. The Library's mentioned a few psychometry spells, I might be able to find out something about who put it there-" "Figure this shit out, dweebs, I can only fight this asshole for so long before I kick his ass." Kiyoko hadn't paid much mind to the commotion - a glance or two in its direction sure, but in light of everything else, it didn't seem like a big deal - but she did pay attention to that. This red woman really needed to work on her manners. Alas, rude people often stayed rude, so that wasn't going to change anytime soon. For now, the best she could do was take advantage of the opening in security presented to her and the others, and get a good look at that mural. "Oh... OH. Um, Miss Kiyoko, I think we might have a chance now. Would you like to help me get a look at the mural? We'll have to move, and quickly!" "My thoughts exactly. Normally I'd use a spell for this, but it's probably best not to draw much attention." And so, Kiyoko instead ran. Ran toward the mural, so that she could observe it nice and up-close. "Certainly a fine piece of art. I haven't worked out any spells that would teach me more than the human eye can discern, so this is your time to shine! If you need a bit of extra oomph behind your spells though, I'm right here to help."
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