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    Brian wheeled around “Who are you calling Sherlock? Oh.” Carmen was talking to a picture. He thought about saying some more but just rolled his eyes instead and went back to pacing around. He got to a wall and turned, circling the room, only watching out in case Carmen moved, but otherwise looking at the spirit box and listening intently. Apart from the medium-grade noise music coming from the spirit box and making sure to stay out of Carmen’s way as she continued to ponder the artistic merits of a gimmicky pet photo, nothing grabbed his attention. No words, ethereal, from the spirit box, or otherwise, made their way to Brian’s ears, and nothing else supernatural happened either. Near the end of his lap around the room, though, he did come across a printer, and following Carmen’s lead, he started fiddling with that instead. A few button-presses here, lifting the copy lid, checking the paper tray… Brian did anything he could to stir a reaction from the printer. Still nothing. He checked if it was plugged in, too, and it was, so the nothing was technically unusual, but still within the realm of normality for printers. He went and grabbed a seal from the box and stuck it on the printer anyway. “All printers are haunted,” Brian said. “Maybe if I stuck a seal on the printer at the library it’d stop eating all my copies.” This seal, though, did not exorcise the printer-not-turn-on spirits like Brian had hoped. He turned back towards Carmen. “Well, I’m pretty convinced there isn’t anything weird over here,” he said. “Unless…” He wrenched open a file cabinet and riffled through the various papers, but they were all legible and terribly ordinary. Even the most poorly written piece of academic fluff couldn’t get Brian’s eyes to glaze over faster than they did scanning those files. “I guess we could give those posters a poke or something in case there’s some secret escape tunnel, but I’m ready to go upstairs or --” He pointed across the room “-- wherever that door leads, anyway.”
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