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Status Updates posted by Void

  1. I feel so stretched thin. I keep trying to draft parts of the PHAEON Archives, to try and flesh out the Yu-Gi-Oh Multiverse canon established by FinalFan and MercifulIdiot, but I just can't seem to get the right ideas and expressions to jump from my head to the document.

  2. Just started a thread to discuss Structure Deck 35: Sacred Beasts of Chaos.


  3. Broke my CPU's overclocking record today: 4.8 GHz on a i7-6700k. https://valid.x86.fr/pyfdbj

  4. Can't remember when I visited here last. A quick update then?

    I'm now maintaining Duel Monsters Genesis, the long-running Yu-Gi-Oh! Simulator on BYOND, after Icefire's PC got ruined six months ago. Keeping cards updated every week, essential fixes when needed, etc. Come by if you want, we even have a discord.

    Considering doing a forum RP here. A soft reboot of a very old one I did back on the original site over a decade ago: Doctor Who - The Children of Time. Seems fitting with the 60th anniversary coming up. If you are interested, reply or message me.

    Other than that Iam enjoying Starfield a ton - I'd rate it between Fallout 4 and Skyrim.

  5. I'm still working on my "Nihil Historia" thread for The Character Vault section, but trying to summarise every character I've ever portrayed or alluded to in the works I've participated, published, or withheld over these many years is a big task.


    And even then, I also need to explain various concepts I've applied - such as a conceptual framework for the Multiverse in everything I write.

  6. Had an eye infection for the last 2 weeks that effectivley blinded me in one eye and partially sighted in the other. Course of steroids drops and a long course of antibiotics has cleared that up.

    Gave me time to think about the PHAETON project. I have ideas for a few more initial entries I'd like to draft before I open up the project to the public.

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