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Posts posted by MetalSonic

  1. Ham and gravy is definitely my favorite food on Thanksgiving, with the cranberry sauce being my least favorite. Every year though, we have to make two separate bowls of deviled eggs apart from the main plate. I don’t like the yellow part and my sister doesn’t like the egg, so it takes both of us to eat a single egg.

  2. I’ll admit that there were some missed opportunities between Jigsaw and Chuck. I could’ve said something to the effect of “How many people have vowed to reshape their lives after meeting death?” or something like that. However, after Thar dropped, I didn’t really have any ideas after that. I had a game wrote out for Himiko, but since she never came back on, I never did it.

    As for my portrayal, I actually binged the entire Saw series just to portray the character.

  3. EEZ3JU4IUZRX.png

    Deathslinger from Dead By Daylight(Chains of Hate update)

    Profession: Bounty Hunter

    Affliation: Hellshire Gang

    Power: The Redeemer - A speargun that on hit, allows Caleb to reel in his targets for a melee hit.

    For addons, he has some that apply status effects that make it harder to heal after getting speared, as well as ultra rare addons that let him see the auras of the other survivors while he has one speared.

    His perks include Gearhead(highlights gens being worked on after 2 hits), Hex: Retribution(reveals the auras of survivors trying to break totems) and Dead Man’s Switch(when he hooks his obsession, if a survivor stops working a a generator, that generator becomes blocked).

    He’s also slower than most killers due to having a broken leg and a smashed jaw.

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