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Jack of All Trades

Posts posted by yui

  1. ZrjobFh.png

    Location: Ferry
    Poké: 740

    Well, the first thing Knight had done upon being released was smack itself face-first into Jacklyn and address her angrily. Seemed about right. Oswald clarified that he didn't belong to Kanon or himself, and then it was off to find the pile of lazy cubones. Along the way, Oswald gave Kanon... not a factual correct answer to her question, but sure was something.

    "I'm not really sure myself. It's tradition, right? You see it on the streets, and from town to town. It's just an unspoken rule of battling that's been passed down through the ages. Back in the old days, pokemon battling wasn't as common as it is now, right? It was for survival, or extreme tension like wars and family feuds. It's common practice that losers of those things have to pay up for the trouble they cause...so maybe it's just a lesser, but friendlier offshoot of those rules. But that's just my theory."

    "Uh-huh..." Suddenly, Kanon wasn't sure if Oswald was a history buff, or if she was an uneducated hick. She hoped for the former of the two. Soon afterward, the pair found their third member. Nomi. And she was with someone else too, like besides Princess. Another human being. She was way too close to this other girl's face though

    "Come on Sleeping Beauty, personal space, back it up a bit," Kanon sighed, grabbing Nomi by the sides and pulling her away from the other girl so that she wasn't so freakishly close to this stranger. Who was she, anyway?


  2. 3 hours ago, LordCowCow said:

    Opinion on beavers?

    I'm a sucker for semi-aquatic and amphibious animals, and beavers are possibly my favorite semi-aquatic animal. I like that they build things, and their tails amuse me. Pretty cool animal overall.

  3. fccpSmd.png

    The nucleus is the "brain" of the cell.

    That was what it said. While Sammi would have preferred to research something a bit grander than invidividual cells, being thorough with her research was important, and she had to start somewhere, right? Might as well start with the building blocks of organic life. Hopefully the other units didn't have the same idea. She'd already long since woken up, or so she'd claim. The reality was that Sammi needed no sleep, and was able to research biology non-stop since coming aboard the Finback. This vessel would be taking her and a number of others to Mecha Cademy, where she'd begin training to be a mech pilot. It wasn't the most conventional means of worming her way into local society maybe, but it was certainly a convenient one.

    It would probably be good to get to know her schoolmates. And as it happened, there were some in this very library. A boy with a gas mask, or at least it looked like one, and some girl asking if he had clearance to be near others right now.

    "If he was ill, wouldn't he more likely be in bed or something?" Sammi interjected. "And those aren't even the types of masks people wear when they're sick. His would be better for a gas leak or landing on a planet with a toxic atmosphere."

  4. On 3/12/2019 at 12:43 PM, Mr Spaz said:


    And here I was starting to think you'd gone to PMD because you ran out of Colosseum/XD tracks. 6/10, not that impressive, and sounds like it was meant for an actual champion and the composer simply didn't get the memo that the final battle was against a bad guy.

    On 3/12/2019 at 7:13 PM, Shradow said:

    Vanilla Mood's music is great (I played flute in concert band back in middle/high school and in general I just like those kind of instruments), though I'm sad that when I first got into them they seemed to have not been relevant for awhile.

    Also, for future reference, do you rate SoundCloud links?

    I do rate Soundcloud links, but I'd rather not since I can rate youtube from within the thread itself.


    On 3/15/2019 at 11:38 PM, VCR_CAT said:



    On 3/17/2019 at 2:00 AM, Mr. Dr. Professor Striker said:

    Press Start to bless the rains down in Africa


    On 3/18/2019 at 2:36 PM, cr47t said:



    OP's suggestion. Since Cadence of Hyrule was announced today, let's make this a two-parter.

    10/10. That feeling when the first zone theme is more hype than nearly everything else in the soundtrack.

    7/10, not my favorite rendition of the song, even if it's the first one, but a classic all the same.

  5. 4 hours ago, Darj said:

    Given the opportunity, what 1 resistance, effectiveness or immunity would you add or remove from any of the Types in the main Pokemon games?

    Remove one of Steel's resistances. I'm not entirely sure which one yet - probably its resistance to Psychic - but one of em that doesn't make sense to me (so most likely Psychic).

  6. Diamond in the Rough



    "It's okay. You've got me."

    Name: Kokoro Kurosawa
    Age: 18
    Gender: Female
    Digimon Partner: Hackmon




    (art by shiina kuro)
    Height: 5'6"

    Hair was dyed blonde (natural color: black), but the catastrophe seems to have made it her natural hair color.



    Kokoro understands fully well that greatness isn't just magically handed out to people; it has to be strived for and worked toward. While she's more than willing to work herself to the bone to achieve that greatness, Kokoro simply can't find herself able to put in her full effort for things she's not passionate about, making it rare for her to give her all. Even if she's not trying her best, however, when Kokoro goes for something, she often doesn't stop until she's met her goal. Failure doesn't sit well with her, so she'll generally keep trying until she succeeds, even if it takes a very long time. This, combined with an ambitious and confident, bordering on arrogant nature, can be a problem sometimes as she aspires to things that are outside of her reach. Especially when she can sometimes focus on the end goal so much that she doesn't look at the steps in front of her to reach it.

    Although she's not much of a team player, Kokoro prides herself on being a notably helpful person. If someone needs a hand, she's perfectly happy to volunteer, and if someone's in trouble, she's not afraid to stick her neck out for them. While she loves to help others though, Kokoro isn't too fond of being on the receiving end of such aid. She prides herself on independency and reliability, and believes that needing to get help from others makes her feel like she doesn't have those qualities. Whatever her problem may be, one should assume Kokoro would rather fix it herself. That way, if it ever comes up again, she knows how to do it on her own, without needing help from others who may not be available at the time.



    Coming from the heart of big-city Osaka, Kokoro had an unfortunate combination of traits. She was ambitious and opportunistic, and knew that whatever she wanted to be one day, she'd gun for the honor of being the very best at it. But... nothing really clicked with her, no matter how many different things she tried. This wasn't a big deal at first, but as she started and progressed through high school, the need to find a future career got more and more urgent. No matter how hard she looked, nothing really "felt" right to Kokoro.

    During her third year of high school, Kokoro was hit with the idea that maybe it was because she was in the wrong setting. And so, because it was a place she'd always wanted to visit anyway, Kokoro applied for a transfer program to America during summer break, and was set to start the school year in September with the other students her age. This also had the convenient side-benefit of giving her a few extra months to figure out what she wanted to do with her life.

    However, Kokoro never figured it out. If anything, life figured it out for her, as only a week ago, a catastrophe that defies explanation struck the world. As much as Kokoro wants to try and escape, everyone else that's tried hasn't come back, so she's been biding her time to try and think of something to get herself out of her newfound "prison" and into the rest of the world.

    It's not a dream career or anything like that, but not dying is a pretty good start for life goals.

    Misc. Info:


    Closet sadist. Since Kokoro prefers to help others instead of hurt them though, she tends to keep this under wraps.

    Secretly a huge sucker for all things magical girl-related.

    Digimon Info


    "I don't think what you think about trying to fight me is what you should be thinking."

    Name: Hackmon
    "Gender": Male
    Evolution Type: Digivolution





    Hackmon is the type to tell lies and make exaggerations to impress others, complete with a "tough guy" exterior meant to ward off would-be enemies. He won't likely show it, but he appreciates the company of friends. He's more likely to express his fondness for others through pranks and heckling than being honest about his feelings. What he wants in life is simple though: Adventure. And Hackmon believes that he may have hit the jackpot. He's also rather fond of theatre.

    At the end of the day, however, Hackmon is not nearly the heartless tough-guy edgelord he wants you to think he is. He's a bit of a worrywart, in fact, and is prone to getting worked up over even small things. Being something of a cowardly sort, he'll often try to avoid fights he can't talk his way out of and let everyone else do most of the work. Inspiring him into action isn't hard though. In fact, because he's not very smart, tricking Hackmon into doing most things isn't that hard. Appealing to his ego or trying to pass it off as a game are the best ways to get Hackmon to act. If he ever plays a game, which he'll always look for the opportunity to, he'll play to win above all else. He's not above cheating either, but will play by the rules if he's caught and called out for it.



    Wither Ye Rosebuds



    "Don't get the wrong idea. I'm not interested in being a hero."

    Name: Rana Nazari
    Age: 19
    Gender: Female
    Partner Digimon: Monmon




    Height: 6'0"



    Rana is a girl for whom the fires of passion have burned out long ago. She has no real interest in making new friends or doing the right thing, and simply acts for her own benefit. If she has to lie, cheat, steal, and swindle her way to the top, she's capable of making it happen without any regrets or remorse. The only thing Rana is known not to resort to is violence. The only outright trace of who Rana used to be left is her vow of pacifism. Even if assaulted herself, she makes a point never to personally raise a hand in violence against another. In every other way, stories Rana may share about the person she used to be - or rather, stories that her past self happen to appear in - don't line up with the jaded scoundrel she is today.

    Ne'er-do-well though she may be, complete with a bitter belief that the world around her is a dog-eat-dog wasteland where it's eat or be eaten, Rana does still have a sliver of good left in her, even if it's been warped into something condescending and sarcastic. If she helps others with nothing to gain from it, expect her to comment on how they're so unbelievably helpess that watching them flail around was an affront to her eyes. She takes special care to protect others from themselves. Don't get attached, don't give without reason, and above all else, never ever try to be a hero. Those are the kinds of tips that describe Rana's idea of self-care.

    In the interest of not getting attached to others, Rana doesn't ask anyone anything she wouldn't want to be asked herself. Personal details, how they feel about certain ideas or just in general, and the like are the sorts of topics Rana tries to avoid whenever she can. By her own account, "I locked up my heart and threw away the only key. It's a place for myself and myself only."

    The odds of getting her to even loosely mention it might as well be zero, but Rana is in fact quite fond of writing poetry.



    Rana's parents were immigrants from overseas, coming to America when Rana was very young in the hopes of finding a better life. While this technically succeeded, it may as well have not. Life wasn't easy for a pair of immigrants that barely spoke English, and Rana's foreign name and appearance didn't exactly lend to winning any popularity contests either. Despite being impoverished and shunned, however, a young Rana kept her chin up and strived to grin and bear it. Against all odds, she even wound up with a few friends in elementary school. Over time, however, these too fell through, one at a grueling time, for reasons she prefers not to talk about.

    By the end of it all, Rana had lost many dear friends, who wanted nothing but good for others. The more she watched the world as this was happening, the more she came to harrowing conclusions. Kindness got you nowhere in the world, except perhaps taken advantage of. Friendship and love were just temporary; even the bonds of marriage only lasted until death do them part. Hope was just baseless optimism that existed to be crushed, and sincerity only made you easy to manipulate. The more Rana looked, the more she saw a world truly devoid of light. And courage? Don't even get her started on the concept.

    When all was said and done, Rana was a broken shell of a girl. While she bounced back into functional human being territory before long, she was never quite the same. If people didn't have a reason to dislike her before, they did now; she was dishonest, underhanded, and devoid of nearly all the good in her heart. A few years later, when she'd grown up some and evolved from a dumb kid to a dumb teenager, Rana ran away from home. Despite everything, all the things she'd seen, said, and done, there was one person Rana reasoned she could still turn to. Not someone who would welcome her with open arms, not someone who would help her work through everything that was weighing her down, not even someone that would be happy to see her, probably. But someone that could at least understand her; that was all Rana cared about anyway.

    Even if she hated his guts.

    As luck would have it, a few months after getting settled in at her new place, Rana's life was met by a new tidal wave of bullshit. With nothing left to lose, Rana set off on a quest to set things right. After all, the world being the way it was now is very bad for her.




    "Maaaan, I sure am one lucky monkey!"

    Name: Monmon
    "Gender": Female
    Evolution Type: Armor





    In a stark contrast to her partner, Monmon is completely and entirely a good monkey, albeit rather assertive. She has trouble taking no for an answer, and generally thinks she's right even if she's got nothing to back up her theories with, but she always means well for those she cares about. She also has a bad habit of exaggerating the truth, going off on totally unrelated tangents, and running off on her own to explore. Will drop what she's doing for bananas and coconuts if she spots any.

    Due to some data corruption that occurred when the real and digital worlds were merged, Monmon may occasionally forget what she's doing/saying in the middle of a task or conversation.




  7. ksARFRH.png

    "Don't go assumin' things. I didn't win...I just happened to get my medals peacefully after that scrap."

    Ahh, so that's how it is! I knew she wasn't as bad as she loo--

    "Fightin's what I do, shrimp. I don't take orders from things smaller than me, capiche?" 


    "Well, seein' as how you were brave enough to ask me to stop fightin', guess I'll ask for your name too."

    "Ah, it's--"



    Aaaaaaah, these two are bad news together! I hope they don't end up in the same class!

    Exam day had certainly been exciting. The start of it, at least. After all that mess, Hibiki wanted to just lie down all day, eat some oranges, and call it a day. But today was Monday. More importantly than that, it was the day classes were meant to start! She'd put on the uniform that UA had sent her, and once she'd confirmed with herself that she was in fact super-happy with the way it looked on her, hurried out to get to class. Hibiki had been told that she was to attend class 1-B. And so that was where she'd go! Hibiki hurried along, following her map as best as she could manage.

    While she did make a few wrong turns, getting to 1-B wasn't overly difficult. As she looked around, she saw a handful of other students. And by that she really meant only three of them, unless she'd missed one somewhere. Including that tall girl from the exam! But a lot of people seemed to be talking to her all at once, and based on their brief encounter the other day, Hibiki imagined she probably wouldn't like that all that much. It would be better to wait, right?

    But that didn't mean she couldn't sit next to the girl. Which she did. The teacher would probably ask everyone to introduce themselves anyway, right?

    I'm actually in the hero course! Look out bad guys, Hibiki Himura is on the case! Someday.

  8. ksARFRH.png

    “...and that’s why they don’t do much,” Hibiki sighed, concluding the story of her rather small and useless wings, flapping them a bit to get the point across. There were things that had to be done for this exam, and so she thought it was a good idea to establish what she could and couldn’t do with Suda. Unfortunately, most of what she could do entailed screaming at and biting people. “Sorry if that’s kind of a burden or something.”

    “Don’t sweat it.” Suda said, tossing his arms behind his hand. So the bat girl couldn’t fly, huh? It was disappointing, but it didn’t really matter at this point. “I’m sure you’ll get those things to fly… someday… maybe.” He shrugged. Not everyone could be as awesome as he was, and that was ok. Afterall, that’s why he wanted to become a hero.

    “That’s what I’m hoping for too! After all, what sort of bat hero can’t even fly?” She’d get there though! And then she’d go to all those cool places she never could access without flight. However, perhaps because her attention was turned up toward the sky, she failed to notice a rather large hole in the ground. Her foot fell in, and Hibiki abruptly only barely avoided slamming the side of her head on the ground. She could hear something though, deeper down. “Shhhh. I’m okay.”

    Suda was about to answer her question, when Hibiki suddenly fell in the rather large hole on the ground. Suda tried to go and help her, but it seemed that she was fine. “You should be more attentive!” Suda said, shaking his head. “C’mon, we have to get going. I can’t let that bug brain beat me!” He said, starting to make his way around the hole.

    “Hold on, there’s gotta be something down here, right? Wait here.” Suda rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. With that, Hibiki straightened herself out, and delved deeper into the hole. She let out that imperceptibly-high noise again, getting a feel for her surroundings in this hole, and also picking up what sounded like snoring. Too hearty to be a person’s though, unless they were very large. The more she listened to her echolocation, the more the mystery figure seemed to be… a bear? With something near it. Not another bear, at least. Slowly, quietly, and carefully, Hibiki moved further down the hole, until she found it. Two medals, though one was quite a bit closer to the entrance than the other.

    Maybe somebody found the bear then ran away?

    Well, finders keepers. That was two more medals in Hibiki’s pocket, as she - even more cautiously than how she entered - slowly backed out of the hole, with her new acquisitions in hand. “See? We should get going though, in case that bear wakes up.”

    “Not bad.” Wait, did she say bears? That sounded extremely dangerous. Luckily she seemed to be more than ok. “Let’s get going.” Suda started making his way around the whole, trying his best not to fall into it.

    “...and that’s more or less how my quirk works.” Suda said, having gone on a lengthy tangent about how awesome his quirk was. They had been walking for a while, and he had to speak up a bit due to the river that happened to be running by next to them.

    “Woah! That’s like, really really cool!” Compared to hers, Suda’s Quirk was incredibly powerful! But that meant she had a good benchmark to keep track of her progress with, right? When she was powerful enough to contend with Suda, she would be way stronger than she was right now. Using gravity like that could probably accomplish all sorts of cool things. Things liiiiiike…

    “Yeah… I’m kinda a big deal.” He said, full of himself. He turned to look around the area, before noticing something in the river. Was that… a dog!? And it was stranded on a rather large rock. “Wait here.” He said, making his way towards the river.

    The brown pug was terrified as it stood on the stone, the river’s torrent crashing into it. Suda stood at the edge of the river, thinking about how he could save the pug. The rock was pretty far away from him and, even if it was close, there was no chance that he could swim to it. He looked up to the sky, a dangerous idea coming to his mind. “Let’s give ‘em the Soaring Star Special!” He shouted, aiming his finger at the heavens.

    And as he did, an orb formed above Suda between him and his destination. Unlike the other times, however, this time the pull seemed to affect Suda. In fact, Suda jumped straight into the orb, the pull propelling him dangerously towards it. Right before he crashed into it, however, the orb dissipated, sending the boy flying through the sky.

    As he flew through the sky, he aimed again at the sky, and another orb formed. This time, the pull was relatively weak, as it slowed Suda’s descent onto the stone. The pug seemed scared, but Suda didn’t hesitate to quickly pick it up as the orb in the sky faded. In a rather swift motion, he shot another orb out and, like before, used it to propel himself back towards the road he and Hibiki were traveling.

    As he landed, he started tumbling on the ground, a beat of sweat forming on his brow as he rolled. Stylishly, he rolled back onto his feet, holding up the pug in front of him. It was then that he noticed that the pug was not, in fact, a pug and was instead a stuffed dog. “I did all that... to save a dumb plush!?” He shouted, out of breath. He got ready to toss the plush on the ground, when he saw a shimmer of light come from it. Turning it around, he found not one but two medals on the dog. “No wonder the damn thing... was so heavy…” He muttered.

    “Wooooow!” Hibiki cheered, applauding her companion’s flashy moves. “That was amazing!”

    Suda picked himself up, giving the girl a cocky grin. “Oh that? It was nothing.” Of course it wasn’t nothing, she was right. That was amazing; it was amazing that he didn’t break himself landing on the dirt. Dusting himself off, he started walking down the road again. “Let’s keep it going! By my count, we’ve almost got all the medals we need!” He said, gesturing the girl to follow him.

    “I can show you a picture after the test if you want.” Hibiki was talking about her twin sister. As much as she would have liked to show a picture right now, her phone was back in her dorm.

    “Sure.” Suda responded, giving the girl a thumbs up. “Right now, though, let’s get you that last medal.” He was tempted to ditch her to find the last medal herself; afterall, he had the 5 he needed already, and she only needed 4. However, he decided against it, as that wouldn’t be very heroic at all. Plus, he’d lose the first member of his fan club. “Now where could it...” As he looked around, he felt something jump on his head.

    “Aaugh! Hey!” He shouted, looking up to see what had just hit his head. In his sights was a rather playful looking monkey on a tree that was sticking its tongue out at him, and in its hands was a medal! In a panic, Suda checked himself to make sure the rascal hadn’t taken one of his, but luckily that didn’t seem to be the case. He let out a sigh of relief, before realizing what was happening. He turned to Hibiki. “Follow that… that goblin!” He said, as he started chasing after the monkey.

    “Got it!” And thus Hibiki started running after the monkey. He was an agile critter, but Hibiki wouldn’t be worn out with just a little bit of chasing. Keeping track of him was a bit difficult, but she was managing pretty well. How did a monkey get here anyway? Was he a teacher’s pet or something meant to steal medals? Hibiki would comment that it seemed a bit underhanded to do that, but it wasn’t like she and Suda hadn’t taken some from other students.

    Meanwhile Suda was following behind her, but he was starting to get a bit exhausted. He was relatively fit, but the spectacle he had given earlier was starting to take its toll. They weren’t making much progress, although they were keeping up with the rascal. Suda had to think of something fast, as he turned to Hibiki. “Hey, you said... you wanted to... fly, right?”


    “Then fly!” He shouted, firing off an orb into the sky towards the little monkey. Hibiki and the monkey would both feel the pull of the orb as Suda stopped running to catch his breath, his eyes on the orb.

    “Wait, what!?” But before she had any further time to protest, Hibiki was already in the air, pulled on by Suda’s gravity orb. The bat girl was launched toward the monkey, but rather than grab the monkey or his tail or anything like that, Hibiki snatched at the medal in his hands. It was quite a bit easier when he couldn’t keep jumping from tree to tree because of the gravity pulling on him. And then, the orb disappeared.

    Hibiki hadn’t really thought about that part.

    The bat girl started downward, toward the ground below. It was quite a descent. Landing flat on her face would probably hurt a lot! As if it would help, she began to flap her wings, with more and more frantic urgency as the ground got closer. While she did indeed still hit the ground with a resounding thud, it felt like maybe she softened the blow a bit? “Owowow…” That had really knocked the wind out of her. Landing on all the medals in her possession - there were five now! - didn’t help much.

    Meanwhile, Suda had just picked himself up from the ground, having collapsed after released the orb. He was sweating a bit from having made so many orbs in such a short time span. “I hope this doesn’t mess with my hair...” Suda thought out loud, before remembering what he had just done. “Oh crap… Hibiki!” He ran up to the girl, who was on the ground face-first. “You ok down there?” He asked, a sense of panic in his voice.

    “I’m okay,” Hibiki gasped, rolling over onto her back. “I just landed a bit worse than I expected. These medals are heavy. Just give me a bit to catch my breath, and watch out for the monkey.”

    Suda nodded, taking a seat next to the tree. He didn’t want to say it, but he also needed a moment to catch his breath.

    It seemed that they had made it back in time, as people had just started gathering around. As a nice bonus, there was no beetle in sight yet. “Yes~!” Suda exclaimed, pumping his fist at his victory over the towering insect student. He hoped that he made it back here with his own badged - after all, he had a prize to claim, although the satisfaction of victory was more than enough for Suda. He turned to the others that were there, and was shocked to see one of the students with a bag full of the badges they had spent time getting. “Pssh. Showoff.” Suda grunted, shaking his head, before turning back to Hibiki. “Well, we did it. Good work out there.” He said, extending his arm out to her.

    “You too,” Hibiki said, returning the handshake. It seemed that quite a few other people she recognized had made it back after all. Including one of those dangerous girls. Did the other one not make it? That was unfortunate, even if Hibiki wasn’t sure how to feel about that girl. For now, it was probably a good idea to get to know these other students. She could end up sharing a class with some of them, after all! Starting with…

    The dangerous one! People who looked dangerous were usually just misunderstood, right? And it would be way better to have her as a friend than an enemy if she was as bad as she looked. And so, keeping her badges close, Hibiki stepped up to the remarkably tall girl.

    “Hi again! I heard you and that other girl fighting in the woods earlier. Since you’re here, I guess you won? Good job! ...but try not to pick too many fights with other students. You’d probably get in trouble for that.”

  9. tSJMF5X.png

    Day 8, 8:00, Arena
    Points: 61

    W/L Record: 3/3

    "A superhero? Huh...that ain't bad. Definitely shows with what you displayed during out bout. Still, guess your world was pretty interesting if that's the case."

    "It seemed like a pretty normal place to me," Aurora shrugged. If anything, Gavin's seemed like the interesting world. Sentient AI, cool laser gadgets, probably spaceships, it all sounded like something straight out of a sci-fi movie! It got her thinking about the kinds of worlds other fighters came from too. Maybe she'd be able to visit one someday? Mmm... that actually seems like a bit too much. For now, just one foreign world was good enough for Aurora. While Gavin seemed down with Aurora's investigation plan, there was still the issue of what to do before taking off to the casino.

    She'd gotten so used to fighting in the arena before she even knew it, that having a day where she wouldn't duke it out with another fighter felt weird. Was she able to get in there for a sparring match maybe? Possibly?? It was worth a shot, right?

    "I could show you some stuff I learned in hero school if you want in the meantime, if you show me what those gadgets do. They're really cool, and I might be able to bring the ideas back to my world for support items!"

  10. hqWiIfT.png
    Location: Trailsau (Team Alola, day 27)
    Inventory: Good Rod, Antidote, Kasib Berry

    "Let's test out the new blood!"

    "I'll teach the lot of you how to behave! Come on!" 

    And just like that, chaos ensued. The whole place had erupted into a free-for-all brawl, and that meant it was time for more fighting. Some fighters - like Randy - would probably be content to be right in the middle of everything. Not Nani. She was more suited to be at the edge of the fight, if she ever fought at all. Which she had, quite a bit. I'll try to sit this one out. And for a short moment, it worked. Despite the bone she'd tossed at the Manectric - it must have missed or something - nobody was attacking Nani at first. And then she stopped being so lucky when a Pangoro walked up to her, looking real angry like her existence had offended him or something.

    What was his deal?

    Before she had much time to think about it, the Pangoro wound back for what would likely be an absolute beast of a punch. It was hard to tell over all the other fighting, but she was also pretty sure she heard him call her a "Pikachu freak". Seriously, what's with this guy? Oh well. He didn't seem to know the truth, but was about to get a harsh lesson. Nani jumped at the Pangoro, swinging her foot up to kick him in the chin, with pretty pink lights to make it count and causing it to make a satisfying popping noise on impact. And he was down.

    "I'm not a Pikachu," she sighed, leaning in closer to the Pangoro's face. "I'm a Mimikyu." ...not that you can hear me right now. You're not looking so good from that hit.

    With that, Nani turned her attention back to the things that mattered. Like Manectric. She wanted to deal with him, but also didn't want to throw herself into the middle of the chaos. And so, instead, she sat back down next to Trevor.

    "If you don't like all the fighting, why not move somewhere else with the kids? Northshore's a pretty place, even if the people living there are kinda... not that great."

  11. ZrjobFh.png

    Location: Ferry
    Poké: 740

    "Knock it off," Kanon whispered to Knight, in response to the leaves smacking her in the face. She was familiar enough with plants in her face to not be especially bothered by it, but to say it wasn't at least more than a little irritating would be a lie. However, the fight then ended, and while Kanon did loosen her grip on Knight a little bit, she wasn't sure about letting him entirely free just yet. He and Lunar would need to always have someone keeping an eye on them, wouldn't they?

    "You won, so here's from me to you. Enjoy."

    That was a custom Kanon never really understood. You lose a battle, and then you give money to the winner? Was it illegal to not pay them or something? What happened if the loser didn't have any money? Kanon cast a glance toward Oswald, who didn't seem pleased that she lost immediately after taking him out of the fight. It was time to take off, and as long as the trainers didn't stray too close to the side of the ferry, they had a few hours to kill.

    "Well, looks like we've got some time on our hands. I can't fish while the boat's moving...wanna go see what sleeping beauty's up to?"

    "Sleeping, I bet," Kanon replied. It seemed okay to let Knight loose now, maybe. And so, Kanon released the Hoppip from her grip, letting him roam free, but coupled with a stern "Don't go picking any fights, Knight."

    And then back to Oswald.

    "Do you know why trainers give people money when they lose in a battle? Is it illegal not to pay them or something?"

  12. On 3/10/2019 at 8:50 PM, VCR_CAT said:

    *rolls up sleeves*

    it's time for my final form


    (yes I know, Bandcamp link. This song isn't on Youtube.)



    23 hours ago, Shradow said:

    I love the vocals that kick in about 1:20 in. Also, "Snake of the Festival" is a kickass name.


    10 hours ago, Mr Spaz said:


    6/10, sounds more like an intro that lasts forever than a full song

    OP's suggestion. Do you like PIkmin? Because I do (even though I never got very far in a Pikmin game).


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