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Arbalest's Big Crossbow


Posts posted by Arbalest's Big Crossbow

  1. On 1/4/2021 at 4:38 AM, Tormented said:

    If you need helping find a VERY LEGITIMATE 100% LEGAL copy of Tag force 3 and 6 let me know.

    In any case I find this very enjoyable so thank you.

    I would very much appreciate a VERY LEGITIMATE 100% LEGAL copy of those two games.


    Anyway, getting this next entry done much sooner than I thought. Here's Corey.

    Tagforce 1 #10: Corey


    If you go to beach in the morning, you will find this student staring out at the ocean from the Beach. What is he looking at? Does he like staring at it? Does he want to spot a whale surface for air? Did he have a late friend who was taken by the sea and he wants nothing more than revenge? Let's ask him why he-


    Oh, ok. A bit rude. Maybe if I give him a sandwich, he will be more cordial to-


    So much for that. Anyway, he doesn't return to the beach in the afternoon. Instead, he hangs out at the Volcano. I have no idea why the Volcano is such a hot spot in the afternoons (... ... ... ... ... knOWledGe Of puN iNtenTiON deNied...), but he's one of five people who hang out there, the only one who isn't right beside someone else. His cold, robotic speech and his deck of choice make it seem like Corey here just doesn't like people. It's like he does everything he can to put them off. He isn't here to give you any advice or to reference the show. He wants you to go away. And go away we shall - to the next part of this entry.


    I'd like to think that originally Corey was meant to have a more potent Final Countdown deck, without the burn cards tossed in, but the people designing the game realized how unfun it was to duel him so they changed his deck to be much more merciful. Instead of having turn after turn of Trap Cards canceling your Battle Phase, he instead runs this FC/burn near-highlander disaster. He can still be tough to duel, but he's so much easier than he could be. His Solar Flare Dragons and Lava Golem work well with his stall cards, but aside from that the two win conditions aren't all that compatible.

    I was thinking to myself, "Hmm, Final Countdown is really annoying to play against, so do I really want to remake his deck as the infamous anti-BP stall-til-you-win deck?" And maybe the answer to that question is yes.

    Corey needs to figure out what kind of deck he wants to run, either Final Countdown or Burn, but not both. Since Final Countdown is more unique to him, I'll just go with that. Toss out all of the burn cards. Final Countdown works by trading one card to stop the opponent from attacking, so this means I will also have to ditch almost all the monsters. While I'm at it, get rid of the Magical Mallet, Creature Swap, Shallow Grave, Draining Shield, and maybe even the Snatch Steal as OP as it is. In their place, put in the remaining copies of Final Countdown and Different Dimension Capsule - consistency is important. Now, instead of adding three copies of Threatening Roar, Waboku, and Thunder of Ruler, I'm going to also make him more merciful, just in a way that still functions as decent stall. He can still run some of those Traps I mentioned, but not all three of them. Instead, I wanna have him focus on creating monster locks, such as The Dark Door and Gyroid, Marauding Captain, and Command Knight. These locks tend to be annoying but you can get past them with removal, as opposed to the infinite line of Traps that is pretty much only countered with Jinzo or Royal Decree.


    Score: 8/10

    Next up, we'll be going back to Ra Yellow to talk about Craig. See you then!

  2. 6 minutes ago, worK said:

    Just a heads up, I'm going to be considering this kind of content spam moving forward. I just want to be fair and let you know ahead of time. If you'd like to make a case for why I should or should not operate the forum in a panopticonic manner, please send me a PM and we'll talk.

    Don't forget to consider this kind of content spam moving backwards too

  3. I've been goofing off in YCM a while and one thing I can say concerning that site is that projection is one hell of a drug.

    Tagforce 1 #9: Colin


    Finally, someone from the Ra Yellow dorm. Colin is a dork who likes to hang out at the main gate of the school, even after school's over. He's the only generic duelist that gives you a dialogue tree when you talk to him, because he asks you something important: "Do you have a card crush in your deck?" When I first saw this question, my moron child self thought he was talking about Crush Card Virus for some reason, so this was really weird to me. It took me way too long to realize what he actually meant.

    As it turns out, card crushes are an odd minor theme in GX. They are cards that you add to your deck because you like them very a lot. Cards that don't fit in the deck at all, but they make your skin tingle when you look at them. Basically, you added the Dark Magician Girl to your deck for no reason you weirdo. What the hell is wrong with you? Syrus will oftentimes comment that his card crush is Thunder Nyan Nyan, and even Bastion, the Yugioh Einstein or whatever, is not immune to this. His card crush is White Magician Pikeru. Colin serves to instruct the player that adding cards to their deck because they make their peepee hard is actually a very bad idea and not to do it. Don't do it or else he will be disappointed in you. And also it will make your deck worse, but that's not as important.



    So, Colin runs a Charmer Deck. He has figured out how to run card crushes without compromising his deck - or that would be what I would say if he weren't also running a bunch of flavor cards like Dryad and Petit Dragon. I don't think I've ever made Charmers simply because they look terribly RNG dependent. Like if your opponent is running an EARTH deck and you draw Hiita. Or if your opponent runs a bunch of LIGHT monsters and you can't do anything except sit there and die because Lyna the Light Charmer wouldn't be released for another 4 years. It also does not help one bit that his deck is so cramped that he cannot run any particular charmer at 3 copies, ironically due to his random deck additions that are functionally the same as card crushes despite not being traditional card crushes. I mean, unless you are madly in love with the Archfiend Marmot of Nefariousness and want to marry it? Doriado is actually great for Fuh-Rin-Ka-Zan, but by running only 1 of those and not actually working for a Doraido deck this is just a terribly inconsistent combo that leaves him with even more dead cards.

    I would immediately get rid of all of the familiars from this deck, as well as the rest of the normal monsters. I'd also get rid of the Spiritual Arts except for a copy or two of the WATER one, since having so many of these just adds RNG on top of even more RNG, and you really don't need that. He can also afford to lose the Weed Out since it's quite likely he will trip over it. Instead, you need to make sure you have the right Charmer for the situation. Cards like Sangan, Cyber Jar, and the Pots of Greed and Avarice will help out consistency immensely. DNA Transplant allows you to switch your opponent's monsters' Attributes to work with the Charmers you drew, though it permanently disables the other ones unless you have Heavy Storm or Giant Trunade. Swords of Revealing Light is great for allowing you to Flip Summon a Charmer without being smacked in the face for a lot of damage on the next turn. Finally he can add some cards that want to Tribute the monsters he steals. Cards like Enemy Controller, Share the Pain, or Tribute Summonable monsters like  the Monarchs Zaborg or Mobius.


    Colin has too many waifus to put into one deck. This time he runs a deck based around White Magician Pikeru and Black Magician Curran, both in functionality as well as flavor. He then adds Fire Princess so that his normally use-impaired heal effects can be used to inflict burn damage. There's also a bunch of Token generators so that he can get even more healing and/or burn damage off with cards like Token Thanksgiving and Token Feastevil (I only learned today that the card's name isn't Token Festival). Creature Swap lets him trade one of those tokens with an opponent's monster.

    I'm even less knowledgeable about Princess decks than I am with Charmers, but, off the bat, get rid of cards like Queen's Double, Princess of Tsurugi, and the Pikeru Traps, since they barely contribute to the strategy. He could also ditch the Fire Sorcerers since they require you to lose two cards for an Ookazi, which is completely terrible. These cards can be replaced with a battle floater to help find either Pikeru, Curran, or Fire Princess. I say use one of these because I think he should also run a copy of a low-ATK Level 5+ monster that you can also search up. For example, if he runs UFO Turtle to search up his Fire Princess, he can also run Woodborg Inpachi as a wall that he can later swap over to his opponent with Creature Swap, then kill it for his Trial of the Princesses. Alternatively, he could just give up on the Trial of the Princesses strategy because it sucks so much ass.

    Since Colin has one of those special multi-choice answers and is the only generic duelist to use more than one deck, it seems like he was supposed to be more important to the player than he ended up being when the game released. This is a shame, because I'd love to see more interesting generics. Anyways, the next duelist is pure evil! I'll see you all when I'm done procrastinating for a month!

    Score: 9/10

  4. 26 minutes ago, ass said:

    ass or titties

    also the member ass

    if i have to choose between you or some birds, I'm gonna pick the birds

    Nah but for real I don't really have that much of a preference between the two. Having a nice ass or titties is kinda nice and all but at the same time it's not too big of a deal to me if they're lacking.


    As for the member ass he's an ass and won't give me the modern Yugioh information I secretly crave. Cuz I'm at a point where I'm not exactly sure that I'd get back into the regular game but I would still love to hear more about it, preferably without having to listen to a bunch of noobs from Pojo or whatever modern-day Pojo is now. And then ass can be cooler than titties

    also ycm didn't need new mods but you should've been mod. you should totally shadow duel enguin and take his modship away from him, that coward

  5. 6 hours ago, Hina's Simp said:

    opinion on me

    Your posts bring me some good chuckles every now and then.  ThoughI'm probably just becoming too distant to the community, but I keep forgetting how often you're just messing around when you post, then I get worried that you're going to go all high society on us and start calling people Foucaultic Disasterpieces or some other shit that would be completely and utterly incomprehensible to people who don't study philosophy.

    I really shouldn't make opinions when I'm half tired this post took me 2 hours to write up. Granted I was watching a stream but still

  6. I forgot to mention it in the previous post but you're getting two of the Elemental Masters in a row. I'm sure you're all blown away by this.


    Tagforce 1 #8: Celia


    The lone girl of the Elemental Master group. Celia, like Brown before her, has an entire character gimmick based around her attribute, and since she is the Wind one, of course she always talks about blowing. Her favorite part of the island is the breeze and she refuses sandwiches because they can be blown away with a little bit of wind... Either she is vastly understating how much wind is involved here or the sandwiches she's seen weigh as much as a sheet of paper. She also mentions that the island is in the Pacific Ocean, in case you needed to know that. When the Elemental Masters are all together, she's always beside the leader of the group, Seydina, so naturally I keep assuming that the two are dating. Now that I think of it, what if the Elemental Masters are just Seydina and his friends, and they have this exclusive clique because they're all a bunch of massive dorks.

    She's an Elemental Master so of course this deck is complete garbage. She kinda wants to run the super ancient DNA Insect deck, but she also wants to run WIND Beatdown, and she also wants to run... Fairy Guardian? She runs Guardian Elma, but since her needed equip spell is banned she can't do anything with at. At least she can search it with Arsenal Summoner. And at least she can search her despairingly awful Fairy Guardian. Sasuke Samurai 1 and 4 are both decent, 2 is not. Also I love how she runs Magic Reflector seemingly for the chance that she has to Heavy Storm her own Field Spell or resurrection cards. And then there is Insect Queen, which is famous for being a Wind monster.

    What would I do to fix this deck? Well, my very first choice would be to make Syun the real Wind Elemental Master, as he runs a Wind deck that is actually pretty decent. But failing that, maybe build a deck based around Simorgh, Bird of Divinity since I don't think anyone does that in this game. Simorgh isn't a great card, but we can make something work.



    Book of Moon

    3x Bottomless Trap Hole

    Call of the Haunted

    Dark Hole

    3x Dust Tornado

    3x Flying Kamakiri #1

    3x Giant Trunade

    Heavy Storm

    Lightning Vortex

    Magic Cylinder

    Mystical Space Typhoon

    Pot of Avarice

    Pot of Greed

    Premature Burial

    2x Rising Air Current

    3x Sakuretsu Armor

    3x Simorgh, Bird of Divinity

    3x Slate Warrior

    2x Spear Dragon

    Swift Birdman Joe

    Swords of Revealing Light

    3x Whirlwind Prodigy

    I've barely tested this deck, but it works smoothly enough in the tests I have done. Bottomless and Sakuretsu are amazing cards and do a great job at protecting your Spear Dragon, while Giant Trunade can open your opponent up for some aggression in addition to a 1000 burn per Simorgh, AND THEN on top of that you can recycle your CotH or Swords with it. Geez I wonder why that card got banned... The world may never know. I decided to run only WIND monsters because Celia is supposed to be the Wind Elemental Master, so running cards like Sangan, Marshmallon, or Chiron the Mage are unfortunately out of the question.

    Score: 2/10

    Up next we will finally, after all this time, see one (1) single Ra Yellow student!

  7. On 12/17/2020 at 10:49 PM, Thar said:

    what made you assume that?

    don't think I don't know you were a part of him being banned on YCM. I've got my eye on you

    you can't prove that! you can't prove that I'm behind Yui's ban!


    Uhhhhh, deepest darkest secret that you're willing to post on a children's card game forum? For blackmail purposes in case you do find evidence that I banned yui

  8. Crusolar Commander
    Fairy/LIGHT/Level 4/ATK 1800/DEF 1600
    If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can place 1 "Crusolar" monster from your hand or side of the field in your Spell & Trap Card Zone as a Continuous Spell. If this card inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent: You can add 1 "Crusolar" monster from your Deck to your hand, except "Crusolar Commander," and if you do, place this card face-up in your Spell & Trap Card Zone as a Continuous Spell. If your opponent activates a Spell or Trap Card while this card is a Continuous Spell and you control another "Crusolar" Continuous Spell: You can send this card to the GY; negate that effect.

    Crusolar Conjurer
    Spellcaster/LIGHT/Level 4/ATK 1000/DEF 900
    If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can Special Summon 1 "Crusolar Drake Token" (Wyrm/LIGHT/Level 4/ATK 1800/DEF 1500), and if you do, place this card in your Spell & Trap Card Zone as a Continuous Spell. If a "Crusolar" monster(s) is sent from your field to the GY: You can send this Continuous Spell to the GY, then target 1 of those cards; place it in your Spell & Trap Card Zone as a Continuous Spell, but its effects are negated until the end of the turn.

    Crusolar Lancer
    Fairy/LIGHT/Level 4/ATK 1500/DEF 1000
    If your opponent's monster attacks and this card is a Continuous Spell: You can send this card to the GY; negate the attack, and if you do, decrease the ATK/DEF of that monster by 500. This card gains the following effects depending on the number of "Crusolar" Continuous Spells you control:
    1+: This card inflicts Piercing Damage.
    2+: When this card attacks an opponent's monster: Negate that monster's effect until the end of the Battle Phase.
    3: Your opponent cannot activate Spell or Trap Cards during your Battle Phase.

    Crusolar Magus
    Spellcaster/LIGHT/Level 4/ATK 1200/DEF 1000
    If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can target 1 "Crusolar" monster in your Spell & Trap Card Zone; Special Summon it. This effect of "Crusolar Magus" can only be activated once per turn. During the Damage Step, if this card attacks an opponent's monster: You can send 1 "Crusolar" Continuous Spell you control to the GY; destroy the opponent's monster.

    Crusolar Paladin
    Warrior/LIGHT/Level 4/ATK 1900/DEF 1500
    If this card attacks a monster while you control a "Crusolar" Continuous Spell Card: That monster loses 500 ATK and DEF until the end of the turn. If this card inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent: You can draw 1 card, and if you do, place this card face-up in your Spell & Trap Card Zone as a Continuous Spell. If an opponent's monster activates its effect while this card is a Continuous Spell and you control another "Crusolar" Continuous Spell: You can send this card to the GY; negate that effect.

    Crusolar Rethresher
    Fish/LIGHT/Level 4/ATK 1300/DEF 1800
    If your opponent declares a direct attack while you control a "Crusolar" Continuous Spell: You can Special Summon this card from your hand, and if you do, change the attack target to this card. If this card inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent: You can target 1 card you control; shuffle it into your Deck, and if you do, place 1 "Crusolar" monster from your hand, Deck, or GY in your Spell & Trap Card Zone as a Continuous Spell. Each effect of "Crusolar Rethresher" can only be activated once per turn.

    Crusolar Sniper
    Warrior/LIGHT/Level 2/ATK 800/DEF 2000
    If you Normal or Special Summon a "Crusolar" monster: You can place this card from your hand or side of the field in your Spell & Trap Card Zone as a Continuous Spell. If a "Crusolar" monster you control battles an opponent's monster while this card is a Continuous Spell: You can send this card to the GY; the opponent's monster loses 1000 ATK/DEF and your opponent takes Piercing Damage from all battles involving it. These changes last until the end of the turn.

    Crusolar Dual Advance
    Normal Spell
    Reveal 1 "Crusolar" monster in your hand; add 1 "Crusolar" monster with the same Type to your Deck to your hand, then place the revealed card in your Spell & Trap Card Zone as a Continuous Spell.

    Crusolar Eternal Hall
    Field Spell
    If this card is activated: You can place 1 "Crusolar" monster from your hand, Deck, or GY in your Spell & Trap Card Zone as a Continuous Spell. If an opponent's monster attacks or is attacked: Decrease the ATK/DEF of that monster by 300 for each "Crusolar" Continuous Spell you control during the Damage Step. You can only activate 1 "Crusolar Eternal Hall" per turn.

    Crusolar Skycavalry
    Xyz/Fairy/LIGHT/Rank 4/ATK 2000/DEF 1700
    2 Level 4 monsters
    Once per turn, when your opponent activates a card effect during the Battle Phase: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; negate the activation, and if you do, destroy that card. During your opponent's Main Phase: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; place this card in your Spell & Trap Card Zone as a Continuous Spell with the following effect:
    * Decrease the ATK/DEF of all monsters your opponent controls by 500.




    I took out the Field Spell's win condition because it would be too easy to accomplish on a 3-card backrow. I also tried to make it so the cards didn't have a billion effects but tbh they still do. I don't think I could repurpose all the cards due to smaller deck space and the fact that Duel Links is an entirely different beast where some of these battle effects would be too powerful (like for example, they don't even have Scrap-Iron Scarecrow). So now it's just a beatdown stunny deck that puts its monsters in the backrow to be d i s t i n c t i v e.

    Thoughts would be appreciated!

  9. But if it means anything, by becoming mod you'll permaban your... reputation? Does that make any sense?

    Anyways my point is YCM hates mods and the funniest part about the mod appointment thread was knowing this and watching them do it anyway.

  10. There are people who are absolutely willing to spend all of their free time in Discord calls and it's been draining my energy lately. How do they even manage to do this? It's wild. Just befriending someone and spending all day playing video games with them, for multiple days. Anyways, I'm blaming the fabled 'people on Discord' for this next entry being so late.

    Tagforce 1 #7: Brown


    Ah, the Elemental Masters. Six Obelisk Blue students that are always together, whether it's on the Dueling Field in the mornings or at the Obelisk Blue Boys dorm in the evenings. They all have corny lines pertaining to their respective element, some funnier than others. Brown is one of the funnier ones, what with lines like:


    Please help, this sandwich is overshadowing me, please, I'm begging you, stop paying attention to the sandwich




    I hope you enjoyed those lines, because that's all there is to Brown as a character. He tries to be sneaky but gets jealous that he is less popular than a sandwich.


    When I got back into the game and saw the Elemental Masters, I forgot that they actually suck ass. In fact, they're supposed to suck ass, and you can tell because they only offer you 100 DP for defeating them rather than the normal 200 other Obelisk Blue students give. Brown probably has the worst of the bunch, with a horridly unfocused deck. I think he is supposed to have a focus on combat tricks (yes I am stealing that term from MtG, shut up) and he just runs cards like Spiritualism and Dark Mirror Force for the aesthetic. He also has some banishing cards like Lesser Fiend and Soul Demolition; the latter is actually pretty decent but the former is, wait for it, o u t s h a d o w e d by Dark Ruler Ha Des. On the bright side, Brown's deck is the first of the duelists shown so far that I can recreate! I don't have to theorize about how bad it is, I can load it and experience how utterly crappy this deck is in person! You know, in case I need to find out that Bite Shoes is bad.

    So, here's how I rebuilt his deck. It hasn't been tested yet, but I can just sneak back here after a while and reflect on what I did wrong and what improved.



    2x Bark of Dark Ruler

    Call of the Haunted

    Cyber Jar

    Dark Hole

    3x Dark Jeroid

    Dark Necrofear

    2x Dark Ruler Ha Des

    2x Exarion Universe

    2x Goblin King

    Heavy Storm

    2x Legendary Fiend

    Lightning Vortex

    2x Mystic Plasma Zone

    3x Mystic Tomato

    Mystical Space Typhoon

    Pot of Avarice

    Pot of Greed

    Premature Burial

    3x Doomcalibur Knight

    2x Soul Demolition

    2x Swords of Concealing Light

    2x Twin-Headed Wolf

    3x Wall of Illusion

    I kept going from trying to make a Fiend deck that isn't an exact copy of the game's resident Fiend duelist by including cards she doesn't use such as Legendary Fiend and Dark Necrofear, and a DARK-themed beatdown deck that uses cards like Doomcalibur Knight and Exarion Universe boosted by the Field spell. I don't really know why I took out the Guardian cards, since Baou is actually pretty decent once you get him his first kill, but maybe I can take out some of the cards that don't mesh well here to put them back in. Puppet Magic honestly is kinda alright, but a bunch of the stronger cards in this deck can't be Special Summoned by it and that sucks.

    Score: 4/10

  11. This next character should be made mod.

    Tagforce 1 #6: Bivin


    First Obelisk Blue boy, both in name and in the duelist list, found taking a morning walk in the woods or in the duel field after class. The wiki says that he doesn't have much self-confidence, but his lines imo sound more like he's just laid back. When I think of an Obelisk Blue student, I think of people like Zachary from Duel Links - a total asshole who looks down on everyone else. Bivin is nothing like that. In fact, there's only like one Obelisk Blue who is hostile towards you, besides Chazz at the beginning.


    Like many of the other generic NPCs, he gives you a deckbuilding tip when you talk to him. His is that you need to be good at both drawing the right cards and playing those cards well in order to be a great duelist. The latter is something you can master, but the former is basically him telling you to run Pot of Greed or have the heart of the cards on your side at all times.


    This line after you duel him suggests that he can see card spirits, which I think only a select few people can actually do? I'm not actually sure, but I'm just going to say that yes he can see them. Anyways I feel like I'm scratching the bottom of the barrel with this character's, er, character pretty quickly, so let's move on to his deck.

    First of all, I want to point out that Tagforce 1 exaggerates the frown that duelists make when they lose and it's fucking hilarious. And the thing is that this doesn't happen immediately. The duelists will say their "Oh no I lost" line, stop, and then a half-second later the game takes their normal mouth shape and does this with it. It was probably not all that noticeable on the PSP but on a bigger screen it sticks out.

    Anyways, Bivin! If it weren't for the AI being so bad that Nova (and Woody to a lesser extent) can't even properly play their own alternative win conditions, then Bivin would be the worst Obelisk Blue student by a mile. His deck looks like it should belong to a Ra Yellow student who runs amazing backrow with a shitty monster lineup. (We will actually be seeing a Ra Yellow who does exactly that soon!) He runs a bunch of turtle monsters for the sake of running turtle monsters, backed up by a fearsome assortment of Trap Hole cards. Cards like Blood Sucker are apparently ran because their Japanese name contains "kame" so he for some reason thinks that they're turtles? Idk, it's weird and a horrible choice.

    If I were to remake this deck, I would pretty much just start over. Barely any of the turtles have any synergy with one another. Like, at best, he can run Island Turtle with Gora Turtle and Raregold Armor to create an attack lock but the rest of the turtles should go. Mother Grizzly would be great for helping to set this lock up. The Blood Suckers can be taken out too. His Trap Hole lineup is pretty solid, the only one I'd cut is D.D. Trap Hole and maybe the Adhesion one too. To fill his deck back up after removing the very heart and soul of it, you could just put his sideboard in there (take out Gernia for Vampire Lord though - yes I have once again suggested running Vampire Lord). He could use Pyramid Turtle to find his Double Coston then Tribute that for, uh, Barrel Dragon or Invader of Darkness or something. Maybe he doesn't even have to use 2-Tribute DARK monsters, he could just use Blowback Dragon or the Vampires or something instead. He also has an astonishingly low amount of staples for an Obelisk Blue. I mean, his tip was to run Pot of Greed so surely he should also be running it.

    Score: 4/10

    The next duelist I will review is the first of the dreaded Elemental Masters!

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