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The Old Charlelot


Everything posted by The Old Charlelot

  1. Hey everyone, So, I really don’t think I am exaggerating much when I say that the “Charmers” and “Familiar-Possessed” are almost universally loved by the entire Yu-Gi-Oh community. Some of us who have been here for a while remember when they first came out in the GX era and have been watching their painfully slow evolution over the years; patiently waiting for the time we would be able to use them in a real duel. Needless to say that, when Konami FINALLY decided to give us what we all wanted, an entire Structure Deck complimenting the “Charmers”, I was ecstatic to say the least. Now that I have seen the entire list, I regret ever getting exited for this. I mean, only 5 new card to compliment this old and very slow archetype? With only a handful of them being actually useful in a modern duel? Really Konami ? The Sacred Beast Deck got 8 new cards, all of them excellent. Sure, they may have made new artworks for the “Familiar-Possessed” and a few exquisitely designed Tokens, but those things don’t make the deck playable against newer archetypes do they? So I began to work on ideas on what this deck needs to work somewhat against things like “Shaddolls”, “Salamangreat” and the like. This is what I came up with for now. I tried to keep a little of the Toolbox-ish / klunky aspect of the original “Charmers” while providing more field control for an archetype that relies so heavily on Normal Summoning. So that the end of my rant. Have a look and tell me what you guys think. Monsters Cards: Spells Cards: Trap Cards: Extra Deck:
  2. Alright, so this archetype is now finished (I think). It is now possible to make a full main Deck using only the cards I created. Have a look and tell me what you think.
  3. Hey everyone, I think quarantine may have chipped away at my sanity. I mean, why else would I try to create an archetype that almost entirely relies on a few Ritual Monsters and a couple Spell Cards to do everything a functional Deck should be able to do to win games? Nevertheless, I decided to embrace the madness and go ahead with the idea. It’s not quite complete yet, I’ll try to make it so you could build an entire 40 cards Deck using only my archetype, but for now, this is what I got. Tell me what you think, I need suggestions! Monster Cards: Spell Cards: Extra Deck: Side Cards: Cards to finish up the Archetype:
  4. I was pretty satisfied with Frostheart too but I realized that if I had multiple of them in the GY, then all monsters I controlled that have Counters on them would all gain 2450 ATK multiple times. As much as I would like the idea of a Forest Wolf with almost 10000 ATK, I think it’s way too OP. As for Ravenform, I changed it as you suggested. *Edit* Alright, so I couldn't sleep until I somewhat fixed Frosheart. So here we go, latest fix in place.
  5. Hey there, thanks for the feedback. It seems I spaced out during Ravenform Dragon’s creation and forgot that Golden Castle also inflicts damage to the opponent, making my card redundant. My bad. I changed it a little bit and it might still be a bit strong, but then again, it is meant to be a boss monster after all. As for Frostheart Tykes, well yeah, I messed up. I thought I could simply get away with it with an Ojama Trio-like explainer but it simply does not work with Counters. Once again, my bad. I believe that the current version would work properly, even if it is now vulnerable to D.D. Crow. The hardest part really, was fitting the Fusion monsters’ effect within my 140 words limit with at least 1 of their Fusion Material still needing to list the Golden Castle in its card text. *Edit* Scratch that, Frostheart Tykes still nedds a bit of work. I'll think about it and get back to it tomorrow.
  6. Hey everyone, Here are some additions to the “Golden Castle of Stromberg” archetype. Some of the cards here come from the anime and have been slightly modified to fit better with the existing support, others are my own creation, inspired by their respective stories in Grimm’s Fairy Tales and Fables comics. Have a read and tell me what you all think. Monster Cards: Spell Cards: Trap Cards: Extra Deck:
  7. Hey everyone, A short idea that was hanging at the back of my head. Nobody seems to like (or even remember) the old Unit Cyber cards nowadays. Rightfully so in my opinion, they're pretty terrible. But I like their design, and so, I need to make them at least playable. So here it is. Have a read and tell me what you think. Spell Cards: Trap Cards: Extra Deck:
  8. Hey everyone, Crystal Beasts just had a new wave of support come out in the OCG but personally, I found it to be pretty underwhelming. Here is the type of cards I believe the deck needs to have a little more bite. Have a read and tell me what you think. Spell Cards: Trap Cards: Extra Deck:
  9. Hey everyone, So, I have been reminiscing about the ARC-V anime lately and I was inspired by the idea of using every Summoning techniques in the game in a single deck. And here is the result (so far). If I were to compare it to other existing decks in the game, I would say it is a mix of D/D/D and Thunder Dragons with a bit of other stuff mixed in. The name of the archetype, “Eltheric” is not really final (I think it’s the name of a sea in Elder Scrolls lore) but it seemed cool enough while I think of something better. Anyway, have a look and tell me what you think. Monster Cards: Spell Cards: Trap Cards: Extra Deck: Other Ideas:
  10. Hey there, I mostly really like the new cards. They seem well balanced and bring interesting gameplay to the table. The only real exception to that rule would be Reliquary Knight. In my opinion, it may not be good idea for it to have both the effect of allowing you to Tribute your opponent's monsters and another ability that let you instantly profit from that previously mentionned effect. It feels a bit like combining Darkest Diabolos and Lair of Darkness in one package. Other than that, nice work.
  11. Hey everyone, So, in the GX anime, chancellor Sheppard is revealed to be the master of the Cyber Art dojo, taking youngsters to a remote temple in the mountains and teach them to… use Machine-Type monsters I guess. While the exact significance of the Cyber training school is not really revealed in the show, it is implied that, being the place’s MASTER, Sheppard would be a very competent duelist with a Deck fit for his talent. Unfortunately, that is never really shown and there have not been any subsequent additions to the “Cyber Ogre” archetype since Cyberdark Impact. With all the support that Cyber Dragon Decks have been getting lately, I figured it was about time to help out another Machine series in need. So here it is. To be honest, I’m worried I went a little bit overboard with those cards, but in my defense, it is Cyber Ogres were talking about. Anyway, feel free to browse and tell me what you think. Monster Cards: Spell Cards: Trap Cards: Extra Deck: Other Ideas: Update for cards from the Anime:
  12. Hey everyone, So, do you guys remember the old “Element” monsters? You know, from Soul of the Duelist… No one else? Well guess that’s ok, Konami really did not do anything to get them out of obscurity after they released them in the early 2000s. Thankfully, I am here and this is my attempt to do something useful with these very inconveniently named cards. I may think about it more later and change some stuff but for now this is what I got. Anyway, feel free to check it out and tell me what you think. Monster Cards: Spell Cards: Trap Cards: Extra Deck: Other Ideas:
  13. Hey there, LV monsters have always been my favorite ever since I started playing Yu-Gi-Oh all those years ago. Glad someone else is trying to make them some support. Now for my critiques. The effects of the Xyz monsters seem mostly fine. I can see a few instances where the text could lead to questionable timing/confusing situations but nothing that breaks the cards. Those seem more like nitpicks to me, so I won’t waste time writing about it. The effect of the Rank-Up Magic card is also fine but in my opinion, it’s a bit bland. Pre-Arc V RUM cards always had interesting and strange effects that would allow players to Summon extremely powerful monsters provided the one who played it payed a price or fulfilled some exclusive conditions. Your simply looks like an upgraded Level Up! That would only affect Armed Dragons. Although nothing is wrong with that, I’m not a fan. I have mixed feelings about Shadow of the Armed Dragon. I totally get what you were going for but I think it’s entirely too strong since you can just bring it back to your hand for no cost anytime you Summon an Armed Dragon (including Hardened Armed Dragon). That card is never dead and both its effect can be activated during the same turn without any consequence. That’s bound to pose problems. I know Armed Dragon aren’t really powerful right now but such cards can be used as engine in the future by some bright duelist that is way smarter than myself, and I don’t like that. Once again for Aura of the Armed Dragon, I think I know what you were going for but considering the current state of the Metagame, I think that card is really underpowered to be used with an archetype that is as inconsistent as Armed Dragons. In my opinion, when designing a card that would only affect Battles, don’t be too afraid to go crazy (as long as your card does not guarantee a consistent OTK). Also, I would be very interested leaning about your inspiration/possible storyline that would have influenced the design of your cards. If you feel like it, do feel free to post it.
  14. Hey everyone, Here is my backup for various archetypes I updated. Have a look and tell me what you think. Alchemy Beast: Bonding: Cipher: Cyberdark: Dark Scorpion: Destiny HERO: Gusto: LV: Neo-Spacian: Nordic: Ojama: Spirits: Reactor: Zoa/Metalmorph:
  15. Hey everyone, I’ve always wanted Konami to give some support to our lord, our savior, the great MOKEY MOKEY. Since they have failed at this task, I will humbly prostrate myself before the altar of the soap-bar-shaped-god and vow to do my upmost to win his favor (and by that I mean make some support for the great-one himself). Brothers and sisters, I beseech thee to look upon my work and leave a comment, as an offering to the magnificent angelic cuboid. Praise be to MOKEY MOKEY! Monster Cards: Spell Cards: Trap Cards: Extra Deck:
  16. Hey there, First off, I see quite a few problems with the language used for each of the individual card effects. They feel more like anime or manga descriptions rather than usable modern cards. If I correctly understand what you were trying to to with these cards, their effects should be something like this: Lord of the Seas You can send this card you control to the GY, then select 1 WATER Monster with 1500 or less DEF from your Deck; Set it to your field. Mermaid Once per turn, you can pay 100 LP; this card gains 100 ATK. Evil Sea Queen If this card is Special Summoned from your Extra Deck or GY, except by a Fusion Summon; you can pay 1000 LP, and if you do, increase this card's ATK and DEF by 500. ALright, now for the critique. I personally think Lord of the Seas can be OP, since it does not have any drawbacks and allows you to basically place a monster from your Deck to the field for free. Furthermore, there are no restrictions on the number of times per turn in which you can use its effect. That makes it dangerous and unbalanced. The other two cards on the other hand, are incredibly weak by today's standards and are not part of a well defined archetype or any card series I can think of. This greatly limits their potential use in a modern duel and unless there is a really cool story behind them or some kickass artwork, I can't really see why those cards need to exist right now. I don't mean to sound harsh but thats my honest opinion. In any case, keep at it and have a good day.
  17. Hey everyone, I always loved Elemental HERO monsters from way back when they came out in The Lost Millennium to the new ones that have come out recently. That being said, while the newer heroes are way more powerful and a thousand times more versatile than the original, I always felt that their visual design was somewhat lacking. Call it nostalgia or a silly crush, I’ve always wanted to use the OG Heroes in a somewhat descent manner in a modern duel Deck. So this is my love letter to the old Heroes and while they may never be as powerful or popular than the manga cards, they will never be forgotten. Some of you that are familiar with the yugiohcardmaker may remember some of those card but since I first posted these on the web, my ideas for the archetype have evolved considerably. So have a look and tell me what you think. Monsters: Spell Cards: Trap Cards: Extra Deck: Other Cards: Anime Card Update:
  18. Hey everyone, Long-time no see. So… yeah, I’ve really been on a 5Ds tangent the past few months, and for the longest time, I felt that the producers of the show really have dropped the ball in term of giving their main characters well defined archetypes that are interesting as well as being powerful. In an effort to rectify this situation, I’ll be looking to create a few new cards for Luna, a child character who is supposed to be a dueling prodigy but only managed to duel a grand total of 3 times in the entire series and who’s card have no synergy whatsoever. Let me tell you guys, that was harder than I t thought. To be honest, I’m not even sure it would actually work as a functioning archetype but … eh what the hell right ? In any case, feel free to look and tell me what you think. Monster Cards: Spell Cards: Extra Deck:
  19. Overall, I really like them. Still got a few things to say though. Maybe its only me, but I really think that Frostwave Xyvern is pretty OP, seign as the opponent wouldn't even be able to activate their face-down cards during his/her turn. Despite that, I really like the second effect, allowing to set 1 card face-down. Just one more thing, I think you made a little mistake in Sandspiral's effect (face-card). Not really a problem with the card itself but worth pointing at I guess. Anyway, good stuff. Hope to see more soon.
  20. Pretty nice Archetype, though I think that a few of your cards (most notably Rocknoceros Scarpdasher and Rocknoceros Range) feel a bit too generically good (like a better Cyber Dragon and Destiny Draw). Also, I question the phrasing used for the first effect of the major Synchro Monsters. Since it would be impossible to use more than 1 Rocknoceros Peakprimer to Summon those monsters, the way that effect if worded just seems weird to me. All and all, I like it. Just wondering, what was the inspiration behind those monsters and their typing. I'm gessing there could be an interesting story behind that.
  21. Hey there, Heavy Union Support Transport seems fine, if a little generic. Although I think you made a little mistake in its effect since its not a Union monster, making it impossible for it to target itself with its own effect. I gotta admit I an also not a fan of Super Union Combination Machine either. It seem to be catering way to much for the ABC Archetype even though they really dont need it. I would prefer if this card would support lesser known Union monsters. Knoami made a bunch back in the day and it would be fun to see those make a comeback.
  22. Hey everyone, During the last Christmas break, I ended up watching a few episodes of the old 5Ds anime and this time around, I couldn’t help but notice that four out of the six Signer Dragons never really got an upgraded form or a chance to shine in the OCG/TCG. Since all of those creatures are supposed to represent the power of the mighty Crimson Dragon, I believed that it was only fair to provide a few new cards that would help even the playing field for all of the main characters of the show and perhaps, make those lesser dragons more useful/fun to use (I am looking at you Black-Winged Dragon). Anyhow, have a look and tell me what you think. Majestic Archtype: Other 5Ds Dragons (and a few "companion cards"):
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