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The Chayncemaniac


Posts posted by The Chayncemaniac

  1. This should've gone up yesterday but for reasons, I forgot to post this... but here is

    DAY 2





    NIGHT 2






    Heads up for Day and Night 3... we have our first of 2 Arena Events tomorrow! So Tomorrow will have Day 3, Arena Event 1 and Night 3, in that order!

  2. Are there some songs that when they come on during your playlist that would shock people that know you personally? Post them here, let's see those shocking songs! For me there's quite a few, but I'll post the main 3 that shock people when they are around me... keep in mind, I'm known for listening to country music around my friends and family


    Funny story about the Melanie Martinez video... I've actually introduced LOTS of friends and family to her through that song

  3. I was planning on doing a Pokemon one, but I'm more of a Digimon fan so I called an audible and made this... here's the districts! Will post the Bloodbath on Wednesday, and will do like I did on my last Hunger Games, Day and Night of each day on a post and if there is a Feast, it will get it's own post! Also, I included one Appmon in each district, just to mix things up a bit!




  4. When I first heard this movie was going to be a thing and Joaquin Phoenix was playing the lead role, I was excited because I enjoyed him as Johnny Cash in Walk the Line... then that screen test came out a couple months back and I was a little nervous, but seeing this trailer I love that we are seeing his slow descent into madness... not taking anything away from any of the other Jokers who’ve come before him either but I think he’s third best, Mark Hamill & Heath Ledger are top 2 for me

  5. Tales from the Borderlands... I picked it up because I LOVE the Borderlands series, but because it's such a drastic change from Borderlands 1, 2 and the Pre-Sequel I pretty much just shelved it and haven't picked it up since

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