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Everything posted by Monokuma

  1. Single file line to YCM. Everyone get ready to be put down in the name of the Glorious Leader.

  2. "Geez you kids sure are annoying." There was a coldness in the bear's voice as he said that, his black hand, paw?, being lifted up into the air as he turned that side of his body towards the student body gathered in front of him. "I'm glad at least one of you seems eager to kill! I thought I would have to wait and wait for aaageees before anything got done around here." He was still going on about that as the students lined up and got their handbooks and from the sounds of it, he wasn't joking. It took another student speaking up directly towards him to catch his attention. "This is a pretty sorry idea for a game, man. There's nothing fun about this. This isn't heart-pounding, exciting, or even amusing! This is the worst joke since dead baby jokes." "Whazzat?" The bear tilted his head towards Devin as she spoke up, his hands falling back to his sides as he stared straight at her, giving her a blank stare as he did. "You seem to have a basic misunderstanding of the situation. This isn't a joke! It's a game, a killing game! The best kind of game in fact! What's not to understand about that?" His voice took on a slightly angry tone as he spat out that last sentence, and those watching would get the feeling that if the bear could glare at Devin, it would be so... "Or is it that you want me to teach you how to throw a party, little guy?" "A party, are you kidding me? We can't have a party with something like that looming over us!" "It has to be a bad joke, right?" "Don't worry Mr. Kuma, I liked your joke! I-I mean oh no, how could you~!" Monokuma just looked down at the students from his podium, before raising his arms up into the air, "Anyways, that's the game! Kill to play, play to survive, that's the Killing Game! You all ruined my grand entrance." The bear grumbled and muttered himself, 'stomping' off in a waddle as he disappeared from the stage... Just leaving the students on their own now. "You all don't really believe this, right?" A girl with part of her face bandaged stood up as she stretched, "Ah, who am I kidding, of course you don't! I say we all just take a look around the school and see what we've gotta work with, how's that sound?" "We don't... Have too much of a choice, huh? I guess we should start by looking around. No one take any unnecessary risks though, alright? If that bear is telling the truth, who knows what's just laying around the school." The boy who spoke up took a few steps forward, glancing around as he did, "Let's just... Make sure there aren't any obvious dangers." The way he said that made it clear that he was more than a bit worried about things going wrong, but it seemed like he wasn't going to keep talking as he made his way out into the hallway... The rest of the students stood around, some of them just taking in the situation as they mumbled among themselves, others tapping away at the screen of the student handbooks. One stood up, a deep breath being taken before he spoke up, "Everyone! We're doing a full sweep of the school, spread out and let's figure out what's going on here." With that, students began to stream out of the Gym, making their way to various rooms... Leaving just a few in the gym. One boy was sitting on the bleachers, a shocked look on his face as he took a deep breath, his hands swapping between fidgeting with the scarf around his neck and tapping at the screen of the tablet that had been given to them. Everyone else seemed to have streamed out of the room, going off to their respective searches.
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