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Status Updates posted by radio414

  1. tb9vv9qannr41.jpg?auto=webp&s=e47b662934

    New blag post is up for this week's episode of Paranoia Agent


  2. the leak of godspeed you! black emperor's lost album might be another in a string of fakes, sure, but if it's real that would be pretty neat.

  3. paranoia_agent_cherry_2.jpg

    it's really hard to find good paranoia agent memes, like, there isn't really a "fandom" here like utena and i can't just do "space memes" like with planetes, and even worse, there are four movies coming up that will complicate matters even more.

    anyway new blog post is up


  4. choose_your_character.jpg

    batters gotta bat, you know? let's watch one such bat. new blog post is up for this week's episode of Paranoia Agent.


  5. i think my favorite part of when i watched BELLE was a third of the way in when i thought, "wait, this is a mamoru hosoda joint and it's set on the internet, where are the furries?" whereupon an anthropomorphic cheetah imediately walked into frame.

  6. bah weep granah weep ni ni bong

  7. 4a17232a70bf4a137ede3def15d1782d875de3a7




    The first post of the new series on my blag, going through the 2004 show Paranoia Agent is now up.


  8. the lack of new polls can sometimes bring about a sense of ennui. this is common. but fear not there are still polls on the site you can be a part of. for example, you can vote on what anime you want me to cover next on my blag. you can even select multiple choices so you don't have to kill any darlings. wow what a good deal.


  9. i'm not saying the matrix 4 and adolescence of utena are the same movie but i am saying it would be very funny to nameswap "neo" and "trinity" with "utena" and "anthy" respectively

    1. radio414


      would the matrix 4 have been improved by including a sequence where neo turns into a car? the answer might surprise you.

    2. Thar


      top 10 reasons Matrix Resurrection is a legume

      number 7 will make you piss ur pants and cry

    3. radio414


      i don't know about legumes but it sure is nutty

  10. cat-music.gif

    freed from anime for the time being i have decided to return to my wavelength transmission roots to ruin music as well you should check a look


  11. FG69BNHUcAQ2DKe.jpg:large

    the utena finale aired december 24 1999 this is the only holiday i will accept

  12. The Gävle Goat burned down, nature is healing

  13. what's the best christmas movie and why is it tokyo godfathers

  14. if you ever thought "gee whiz i sure do want to get my anime op opinions regarding some very specific pairings registered in some sort of census or tally" well you've got twenty-three hours before those pairings change bud so get a move on

  15. this is a stupid thought but is there a catgirl/boy/they in an anime somewhere with a hairstyle that doesn't cover up where the human ears would be?

    show me cat ears with a side cut (editing to add: and no human ears) is what i'm saying

    other animal friends also acceptable

    1. yui


      not an anime but touhou's got you covered.


    2. radio414


      thank you this is close but rin appears to have human ears in that picture (and in other pictures i looked up)

  16. less than twenty-four hours to finish up voting on this round of the anime op polls. some of those matches are even tied up, so if you're the sort of person who likes dramatically breaking ties you should do that.

  17. 200.gif

    While the anime op poll is going on, and I definitely should remind all interested to go vote on that, I also just finished my Planetes rewatch, so all interested should go read about that too.


  18. 8a13obpvn8r71.png

    Suppose it's a good time to mention that there are only two (2) slots left in my anime op poll and I recently increased the amount of nominations an individual gets to seven (7), so you should do that by Monday, otherwise I'll add my seventh and one random one and wouldn't that be embarrassing if the random one won.

    But while you remaining stragglers are pondering that, you can read some more about Planetes.


  19. you either die based or live long enough to become cringe

  20. 4j17djaydyy71.jpg?width=737&auto=webp&s=

    New blog post is up, only a few left for this show, very exciting.


  21. Can-Fly-To-The-Moon-Funny-Space-Meme-Ima

    New blog post is up for this week's episode of Planetes.


  22. hey there's a new poll tournament it's run by me and it's deciding which anime op is objectively the best in your opinion

    your OPinion, one might say

    you should stop by and drop some ops smile_emoji


  23. ml26wfkr0mw71.jpg

    take a rokt to the mün. new blog post is up.


  24. yircdtnoqbu71.jpg

    One interesting thing about Planetes' worldbuilding is that space shuttles were still in use while it was being written so part of its hard sci-fi extrapolation just... assumes they'll always be around. It's not the only media to do this, obviously, but it's the one I'm writing about.


  25. x0wuzfall9r71.jpg

    oh no i posted again oh no


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