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Chiri Bedhead


Everything posted by Chiri Bedhead

  1. Darling gave me the idea and it sounded so silly I couldn't pass it up. Probably not as silly as I make it sound. It could just be silly because I'm doing it because it's mentioned in the Poll Tournament rules. We surprisingly (maybe not) often get chicken on pizza, so at this time, I think I'm choosing that.
  2. Test to see if browser emoji work in polls (probably not). Edit: I see they actually do... and not only in Chrome, also in Microsoft Edge... I knew they worked here, but I didn't expect them to work in polls. Don't really know if they're visible on any other browsers. If anyone wants to confirm, you'd be appreciated. Edit: Works on Opera as well. Wasn't loading at first, which is why I didn't include in the previous edit, but it did. I can only assume everything else now which is good.
  3. And can I be your cat? Top anime of 2017? If it is not Sakura Quest...
  4. Test Stuff Just a test of the new old spoiler button. I don't have source mode (or I don't see it), so I tried simply changing the word spoiler to what you see here. Edit: "Stuff" was supposed to be in the spoiler, so it clearly did not work. Also, yes. I know this isn't really "code," considering I just clicked a button, but it was the closest place I could do this at. Here's the spoiler without changing anything after pressing "ok:" SPOILER A bunch of stuff. Edit: Hmm. Just spoiler (not old)? I see other people have used it, but I have not myself and would like to try. Edit: Works as expected. ?
  5. They should sell Reese clusters all the time. Derishus. ?

  6. Search > Member Search > Search Members (link provided as well) It's not very convenient, but it's not much different from how it switched to on YCM at one point (if you remember, there was an inquiry there about why the member list disappeared and I said that it didn't, it just moved and no one knew why).
  7. Why are you using that awful profile cover photo with the logos I got from a website I don't even remember? And the one one of us drew (don't remember who). ?

    1. Nico


      I thought it was cute. ?

      I was gonna just use what I was using previously for now, but then I saw this in the same album.

    2. Chiri Bedhead

      Chiri Bedhead

      Okay, whatever turns you on. ?

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