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LordCowCow last won the day on January 20

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About LordCowCow

  • User Group: Moderator

  • Member ID: 5

  • Title: One Thing

  • Post Count: 3,812

  • Post Ratio: 1.72

  • Total Rep: 888

  • Member Of The Days Won: 246

  • Joined: 01/03/2019

  • Been With Us For: 2214 Days

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  • Currently: Viewing Forums Index

  • Age: 31


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  1. The previous room had been entirely devoid of the fog that plagued the other levels. Yet the one they stepped in next seemed to have brought it back. Though it was denser, darker, and seemed more like shadows clinging to the floor walls and ceiling. Which made it hard to make out the exact size and shape of the cavern that they found themselves in. Across from them was a massive door. It seemed to be made of some sort of black steel and there were chains covering it. In the middle of the door there was a dead body attached to the chains as if it was keeping the door closed. In front of the door were two dozen more bodies. All of them on their knees with their foreheads touching the ground as if bowing in reverence in the direction of the door. They didn't move at all and it seemed that they were all dead. There was movement in the room however. Two large figures stood across from each other about halfway between the group and the door. They were generally human shaped but stood at eight feet tall. Their skin were a greenish black color with brown patches. These creatures seemed to have no heads, instead just a lump of flesh, on top of relatively small torso, where the head would be. Their torso had a large mouth right in the middle that was partially open to show rows of sharp, hooked, teeth all around the inside. Their limbs were incredibly long, with clawed hands nearly scrapping the floor despite their height, and strangely thin for their size. And coming out of their backs were four black tentacles that waved around as if constantly searching for something. When the group entered both of the creatures turned towards them and the large mouth opened wider and let out an unsettling screech.
  2. Here's where you shitpost and spam all the memes and junk of the past that you remember fondly. Or not fondly I don't care
  3. LordCowCow

    Memory Zone

    So I just had a thought and decided to make this thread which is basically for posting screenshots/pictures or just write about things you remember that made you smile, laugh, cringe, whatever. Was mostly thinking online stuff but otherwise is fine too. Basically it's old person reminisce corner Since this is General please don't just spam or shitpost mostly just thought people might wanna yap about the past now and then.
  4. I know I keep saying it but I still am not fond of long drawn out instrumental parts that these songs do but I really liked the rest of it, 7.5/10 overall
  5. Nice voice, a bit too slow for me, and a little standard feeling, 6.5/10
  6. they did the movie trailer noise thing anyway it was reeeally cool until they sorta felt like they got lazy near the end, 8.5/10
  7. I've never been on a plane before, the longest trip I've taken was around to Detroit which was 7 hour drive so I guess by default road trip If I use my imaaagination though probably still road trip provided comfortable ride and internet access cause easier to relax. I have! Twice! 148
  8. Really catchy and interesting, parts of it dragged a little but, 8/10
  9. Pizza or Pasta goes away forever which one you deleting?
  10. It feels wrong and throws me off, yet I got really into it after a bit, 8/10
  11. It's pretty fun but idk, a bit too repetitive maybe? And it does that thing these songs do of having way too long parts that are just music that feel like padding, 7/10
  12. Really cute, a lot going on here. Love the robot
  13. really catchy but the end did not stick I feel, 7.5/10
  14. As if summoned by Melissa mentioning it, they soon would notice a Merry-Go-Round not far from their location. It was easy to spot as on top of it was a statue of the Great Dragon, colored in all the colors of the rainbow, and flashing with lights bright enough to see even in daytime. The Merry-Go-Round itself seemed more or less standard, to any who knew what they were, except that all the mounts were various reptilian creatures. They seemed to be dragons but of many different types. Some had no legs and just wings, some were snake-like, one of them resembled a kangaroo with small wings, and so on. However any who watched would notice that as the thing spun suddenly a rainbow colored oval would appear in front of the mounts and they mounts would vanish, rider included, into it before reappearing a while later further down the path. While this happened Kasayee suddenly showed up next to them, clutching several fried somethings on a stick, one of which was currently in her mouth as she munched on it. With a mouthful of food she said. "So dish ish where you wen." As if it was them that had vanished and not her.
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