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Status Updates posted by Zaziuma

  1. Finally finished backing up all my archetypes!


  2. It's been a lot of fun to go back to the original YGO series, I remember both so much and so little, and of course the Japanese version got plenty of differences too. I just got the Bakura forest duel, which I always remembered to be one of my favorites, I wonder how it holds up.

    1. Rodrigo


      We know obviously, but I still watch it dubbed because the voices are epic, and it's what I grew up it, it'd be weird to watch it subbed lol

    2. Shradow


      Understandable. Dan Green and Eric Stuart are pretty boss, though personally I love Tsuda Kenjiro as Kaiba, and Joey's accent in the dub annoys me.

    3. M0B0X


      Wow! I'm re-watching DM too, subbed this time. Right now at the Joey vs. Mai duel in the Orichalcos Arc. My reason for watching it this time is not only nostalgia though, but to enjoy all those things that got censored in the dub.

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  3. God of War:

    Both the hardest and easiest one so far, as her moves are similar to earlier Valkyries. The dive attack sucks though, I feel like it's random if my dodge works, and the lava floor makes it even worse. Sprinting does help, but you don't always have the time.

  4. God of War:

    I thought the last Valkyrie was hard, but man did this kick my ass. I think my main problem was the shield as she sometimes does a lunge attack, but I can't tell if it's gonna be the blinding one. Learned that guard break can stop the block though, so that helped a lot.

  5. I got Super Mario Oddysey for my birthday, just got it now since my mom lives far away, and now I am wondering, I still have Galaxy in my backlog, so which do I play first. Also, is it really a 50 hour game for completionists? That is crazy to me.

    1. Fusion


      They're both really solid and offer different experiences. Both have the 64/Sunshine style of control but Galaxy messes with different physics and traditional power-ups whereas Odyssey lets you use the hat to do some creative platforming and then the capture mechanic to interact with the enemies and environment.

      I'd say maybe Odyssey first because the game nails its presentation and its campaign is quicker. There's a shitton of moons to collect for completionists, but you don't need nearly that amount to complete the main game. I may be a little more biased since Odyssey is probably my favorite Mario game to date, but you can't go wrong with either. One other potential point in Galaxy's favor is you have more varied level design and worlds to explore. Not selling Odyssey short, but that one has a set amount of hub-worlds you explore just like in 64/Sunshine.

    2. mido9


      hub worlds are overrated anyway

  6. Finished the first episode of Life is Strange: Before the Storm just now, minor spoilers in here. So, I have watched Video Games Awesome's playthrough of the first game, and it was odd, because at first, I liked it and the people playing it liked it, but then as it continued, it had a lot of flaws, it was rather cliched, that the creators only had a vague understanding of teens and American culture, and didn't make much sense, and the ending didn't really feel satisfactory to either of us, but I still enjoyed watching them play it, and recently they played through the first episode of Life is Strange 2, and so far, that game seemed like a huge improvement in a lot of ways, and as they never played Before the Storm, and as it's on Xbox Game Pass, I gave it a go, and interestingly, I didn't really like how it started, but it got better and better, the whole backtalking mechanic is interesting, though maybe too easy so far, and at the end of the episode, I was surprised at how engaged I became. It may have some issues here and there, some of it felt like filler a lot of the time, but could be setting up for something later too, I feel conflicted on Chloe, obviously she is an angsty teen, and with that comes some negative qualities, but maybe they are not placed properly, but maybe that's the point, and then she ends up being nice and happy and having fun with others, helping others, which doesn't seem like what she would do, but I guess player agency can't help that, so that's weird. Still, I liked her more as it went on, especially when she actually contemplates things, how she has a moment with her mom that is genuine and how a teen would actually act, realizing that she is trying to do her best under the circumstances. There is a lot of good in here, and I feel like it's written much better than Life is Strange was, at least in retrospect, and as I haven't played it personally, that is probably a downside too, but yeah, I'm gonna play the other episodes since I enjoyed the first one, I think that they benefited from going away from the sci-fi stuff, though I would assume that there will be something there eventually, would be odd if they just left that out completely, but I guess I'll see.

    1. Thar


      That's pretty much my experience with this series. At first I wasn't that impressed, but something about the style and the feel of it kept me interested. Each episode I played, I kept getting more and more engaged in the story to the point where I was hooked. I've played every episode leading up to the first episode of Life is Strange 2 and while it indeed has many moments that seem flawed and cliche, it just has its own charm to it that makes it special.

      That being said, I'm looking forward to when episode 2 comes out later this month.

  7. I have never watched the original YGO anime all the way through, I only got to somewhere in the Battle Kingdom arc, and I have said to myself that I would get around to it eventually, so gonna finally do it. I am watching the sub, since I have also never done that, and since I watched all the other series subbed, I figured it would make the most sense. Time for the first episode, back in 20 minutes.

    1. Merci


      Battle Kingdom? That's quite a way behind - hope you enjoy your watch yo!

    2. Zaziuma


      Yeah, it was never fully dubbed in Danish I don't think, so missed out on a lot of the episodes, I watched a bit of GX, but I eventually lost interest and didn't come back until ZEXAL was halfway done. Then I watched all of that, GX and 5D, and by the time Arc-V was out, I was pretty much invested in the game completely.

      Finished the first episode, man is it weird to actually just watch this show, I watched a bit of season 0 some time ago, it was quite rough to say the least, but surprisingly, the animation holds up quite well to this day, the voice acting is much more tolerable than the dub ever was, and while it has the melodrama, it doesn't seem as bad as I figured it would. Oh my god is it cute that the game has evolved so much that them talking about a Normal Monster as being powerful is in any way suppose to scare me. It's also crazy that for so long, I had lived with the reality that Kaiba brought out 3 Blue-Eyes White Dragons in one turn, when in fact, he brought them out on separate turns, and that he did in fact, not cheat during that duel at all. Well, except for of course not Tribute Summoning, but hey, neither did Yugi when he brought out his Gaia the Fierce Knight and Dark Magician, so guess they didn't have that yet. Funnily enough, Swords of Revealing Light only worked for the Blue-Eyes and not monsters brought out later, unlike the real game, not sure if that's going to be consistent to the show. Gonna take a bit to get used to the Japanese names, I wonder if Zuzu's name was inspired y Anzu in any way.

    3. Sleepy


      Tbh, I think season 0 is the censored form of the manga, then season 1 is a reboot that skipped the material of season 0 because they deemed season 0 too harsh to easily censor. And then another layer of censor was applied by 4kids. It's amusing in a way xD

      Yeah Kaiba played 1 BEWD x turn and Yugi played defending chumps that the episode fast-forwarded to. In Duelist Kingdom Rules (and this is only ever explained in the manga) if your opponent did not play a monster during their turn and have no monsters on board (both of these conditions) you can actually attack directly, but it just never came up. It really enforced stalling cheap until you drew what you needed.

  8. Morning everybody, it's my birthday today, I'm turning 23!

    1. yui


      Happy cakeday!

    2. Suzu


      Happy birthday Zazi!

    3. ---
  9. I posted a thread where you can ask ruling questions, hope it'll be helpful to you all:


    1. Ash


      I was under the impression you were referring to site rules not game rules, my b.

    2. Zaziuma


      Should probably have been more clear on that, sorry for the confusion and annoyance of having to move a thread, in case that is hard, dunno anything about this site.

    3. Ash


      Nah it's real easy, no sweat.

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  10. This is it then, the new site. Looks so clean in comparison to YCM, but have to see how long it takes to get used to.

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