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Shradow last won the day on July 21 2019

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About Shradow

  • User Group: Members

  • Member ID: 101

  • Rank: Senior Member

  • Post Count: 185

  • Post Ratio: 0.09

  • Total Rep: 38

  • Member Of The Days Won: 4

  • Joined: 01/10/2019

  • Been With Us For: 2024 Days

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  • Age: 29


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  1. TIL Titan has a unique summon animation against the Adamantoise in FFXV:



  2. Well I mostly just like the sharing of the music itself, both from me to other people and seeing what others post. This thread is just about the only thing I actually do on this forum anymore, I've finally moved away after a combined 11 years at YCM/NCM. Listening to this song gets my blood pumping. This and Apocalypsis Aquarius during their respective boss fights really add to the battles.
  3. Naoya Inoue and Nonito Donaire are gonna face off Nov. 7th in the WBSS bantamweight finals, I'm hyped as hell.

  4. Haohmaru from SamSho being a guest character in SCVI is gonna be awesome. The fights between him and Mitsurugi should be fun.

  5. Saw The Sum of All Fears today. Can't think of the last time I saw Morgan Freeman die in a movie.

  6. The chocolate parfait line always gets me, the Ginyu Force are so entertaining.
  7. This is my favorite of the Pursuit themes in Ace Attorney, I like how triumphant it is. It always gets me super pumped.
  8. Hero is coming to Smash Ultimate later today! There's maintenance schedule today from 5:10-6:10 PST btw so expect the release window to be soon after.

  9. Saw the 1986 Running Scared the other day, really fun movie.

  10. Spider-Man: Far From Home has now passed $1B, meaning all three MCU movies this year have now done so. Jesus.

  11. The new Overwatch hero Sigma looks super interesting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onplsJSdp4A


    1. Kazooie


      I love the character origin trailer for him, I'm excited to see what kind of abilities he has.

    2. Thar


      Giving Zarya a run for her money, it looks like.

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