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(o ×)


Status Updates posted by (o ×)

  1. IT'S JULY 19TH


    1. Blake


      hopefully it means a nintendo direct announcement

  2. man I sure wish this wonder woman film had less action and more Chris Pine giggling at the 80s because this movie only seems to be able to do one of these two things well.

    1. (o ×)

      (o ×)

      Jesus christ this movie was a mess

  3.  C'mon fuckers.

    1. (o ×)

      (o ×)

      Please, give me an opportunity to express my opinions so I can feel like they matter.

  4. In case anyone doubted it, I'm still an ace investigator.

    1. Ash


      THE Ace Investigator

  5. Ice BAD

    Fire GOOD

  6.  commander players, behold my enormous brain

  7. If it flops, then it flops. I just wasn't okay with the idea of not even trying to have fun. I know that it will never be what it once was, but I still want to see people get whatever happiness from Halloween that they can. This year has been shitty enough.

  8. Glorious nippon folded brain

  9.  now taking particularly interesting questions about philosophy, interests, mtg, idk man just give me something to answer before work or on my break.


  11. The best part of Chuck Tingle on NCM was the part where he told himself he did a good job and proved love is real.

  12. Finally found the status bar.

  13. i would love to see replies to this. It might be intimidating with the long list of formats, but I don't care however little or much anyone has to say.

  14. Come one, come all, so I have enough people that I have an excuse to reject Yui after all his hard work.

  15. Vote, even if you are ignorant to what any of it means.

  16. cosplay crunch except this time I have 18 days, twice the work hours, and a full-time relationship. Let's fuckin do it.

  17. Idk if it's AJAX, or what, but these live notifications are pretty sweet on mobile, I'll say that much.

  18. Would people be interested in an NCM mtg discord server? I honestly don't know if anyone here plays outside of my relatively small circle, but I would be willing to put something together if there is interest.

  19. Hey if anyone is into MTG and isn't in the NCM discord server for it, let me know so I can add you. Anyone but dae is welcome!

  20.  Hey suckers check it out

  21. Yo remember that time lelouch gaslit a cop into working for him?

  22. if we were to only count the legitimate votes, mother 3 won. BY A LOT!

  23.  I actually already made a status for this, but... Doing it again. RP based on MHA, taking place at the school in an AU based on an RP from the old forum. It's okay if you never read the old one, since this is absolutely its own story. Anyone interested in MHA or just slice of life in general is welcome to check it out.

  24. Well shit, guess I'm rewatching Marble Hornets

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