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Blake last won the day on May 14

Blake had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

313 Loved


About Blake

  • User Group: Performa★Star

  • Member ID: 3

  • Title: Love, not LOVE

  • Post Count: 628

  • Post Ratio: 0.31

  • Total Rep: 313

  • Member Of The Days Won: 51

  • Joined: 01/03/2019

  • Been With Us For: 2032 Days

  • Last Activity:

  • Currently: Viewing Forums Index

  • Age: 31


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About Me

I'm Blake, the user formerly known as Black or Josh! I hope you refer to me by Blake from now on if you're reading this, because it's the name I've chosen for myself.

And I'm me. I'm Blake. They/she non-binary moderator extraordinaire! I know it's a bit past what most people are familiar with, but it doesn't really make me a different person. I'm still me. It's mostly just a matter of feeling more free?

5/11/2020 - I'm still on the road. I'm learning more about myself. Hell, learning to accept my SELF. I accept me, I accept Blake, and I embrace them... But I'm not very good with my self. So here's my starting line, to accepting that there IS something special about me. That I deserve to worry about myself. This Blake is going to do their very best!


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