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(o ×)


Posts posted by (o ×)

  1. Sid dragged his feet up the steps of the Behemoth, dreading the loss of this much free labor as the one in glasses had gotten spooked and insisted they high-tail and part ways as soon as humanly, or whatever-that-Skelly-girl-wasly, possible. Only two of them had paid tribute! Just because one of those tributes was particularly substantial didn’t make any difference. Reaching the bridge, Sid rose an eyebrow as he looked at his rig’s unique core, a grin slowly forming upon his face.

    ”Sorry kids, looks like The Behemoth is gonna be stuck here for the night! Sid couldn’t help but hide his elation at the ability to retain his indentured servants. ”The loss earlier hit the Iron Core hard, and based on my intuition we are gonna be stuck here at least for twelve, maybe eighteen hours! Not to mention, all but two of you still owe me, and I expect you all to pay out. You have seen this beast chase down one thief already.” Tossing what appeared to be an ornately carved chair out onto the dust, he followed it up with a glass bottle, stoppered with a burning piece of cloth. Upon impact, the glass shattered, and the chair was engulfed in flame. ”Time to set up camp!



    Though one would never guess based on the weather, it was presently winter in the wasteland, and nightfall came quick. Sid had managed to keep the fire going through use of various objects ranging from junk to things others would likely consider treasures. Whatever system the junk collector known as Sid used to assign value to objects, it was completely lost upon those seeking to understand. The group had gotten the cores reinstalled within their rigs, some with help and others on their own, and were now chewing on their meal for the night. For most, it was biscuits and other dry, grain-based rations that Sid had produced from a drawer within his rig and shared without any request for compensation, though the elderly woman among them was eating what appeared to be a large portion of salted red meat, that the armored girl had roasted over the fire. 

    For quite a while, the group was silent, either still reeling from the display of violence earlier, or simply untrusting of those that surrounded them. Ever the gracious host, Sid broke the silence, ”So, what is the craziest thing y’all have seen out here in the wasteland? With a group this big I am sure we could share some really wild stories!” Met with still more silence, Sid tapped his forehead a few times with a petrified chunk of something that likely once resembled a baguette, Sid snapped and provided his own example, ”Actually, a few days ago I saw a group of rigs that were giving off smoke. They didn’t notice me since the Behemoth had its stealth field up, but it was the weirdest shit. Seriously, pillars of smoke coming up from each one, just like from our campfire here! My theory is that those fuckers got cold, and set fires in the backs of their rigs just to heat themselves up!” 

    "That certainly sounds odd... But far from the strangest thing in the wasteland. After all, we deal with giant insects, patches of extra dead land, cores buried in the ground for some reason, and..."  Eden's voice trailed off a bit as their eyes glanced to Skelly for the briefest of moments, "You get the picture. I would be curious to study these so-called campfire vehicles, though." 

    Alliyma suddenly perked up, razor focus being leveled at Eden, "What do you mean ''extra dead"? Where?" 

    "Ah, places. I found it 15 or so years ago... maybe a bit more. I had no sense of direction, so I couldn't give you more exact information." 

    "I see. This whole place is dead, but to think a part may be even worse off..."  Alliyma looked contemplatively into the fire, her tone growing somber, "it greatly concerns me. Where I am from, there is still life. More than you could imagine. Lush jungles and colorful birds. It's all beautiful, really."

    "Ah, the same holds up for my home too,"  Tatsu commented. "Not everything is perfect back home, but when I left Japan to come here, I was shocked at how desolate everything seemed! Your home sounds lovely though. I'd love to travel there sometime, conditions permitting." 

    Sid yawned, tossing a rock into the fire, stirring it and causing a large flare, "I don't see the difference. At least we can get around easy without a ton of trees in the way, and there is more than enough to survive on if you know where to look." 

    A voice of agreement from Magpie. "Exactly. It's not like it's hard to get what you need around here. And if just finding basic stuff turns out to be too difficult for you, the wasteland has a way of weeding out the weak." 

    Alliyma lowered her brow, "Don't be stupid, Querrequerre. There is more than just weak and strong. Do you intend to eat off the dusty ground for each day of the rest of your life?" 

    "Of course not! I want the old world back just as much as anyone, but it would defeat the whole point if I died before that dream became a reality." 

    Scoffing, Alliyma poked at the fire with the tip of her blade, "If you think there is any chance at getting that world back without big changes, you are more of a fool than I thought. That town we were all in is the largest I have seen since I entered the wasteland, and it was hardly scraping by. From what I have heard, the bigger settlements are somehow even worse off."  Her tone turned sour as her hand clenched around the grip of her weapon, her knuckles turning white, "I came up here to figure out why everything is dying, but from what I have seen it is the least of the problems." 

    ”Oh! Speaking of big towns, glasses here is going to lead us to some Hollow World place she knows of, where we will be able to make bank! I’m excited, what about you guys?” as difficult as it was for his words to be understood through the mouthful of food, he said them with complete confidence, despite how directly they had contradicted what Ida had told him before.

  2. "Sashisematta, what exactly are we doing here?" It was a question tight with nerves.

    Grinning out into the open night, Sai placed his fist on his waist, looking out upon the Seattle skyline from his perch atop the roof of the Space Needle. Looking back over his shoulder, he laughed to himself at Rosalia's position desperately clinging to an antenna. "We are redecorating!"

    "Can you get back from the edge? You’re not scheduled for the next match but ones after that are hard to schedule if you’re smashed flat on the street." 

    "Don't worry Rosa, I'm immortal." With slightly too much spring in his step, be whipped around to grab a duffle bag that was conspicuously already present when the two of them arrived at the roof through the access hatch. "It's like a cooking show, I already did all the prep so it's easy for you to follow along!"

    "What are we redecorating up here?" Rosalia asked, trying to call above the whipping of the wind. Between the harsh winds this high, the stonewall conversation that had predated their arrival, and the fact she was pretty sure Sai had picked the lock to this roof in view of a camera despite his assurances it was a blind spot, she was starting to combine a thumping, pounding heartbeat with a vice-grip of a headache.

    "It is far too quiet, Rosa, I can still hear myself think!" Reaching into the duffle bag, Sai pulled out a string of metal wind chimes. "Come on, come here."

    Rosalia looked doubtedly at the edge of the roof. "I’m wearing heels, Sashisematta," she called pointedly, her weak voice almost snatched away on the wind completely.


    She took a halting step forward. Usually she was steady as a rock on heels, used to wearing them. But now any trace of the confidence Rosalia managed to hold to herself was gone, ripped away with the wind, leaving only the unsure and scared young woman behind that sat behind the composure. Every antennae or railing (which there were far too few of, as far as she was concerned) was grabbed the second it came within her grasp, and she finally drew level with Sai. Despite her fear, she resolutely refused to try and grab on to him for support. But she definitely thought about it. "What now?"

    Sai was already busy at work tying off the end of the cord that held the chimes to one of the antennas. Holding the fistful of metal in front of Rosalia, he smiled earnestly, "Isn't it easier now that you don't have to pretend to be sure of yourself? Here, toss this over the edge."

    Rosalia stared blankly at the bundle of metal in her hand. It was secured to the antennae pretty well, but she wasn’t really sure why. "Sashisematta… Aren’t these going to eventually fall and hit someone?" She only then registered his full statement. "Pretend to be- What do you mean by that, Sashisematta?" She dropped the wind chimes from her hand. They bounced once on the tower below them before clattering off the edge with a musical jangle, flailing in the wind below them.

    "Good job, but try tossing a little further next time," Sai stared out over the city, the lights twinkling in the night, "Fake it till you make it is the worst advice everyone gives. It is okay to fall short, and lying about it to yourself just causes a disconnect." Lowering himself down, he sat at the edge and dangled his feet off, "I was beaten by Charlie. That was my second loss since coming to America, you know? But I'm not going to make excuses, say I had bad luck, say their deck was too strong. I was too weak to beat them. I underestimated their tenacity and it gave them the opportunity they needed to beat me. I don't wish it went differently, though. Someone has to lose every match," with a smirk, he looked up to make eye contact with Rosalia, "unless they nuke the whole game and force a tie, that is."

    Pulling out another set of chimes, this time strung upon what appeared to be Christmas lights, he held them out to Rosalia, "I have spent every waking moment since thinking in the background about how to beat them. I have been analyzing their deck choices, and play style, so that I may win the rematch. But I know I'm not there yet, and to acknowledge that is the most freeing thing of all."

    Rosalia had bristled at his words, but as she watched him sit down, listened to him talk about his loss to Charlie, she slowly released the tension in her body. She gradually, slowly, carefully lowered herself down to sit next to Sai, looking out over the city with an unreadable expression on her face, though she somehow wouldn’t have doubted Sai could see past it.

    "Do you know the thing I like about you, Sashisematta?"

    "I'm quite certain there are several things you like about me."

    She chose to ignore that. "You’re fearless." She reached into her purse, pulling out her deck and looking down at it, deep in thought. "All of us went into this with some form of nerves or jitters but you’ve weathered this storm with ease, even after losing to Charlie." Her fingers tightened around a railing beside her, not so much from fear of falling as anger, though it wasn’t at Sai. "I’ve spoken with Team Free since our last match," she admitted, "and they said that you were cowardly. I don’t think I’ve ever heard anything so ludicrously wrong in my life."

    Tilting his head back, Sai let out a laugh that could perhaps even be heard all the way on the ground, despite the traffic. "They have no clue who I am. And it seems you are only starting to get an inkling of it. By the way, have you ever gone skydiving?"

    Like a shot Rosalia was a solid six feet back from the railing, giving Sai an accusatory, horrified look. "Sashisematta!" she shouted, suddenly spooked. 

    Donning a backpack, Sai elaborated, "Y'see, I actually jammed the roof access so that nobody could take the stuff down immediately…"

    "... is there a reason why?"

    "So we can't exactly take the stairs… and I do have several years experience BASE jumping, even in tandem…"

    "SASHISEMATTA." There was true horror in her voice now.

    "See! This is great! Now you are really showing your feelings! Isn't it a relief to not be bottling it up??"

    "Please be quiet for a minute," she said tersely, squinting at her phone as she shakily scrolled through her contacts. "I’m calling Kendra to… have her do something, I’m not sure what, unjam the door or something, I don’t know."

    "You and I both know Kendra is asleep right now."

    "Then I’ll call Daichi or Evelyn or…" Her scrolling thumb stopped over the entry for 'Vega Sterling' and she cut herself off, looking down at the screen. She sighed deeply, pinching the bridge of her nose. It pained her to have to call Vega with something like this after the Team Free match. Pained her immensely. 

    "She doesn't care if you fail."

    "I’m calling Miss Sterling," she said finally, hitting the contact. 

    Sai dramatically put a hand to his chest, his jaw agape, "Surely you aren't snitching on me!"

    "Miss Sterling? Sashisematta might have talked me into doing something… unwise," she said over the phone by way of answer, glaring daggers at Sai with a touch of her dueling’s intensity. "We may need a bit of…"

    She lowered the phone, looking back to Sai with her expression now exceptionally grim. "She said 'have fun,'" she said weakly.

    "That's my girl! Let's go!"

  3. “I think we need to have a discussion regarding the team’s last match, Sashisematta. Can we discuss it at some point before the next one? I know neither of us are dueling but I think it’s important.”

    Sai smiled lightly, his eyelashing fluttering slightly, as if to show off the artificial extensions he was wearing. The almost effeminate appearance it created with his narrow facial features was sharply contrasted by his well-tailored blood red suit. "They're tough, aren't they? I had actually studied their style quite a lot, albeit for pleasure rather than business. Unfortunately, they proved even more vicious than I expected, and I was not afforded the turn in which my win was assured."

    Rosalia’s stomach turned at the thought of what she would have to do here. Whatever what she had to do even was, she hadn’t a clue. All she knew was that Sai was putting on a heel act, and had told her it wouldn’t matter until he had lost. Which he had. Charlie’s loss had stricken him from the sky like Icarus, with Rosalia herself not far behind.

    She had decided that, since this conversation wouldn’t likely be pleasant for Sai either, to let him choose the meeting place.

    "If you think you are going to change who I am, your night will be wasted. As a counteroffer, I present you the opportunity to change the world, gaining a new perspective on who I am in the process. Would you like to step out of your cage for a night?"

    Rosalia frowned, confused. "Change the world? Sashisematta, my intention is trained on changing the team, for the better, at that. What are you talking about?"

    "Why are you on this team? Did Vega seek you out? Are you following in the footsteps of… another?"

    "I was a part of the college team the others were on. You know this." She conspicuously didn’t answer the rest of the question, visibly uncomfortable.

    "Why do you try to change the motivations of another without acknowledging your own?" Sai's expression was cold, as he stared into her eyes through the nonsensical eyelashes he wore.

    "Sashisematta," Rosalia sighed, sounding tired and frustrated as she leaned towards him, massaging her temples. "Whatever your motivations, I have no issue with them, it’s just… I don’t want the rest of the team to suffer judgment because of it. They don’t deserve it. You don’t care that the audience thinks of you how they choose, they do. I do."

    "Have you been losing sleep lately? Your tie seemed to have shaken you up."

    "I’m taking steps to make sure my win percentage is better from here on," she said, a touch snappishly, which for a girl as quiet as she was was close to shouting. "I’ve already… been taking steps to improve. When Miss Sterling scouted us, she selected me because I was seen as the most promising in terms of skill level…" Her voice was softer now, quiet. "I intend not to let her down for it. Any of you, either."

    "She doesn't care if you fail. Not in that way. Neither do I, honestly. Regardless, I hope you understand that your performance in that shootout was the best our team has had."

    "Thank you, Sashisematta." Rosalia wasn’t sure she believed it, even if he did. Or if Vega believed it. But it wasn’t worth debating it. They were getting too far away from the reason she’d wanted to speak with Sai today anyway. "You told me things could change if you lost… Thanks to Charlie that’s happened now. So tell me. What does this mean for you?"

    Sai narrowed his eyes, his brow furrowed, "I don't believe I said any such thing, and if I did, my mind changes with my clothes. I will behave however I feel appropriate given full context. Consistency of character is far less important than maintaining sovereignty." With a frown, he leaned closer to Rosalia, intentionally breaching her personal space and looming over her, "don't you believe it selfish that you keep dragging the conversation back without answering a single question of mine? There is nothing wrong with selfishness, but at least be cognizant."

    She didn’t flinch. "I thought you enjoyed when we talked about you," she said flatly.

    "Not nearly as much as I enjoy getting what I want."

    "... So this so-called 'world-changing opportunity' you were speaking of?" Sai had backed her into a corner, whether he knew it or not, though Rosalia suspected he did. She decided to concede on giving him the thing that made her less uncomfortable.

    Sai grinned, leaning back away from her, "I have a glorious time planned, and unlike my date with Rin it will be just the two of us."

  4. A scrappy one with a scarred face and grey eyes approached Sid, a pack of garbage in tow "E-Excuse me...Sid?" he seemed nervous, but sure enough dropped all the junk as his would-be savior's feet "...t-thank you for allowing me to get my c-cores back...that said, this is my payment as you requested...it's h-honestly not a lot...or much at all..."

    Sid cocked an eyebrow up before looking down at what had been gathered, kicking it with his steel-plated boot, grinning at the clamor produced. "This will work great, yeah. Good work." Sid clapped his hand onto Mark's shoulder, rolling up his oversized sleeve to reveal several heavily damaged digital watches, each displaying a different time if anything at all, "Pleasure doing business, now I think it's time we got going." Slamming his fist onto a large button on the wall, the cargo bay closed, locking everyone and their rigs within.

    It didn’t take long for Sid to make his way to the top of the maze-like passageway, finding himself at the bridge of his rig. His brow raised briefly at the fact that a few had already found their way to this point on their own. A decently-sized group had already congregated, staring at the Iron Core that powered his rig. “Weird, right? I have been doing this salvage biz for a while and I haven’t seen anything like it, before or since.” Without paying anywhere near the same reverence toward the artifact, he walked past the group, flicking the hat of the scarved one as he went.

    “Let’s get down to business, shall we? It will be easier to get rich with more than just a single working rig, so we have to get your engines back.”

    The Behemoth moved through the badlands at a far greater pace than its appearance would suggest, the Iron Core suspended within humming and whirring sporadically. Casually leaning against the throttle, Sid faced away from the windshield and toward the rest, addressing them with a far less than professional tone, “Alright fuckers, little Miss Skelly here says she has a trick to be able to beat our culprit in a turbo duel without the synchro core that was stolen from her rig, so she is getting the duelist’s seat on this one. Once the guy is beaten, his rig will be disabled, making capture easy for a group as big as ours.” With a vague gesture to a slightly elevated platform with a full window view, he made room for Skelly to step up. With their pursuer in sight, driving what appeared to be a slick race car stylized like a white dragon, Skelly took stage.

    Skelly looks at her hand carefully, then carefully grabs one of the cards and sets it down, with a small, teal, ooze-like person with small, dot-like eyes popping into being nearby. She then sets down another card, with a frankenstein-like mixture of girl and wolf similarly popping into existence, with Skelly subtly scratching her behind the ear. She whispers “Alright you two, let’s do this.”

    The driver of the other vehicle seemed completely unfazed by their opponent’s actions, starting their turn by immediately activating a spell card, displayed to the spectators and Skelly alike as Chaos Form. A blue-eyed, white dragon that would have been recognizable at a glance a few long decades ago appeared, before promptly shattering and being replaced by the empowered Blue-Eyes Chaos Dragon, which gave a ferocious roar. Yet again, the core thief activated Chaos Form, as a ghostly image of the sacrificed dragon appeared, then shattered, this time being replaced by the enormous Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon.

    Skelly watches in horror as the Dragons sped towards the Behemoth, with her getting knocked back as Stitchwolf and Virus Kid’s projections shatter into bits. Her body lays still, motionless on the ground, before jerking up, tears leaking out from under her goggles. I… I couldn’t…” Stitchwolf’s projection flickers back into existence long enough to give a slight hug to Skelly before fading again. “I failed you Indy. I’m sorry.”

    DUEL END - WINNER: ???

    The Iron Core let out a series of deafening clangs as the entire Behemoth shook from the impact. All of its occupants could feel it starting to decelerate, knowing that in the next few seconds the enemy would pull away, escaping to potentially never be seen again. Along with the noises coming from the core, however, the entire group heard what almost sounded like footsteps on the roof above them. Alliyma, who had remained silent in a corner of the room since boarding, was the first to ask: “Where did the Little Bird go?”

    Navigating the guts of this thing was a chore in its own way. How could anyone bear owning a giant heap of metal like this? But with enough looking around, Magpie found what she was looking for. Roof access. She might have stopped to admire the view from up here had she the time, but free time could come later. Right now, she glanced down at the thief's D-Rig. Enclosed cockpit. Lovely. And as the larger of those two dragons struck, only slightly knocking Magpie off her balance, the behemoth began to slow down. Was it stopping?

    Why was that?

    Well, it wasn't her problem if something broke in there.

    Magpie always hated enclosed rigs. The wind in her face was one of the best parts of driving, and it made stabbing people much harder. She'd have to work around that, but right now she had to get on that thing. And so, Magpie took a few steps back, and then with a running start, leapt off the behemoth's roof, aimed at the other vehicle. As she descended, Magpie lifted up her spear over her head, and once she was in swinging range of the D-Rig's roof, she thrust the weapon downward. By the combined forces of gravity and her own personal effort, the head of the spear punched a hole in the roof. Not quite deep enough to hit the driver, but that was nothing Magpie couldn't fix by pulling the spear back out then slamming it back down through the hole.

    Upon pulling her spear out a second time, its blade was pleasantly coated in red.

    Stab once more.

    Once more.

    Satisfied with her work, Magpie leaped from the rig, landing upon the dusty ground as the vehicle spun out, kicked itself up into a roll, and tumbled for several seconds, eventually reaching a state of rest upside-down and crunched on most sides, a trail of blood painting the ground, having seeped through the hole in the rig’s roof. A few seconds later, the Behemoth slowly rolled up to a lazy stop beside Magpie, smoke billowing from various ports situated across it.

    Staring down at the scene through the window, Sid’s jaw dropped. “I… I guess that does the trick…”

  5. When Tatsu returned to her bike, things were not as she had expected. The engine had been pried open, perhaps with a crowbar or similar tool, and the cores removed. Upon closer inspection, Tatsu found that her prized bottle of cooking oil from home had gone missing as well.

    This could only have been a robbery! Tatsu was no stranger to some tactical... "apprehension of goods" herself, but these were clearly just common thugs! She was almost just as offended at their complete lack of subtlety as she was at the theft itself. Anyone with a functioning set of eyes could spot the tracks leading away from her bike. A set of tracks she wasted no time following, taking at least some care to brush the sand back over her footprints as she moved, unlike her robbers. The footprints led to tire tracks leading off into the wasteland. Pursuing that would be problematic, what with her own engine robbed of its cores.

    "It's almost admirably bold," she mused to herself, suddenly at a bit of a loss on how to give pursuit.

    A tall man, easily six and a half feet, with a wide brimmed metal hat and sunken facial features, dragged his feet from a nearby area of shade to standy beside Tatsu, "Looks like 'e come early today. Sorry ya had to get all caught up in this lil lady."

    Aside from his gargantuan size, the first thing that stood out to Tatsu about this man was that he seemed aware of what was going on here. "Caught up in it? Are robberies like this common here?"

    The man whistled through a gap in his teeth. Dental hygiene clearly wasn't a staple of Sandy Grove. "Ye, he comes by every once in a while to take the cores from whatever they can. 'pparently they're buildin somethin. I do my best to just stay outter 'is way, but it were fun watchin 'im tryin get inter that big 'ol rig up the hill. Gave up after a few minutes."

    "If you know where he is, could you please point me in the right direction? I'm not asking you to help me get my things back of course, just to help me get there so I can handle it."

    "He headed west, like every time. But like I said, he ripped the cores out of just about all these things, so I dunno how you'd go after 'em."

    "It's certainly a conundrum. If it really ends up being my only option, I'll walk there if I have to, though I'd rather not." Tatsu turned her gaze back toward the dilapidated little town she had just walked out of. Perhaps that tumbleweed-looking man would be willing to help in exchange for some actual olive oil... if he were a better listener, at least. Not to mention he didn't seem like the type who could do her any good.

    "Well, we ain't got any cores of our own here in Sandy Grove. Trust me, if we did, we'd be the hell outta here. You're welcome to try whatever, worst case scenario we get a few new citizens. I'd be careful about tryin duel this guy though, he's got one hell of a dragon he's used to beat people down."

    "Unfortunately, I don't have much of a choice..."

    Without warning, sirens began blaring from the large rig that sat upon the hill, lights scattered across it flashing haphazardly as the hatch located at its front opened up. A set of stairs extended down to the sand, and down walked a man, perhaps about 30 years old, wearing a heavy jacket that went down to his knees, and a tired, mildly annoyed expression. It took a few minutes, but eventually he trudged his way to Tatsu's position. "Looks like you're in a tough spot. Wanna make a deal?"

    This felt sketchy. But for want of a better option… "I'll at least hear you out."


    At the center of Sandy Grove, the same man who had approached Hojo Tatsu, stood atop a pile of junk. "Oi!" Unfortunately, his call for attention was met with less of a reaction than his mere presence there, which had at least drawn a few eyes. With a sigh, and a shrug toward Tatsu, who stood patiently at the foot of the trash heap, he reached into one of the deep pockets of his jacket, producing from it a compact flare gun, that seemed to be previously broken apart and now held together with duck tape and crossed fingers. He pointed it into the air, and fired off the pre-loaded shot.

    Instead of sending a flare into the sky, the entire construction exploded within his hand, his skin luckily protected by the thick glove he wore. Fortunately, the sound produced was enough to gather attention from all those around. "Good morning, motherfuckers! I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but y'all got your shit stolen! From my safe and cozy perch, I witnessed some asshole steal the cores from every last one of your rigs! He even took some kinda fancy oil from little miss Hojo here, from what I'm told." He held his breath for a few seconds, a smirk forming at the corner of his mouth as hysteria began to set in within the crowd, "but luckily, your new best friend Sid has an impenetrable fortress of a home, I'm sure you noticed it up the hill." Vaguely gesturing toward the enormous rig on the horizon, Sid beamed with pride. "I'll take all of you, and your busted rigs, to catch up with this POS, and one of you can duel him to get all the cores back! All I ask in return is the most valuable salvage you all have! A paltry price for the opportunity to leave this dump of a town." Hopping down from the trash pile, he addressed the crowd once more, "Your rigs should have enough residual power left to get them up into Behemoth's cargo bay. We leave in 20, be there or be stranded in this shit hole…" with a smile to one of the citizens of Sandy Grove, he placed his hand on their shoulder and nodded, "with all due respect."



    Each rig has maybe a mile left in it, so unless you want to live in Sandy Grove forever, this is basically your only option, at least that is immediately apparent. I doubt many will be particularly happy with Sid's extortionary offer, but any port in a storm, y'know?


  6. areyoufuckingkiddingmerightnowjoseph.png

    Sunrise was less than an hour ago, making this prime time to move around in the depressed shanty town of Sandy Grove. Despite the name, it was far from a Grove, though sandy was absolutely an accurate description. Situated at the southern edge of the Sierra Nevada mountain range, it bordered upon countless rolling hills of sand. The oldest who were in the area before The Collapse claim that these dunes were once the site of grasslands, or even incredible fruit orchards, but that time had long since passed.

    The market was as bustling as the settlement of a few dozen could manage, with cactus fruit traded for scrap, scrap traded for insect meat, insect meat traded for pickled and dried fish, pickled and dried fish traded for water, water traded for cactus fruit, and any combination therein. Sandy Grove served and survived as a pit-stop for travelers, and several D-Rigs were visible on the outskirts, including an absolutely massive example at least 50 meters long in the far distance.

    A woman of about 6 feet tall and medium-brown skin, adorned with intricate, seemingly custom-made armor, surveyed the crowds moving through the market from a position sitting atop the roof of a half-collapsed building, her eyes squinting with vague suspicion. Her hand rested on the hilt of a blade stowed at her side, rolling her fingers along the wrapped grip impatiently. ”Where…” after a few seconds she frowned slightly, furrowing her brow as she dismounted from her perch. Despite her size, her landing was graceful, a roll transitioning flawlessly back into a standing position as she entered the foot traffic.


    Here we go @fuckers. While this may seem barebones, there is plenty more to Sandy Grove than immediately apparent. Make sure to establish what the fuck your character is doing here, maybe they are trying to establish a new home, or perhaps this is just a stop for the morning like it is for so many. If you have any questions, or want something from me to have in your post, hit me up and we can work it out there.

    There will be an inciting incident soon, but I wanted to establish the setting a little bit first. Feel free to have your characters meet each other and interact, or don’t, whatever feels right.


  7. areyoufuckingkiddingmerightnowjoseph.png


    logo by yui

    Momentum is a powerful thing.

    In the past, it provided a chance at utopia, a world powered completely by dueling energy channeled through D-Wheels and specialized conductive roads working together to form a Speed World, harnessing powerful magic woven deep within the international pastime. Advancements were made, and Momentum Energy could be produced not only by the power of synchro summoning, but through Fusion, Xyz, Link, even Ritual and Pendulum summoning, through use of specialized summon cores.

    But, like all of the sweetest dreams, it ended in a rude awakening. It isn't widely known exactly what went wrong, but in an event referred to as the Zero-Reverse Collapse, an incredible wave of Momentum Energy swept across the world. Initial reports said it originated in North America, but those didn't last long as devices were fried and much of the planet's surface was scorched by the overwhelming force. A lot of people died that day, most everyone in fact, and the survivors were far from lucky. But, as humans do, they pushed to reconstruct some level of civilization in this new inhospitable environment.

    That was fifty years ago. Now the wasteland is dotted with settlements built within the ruins of what was. D-Rigs of all sorts of shapes and sizes traverse the badlands, powered by scavenged summon cores and partaking in turbo duels to fight for resources. Of course, dueling isn't the only form of hostility, but the ability to disable an opponent's D-Rig can either assure a getaway or corner a victim for an attack.



    All the obvious stuff, I can fill this out later



    I will be updating this section as I go.

    App Skeleton


    Name: (this RP will be taking place in what used to be America, so take that into consideration with naming, but at the end of the day this is very much still a fantasy and most anything should be fair game)
    Age: (the Zero-Reverse Collapse was just about 50 years ago at the start of this RP, so it is very likely that your character will not have experienced that event. That being said, I am not opposed to having an old timer or two on the cast. Generally speaking, I'm expecting late teens through early 30s in age.)
    Appearance: (pictures are fine, preferable even. This isn't 2011. Height would be useful just to give others a frame of reference.)
    Biography: (while this RP will span a very large distance over the course of its story, it will start within the ruins of a small town in what was once Southern California. Feel free to consult with me for information about what different areas are like so that your backstory fits in with canon)
    D-Rig Description: (anyone who's anyone is going to have one. D-Rigs vary from powered boards all the way up to monster trucks, with everything in between. D-Rigs are powered by one or more summon cores. Characters can start with up to two different summon cores, though more will be available through plot progression. If you would like to start with more, hit me up. If you have a good enough reason there may be some wiggle room.)
    Deck: (keep in mind, your character will only be physically capable of using summon mechanics that they have a summon core for in their D-Rig, so plan accordingly. Fortunately, summon cores have a habit of spontaneously generating cards from duel energy in the heat of the moment, in a manner not unlike the Burning Soul and Clear Mind techniques used in the past.)

    If anyone wants in the discord, hit me up and I can make it happen.

  8. Sai lounged on the couch, forming an X in front of his face with his crossed fingers. His breathing was measured, as he played through the duel several times in his head. While he didn't see any blatant misplays on his part, it was quite clear why he lost.

    "I played too conservatively." By this point the rest of his team was in the room. "It's quite simple, really. My planned conclusion was further out than the duel lasted. While I thwarted multiple attempts of theirs to take me out, I accomplished very little of my own in that time, and while I do think I would have had an assured victory on my next turn, that turn never came." His tone was careful, and he spoke slower than usual, stone faced and motionless.

    "I suppose that I was starstruck. Charlie is a duelist that I personally look up to. I consider them to be the best fusion duelist in the world, regardless of rank. This prevented me from catching the chinks in the armor. Perhaps if I did not focus on defense I could have snuck a win on my second, or perhaps third turns. It's hard to say."

    Abruptly, Sai stood up, once again towering over everyone else in the room, "In any case, I don't think our teammates' victories should be understated," shifting his eyes toward Rosalia, he added, "and your duel was a victory, despite whatever you may think." His expression turned pensive for a second, "I may have lost on this day, and the loss was a heavy one. But I learned quite a lot in every play, from both them and myself." Staring out the window, he smiled softly, "I have so much more to show all of you. Not even Vega has seen everything I am capable of."


    In a flash, Sai had positioned himself between Evelyn and Rosalia, placing a hand on a shoulder of each. "How will we celebrate the day's rising stars? Dinner is my own treat, it's only fair after my loss!"

  9. 11extag2.png

    Ayane clung onto the dragon-girl's shoulders as best she could, despite the awkward angle of attack. Due to her large wings and the difficulty of maintaining stable flight, this seemed to be an effective blind spot for Shannon. Unfortunately for the budding Riot Hero, Shannon wasn't alone.

    “Get off of me!” Shannon roared, thrashing about in the air to try and shake Ayane off, but it wasn’t her actions that had an impact. Instead, Ayane, clinging to one side of her target, would instead find herself being slammed into by Diana from her left, being swung about by the dragon girl’s struggle.

    “Ayane, just leave her alone!” Diana yelled for the first time as she hung on for dear life, gritting her teeth, “This is getting you nowhere, just putting us in danger!”

    “Right now I would really love to!” Ayane responded. “But I’m going to be completely honest with you, Diana! I haven’t really worked out how to land from up here!” Especially not without my Quirk getting that boost from Syo…

    “Then what was your plan in the first place!? To get stuck up here with me!? To piss her off!?” Diana got louder and louder as Shannon’s thrashing seemed to slow, if only just a little. “I don’t know what happened, but this isn’t the way to solve it!”

    “I don’t know either, okay!?” Ayane’s grip briefly faltered, prompting her at this height to redouble her efforts at not having a long trip down to the rest of the action below. “You two had so many points and it had been so long since I saw her and I thought to show up and say something like ‘look I know we have a bit of a history but I’m a whole new girl now!’”


    As Ayane explained herself and tried to get a grip, she felt a claw manage to snag her shirt, quickly snatching Ayane with all the might Shannon could muster… and throwing her like a cheap bag at Syo, a wild grin on her face.

    “Shit.” Syo had barely wiped away the trickle of blood from the corner of his mouth before being hit by his thrown partner, right in his center of mass. With a flash of light, he reformed the 11-EX armor around Ayane, but there were now visible gaps in the suit. One off-key note hastily plucked on a random string was enough to produce a platform for the two, now one once again, to land on.  Listen, Ayane, I can’t keep this up. I think we only have a few more seconds as 11-EX. Mind giving me the wheel? I’m gonna need a good string of notes.

    …Alright. Whatever you’ve got in mind, go for it!

    “Do you have any idea how much trouble you’re in?” Shannon asked with a weirdly calm, but venomous voice, the grin on her face completely out of sorts. To Diana, it even looked like her mouth might have been even wider than it normally was, “I warned you. I tried. I tried so, so hard. And you wouldn’t listen. The consequences are your own fault!”

    The dragoness flapped her mighty wings, shooting down at the injured 11-EX in a nosedive, Diana clinging on for dear life. The points didn’t even need to be guarded in this fight, so why did Shannon even choose her? Why was Ayane doing this now of all times? Why was she so… useless? Even with the powerup for the other two, Shannon had done everything, and all Diana had done was hold her back.

    She is stronger than us. But if we do this right, we’re faster. We get in, and we hit that target before she has a chance to react. And we get the fuck out.


    As Ayane controlled the pair’s arms to tear out a fast and incredibly complex solo, a set of what almost appeared to be rocket boosters appeared on 11-EX’s back. With a flash of light, they rocketed forward, straight at Shannon, spiraling in a tight corkscrew that took an unexpected path, dipping off course only to zip up at their enemy from a low angle. Syo could see their victory clearly through their shared eyes, the dragon girl had failed to track them through their dodge. This was their chance! 11-EX reached out with their right arm, ready to land the decisive blow, before- 


    Shannon’s track drew to a halt as she felt Diana kick off of her back, the blonde girl’s good eye keeping track of 11-EX’s movements, and her body moving on sheer instinct. Falling down at them as Shannon’s look changed from one of murderous intent to one of absolute fear, Diana’s mind only had time to correct her actions on one account.

    If you hit them with your left arm, you’ll lose it.

    Instead, she drew back her right arm as she fell into striking distance and slammed her fist into the rocket boosters, shattering the source of 11-EX’s speed… as well as her own arm, shattering into metal pieces that fell down to the ground along with Diana and her opponents alike.

    With the impact, a sound like that of thunder could be heard, as Syo was violently cloven from Ayane. With a look of shock, he used one hand to wipe away the blood leaking from every facial orifice, grabbing Ayane’s wrist with the other and tossing her upward as best he could.

    Sporting her own look of shock, Ayane put her hands to the neck and body of the guitar for one last chord. Diana and her points were right in front of her. She could do… something, take them, then plummet. As long as Syo caught her, everything would work out. If he could catch her. That was way too risky of a plan though. Instead, when the last blaring note rang out from the amp on her chest, what appeared was a platform, situated to catch both of the flightless girls before the descent got too dangerous. And then there was a very disappointing spurt of static from the amp.


    Looking at a gauge on the shoulder of her setup, Ayane’s eyes widened at the display. The amp’s battery had run out. "So… my amp ran out of power.” Grabbing the target and pulling it off her chest, Ayane held it out for Diana. "To the victor go the spoils.”


    While Ayane may have expected Diana to grab the target, instead she felt the girl’s strong grip toss her up just a bit, before catching her with that same arm, hugging her to her body as they fell to the ground. Not a moment later, a sudden whoosh shot past the girls, flapping through the sky as Diana found herself in Shannon’s arms, with Ayane in tow. While the look from earlier had softened some, Shannon still seemed to be in a state of panic as she headed down to the ground, attention fried enough that Ayane’s presence was lost on her.

    "Di… Ms. Seigi, that was reckless! What were you thinking?”

    “Ah, you know,” Diana tried to move her right arm to rub the back of her head, only to realize nothing was happening, "I didn’t achieve much for us, but I was able to keep you two from hurting each other… well, more than you already did.”

    “If it makes you feel any better, I think my pride’s hurt more than my body.”

    The dragon girl tensed up as her eyes slowly tracked past Diana to the girl she held, her eyes widening in shock, before she abruptly looked ahead, adjusting to slowly descend to the ground, wings flapping as she took a more upright position.

    "... What I said stands. Do you understand, girl? I suppose you should be grateful for Ms. Seigi catching you. I’ll honor it… just this once.”

    “What I said also stands. Just leaving it like this between us doesn’t sit well with me. Even if it takes so long that I’m a shriveled old hag, I’m not giving up.”

    "Insolent little… were it not for Ms. Seigi, I would surely drop you!”

    Diana sighed as the bickering continued onward, holding onto Ayane extra tight at that statement, as much as she could with one arm. Sure, things weren’t great, but everyone was safe… right?

    Meanwhile, Syo was plummeting toward the ground. His eyes were drowned out with blood, but even if they were not he could see the tunnel vision beginning to close in, and every muscle in his body ached intensely as he felt an impending sense of doom creep at the back of his mind. But I am not going to die here. Heroes don’t die in their first chapter. Sputtering out the blood that was clogging his throat, Syo shouted with all his remaining might:


    Fortunately, his classmate had good hearing.

    Though he couldn’t see or hear what was going on with his own senses, he knew the identity of the one who grabbed him by the scruff of his sports uniform and decelerated his way down to the ground. All in all, the response time was less than a second. Pretty good. Can’t imagine why this guy didn’t try out for the hero course with a quirk and skills like his. Syo could feel his feet touch the ground, and though he stumbled slightly, didn’t quite pass out. Barely able to peek through one eye, he grinned up at Atsushi, who looked back down at him with an expression seemingly made up of equal parts concern and annoyance.

    Then, suddenly the boy’s target was struck by… Was that a tongue..? Whatever it was, it came out of nowhere and at lightning speeds, like those slow motion shots of chameleons catching bugs. Before he could ponder it much, however, the buzzer signaling the end of the event sounded.

    "And that concludes the Chicken Fight portion of this year's Sports Festival," Orikami addressed the crowd and participants alike through the stadium's speakers, "if you will all direct your attention to the big screen, the bracket for the last phase will be visible, displaying our top eight."


    Though her face remained neutral, a hint of joy was evident in her speech as she continued, "This final stage, as is tradition, will be single elimination sparring matches. While the previous rounds focused on adaptability, the eventual winner will be decided based on raw combat strength. The first rounds will all be conducted simultaneously, starting in one hour" She shot a cold expression toward Mayu, before beaming at the descending Shannon with pride. After a few seconds, she straightened her back, adjusted her paper skirt, and walked off the stage.


    Hakaro scowled as confetti rained down around him. If I knew all I would have left to do is G-rated Mardi Gras I wouldn't have lost so easily. The area surrounding the stadium had been transformed into an enormous carnival complete with food, rides, and even a fortune teller tucked away in the corner. A few of his other classmates that didn't make it to the third round of the Sports Festival had dragged him out here, something about him spending too much time sulking on his own.

    "Fine, we're out here, the fuck are we going to do?"

    Alrighty. If you feel the need to, you can justify your characters' positions, either having succeeded or failed in the Chicken Fight, but I think it was pretty clear that the team fight structure was too much of a non-starter as far as making the RP work so hand waving it is totally cool too. Live and learn. Our top 8 are all people I think will be able to get posts out, so the A-plot should go along without too many hitches. For those participating in the fights, I highly encourage you to start working on them ahead of time.

    For characters not in the bracket, there is a carnival outside to explore and have fun with. I intentionally left the group out there ambiguous for the ease of others.

    As always, any questions feel free to ask on discord, either in the group or DM.


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