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Everything posted by Nyx

  1. 6/10 I like all the mechanical parts on the art. And the destruction-based effects are okay. Golem's a cool dude. And Scrap Dragon is a classic Synchro. One gripe I have with the art is the colors. They're mostly muddy or desaturated. It makes sense, but...I wish they used a little more dynamic coloring.
  2. 5/10 I like Synchro Summoning, I like the consistency. But...their art doesn't really excite me. I know it's supposed to be dynamic, but...it just kind of comes off as generic.
  3. 7/10 GORGEOUS art! But playstyle is...finnicky. I'd use them, but...I dunno. I think I'd rather just collect them.
  4. 5/10 I'm split on their playstyle and art. Maybe if most of them had a less round design in the art, I'd like their art more. 7/10 Perfect score for me thematically and aesthetically. If you know me, you know one of my favorite Hellsing characters is Rip Van Winkle. And one of her favorite things is Der Freischütz. But playstyle isn't reliable enough.
  5. 6/10 I like their art. But I get mixed feelings on their performance. Be it whether I use them, or my opponent does. Aromas either brick or stall to victory.
  6. Um...I don't think so. If they're not listed anywhere in a card's effect, I'm not counting it.
  7. 3/10 I like banish shenannigans. But the art? Absolutely not.
  8. 7/10 They may not be the best, but they've got some neat tricks. And nice art. Especially on their latest Extra Deck monster. Which is...a Synchro Monster? HELL! YEAH! 7/10 They're kind of meh on their own. You usually squeeze them in with other stuff (Looking at you Hands and Artifact). But the art? Beautiful
  9. 5/10 They're neat at what they do. I just don't care for their aesthetic. Sports? Whoopie...
  10. 4/10 I like the art (I mean...mermaids? It's one of my favorite mythical creatures! I guess those Sea Serpents are cool-looking, too). But...their playstyle? You don't really see them play on their own. It's typically a fusion of Mermail and Atlantean. They can't stand on their own.
  11. 7/10 I like the art. And the Rocks and Beast-Warriors work swimmingly. But...they've got a lot of filler.
  12. 5/10 I LOVE the aesthetic. Especially on a Ritual Summoning archetype. It just SCREAMS Zombie. THIS is the first thing I think of when I hear the word. Undead. You don't have many Zombies in Rituals, too. But their playstyle? Um...I can't get behind this like I can Gishki.
  13. 3/10 I LOVE the art. And I like being able to steal my opponent's monsters. But...WAY too clunky to use in anything outside of ultra casual.
  14. 7/10 A FIRE archetype that doesn't just boast flames as its identity? Yes, please! Their playstyle is just kind of...okay. Nothing spectacular. But they're simple enough to understand. And I like the fighter aesthetic on most of them.
  15. 4/10 I like the art for some of them. But the playstyle? Meh. Nothing I'm excited or enthusiastic about.
  16. Happens to the best of us. Anywho: 5/10 They're nice at what they do. Just some easy swarming. But their aesthetic...it's kind of boring to me. The whole lightning in the hands and hair aesthetic isn't captivating enough for me.
  17. 8/10 Not nice to be pitted up against. But using them? They're a hoot! Simple, but effective. Also, that art.
  18. 1/10 I like the art. And that Spell is handy, I guess. But...I really hate the lack of monsters.
  19. 4/10 I do think it's nice that something so ancient gets support. Like Skull Servant. But DAMN did they overcompensate. I even pulled Colossus from a pack, and it's worth fuck all because he got banned. Art's meh, and the playstyle? I dunno. I'm not feeling it.
  20. 9/10 Love the art and playstyle. Really only loses a point if you happen to go against them is all. 10/10 Easy to Summon, beautiful, and good friends with other cards! Just take Aleister for example Could've sworn I replied to these...
  21. 7/10 Not my first choice when playing the card game. But I love the aesthetic. Also, a few handy cards, I guess. Just...don't mix up the Flame Noble Knights in here. I don't like them. 7/10 I LOVE the aesthetic. And Norse mythology doesn't get anywhere near as much love as, oh I don't know, Greek mythology. But there is WAY too much room for improvement. They got a cute and handy Link monster. But it's just not enough!
  22. Nyx

    Discontinued Chip Flavors

    There's been plenty I liked that I miss. Like Fritos Flavor Twists Cheddar Ranch, Doritos Guacamole, and two of their Jacked flavors (Enchilada Supreme and Smoky Chipotle BBQ). But the one they ran with the most was the one I cared the least for (Ranch Dipped Hot Wings). But there's one particular flavor I REALLY liked. And it was only around for mere months. At least where I've lived:
  23. Even if you don't eat chips anymore, is there any flavors you remember? Perhaps a personal favorite flavor. One that was around for years before it was pulled. Or a flavor that was around VERY briefly.
  24. 2/10 I like the Star Wars and Wizard of Oz references and art. But do I like the playstyle? No. I hate this archetype.
  25. 5/10 They're cute little robots. I like them aesthetically. But the archetype's playstyle? They don't have much going on past their beatdown strategy. Maybe some swarming. But it's mostly beatdown. There is Deskbot Jet, but that's about it.
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