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Posts posted by Zai

  1. I came back to rp me some card games, and by gum, imma rp me some card games. Once more ‘round the sun, as they say.

    Disclaimer Shit

    Spoilers ain’t working on mobile. So out in the open with it. I’m sure a lot of you will ask “So is Zai gonna post?” Short answer: almost certainly, once a week, on mondays, after 5 est. I’ve got time blocked out, and I’m trying to keep all of these as laid back and low pressure as possible so that I can reliably get shit done. No promises, as I don’t wanna make a liar of myself, but I’mma be doing my best! If you’re cool with that and willing to give me one more go, welcome aboard!
    Now, with that out of the way, meat and potatoes. I have quite a few ideas bouncing around in my head, and rather than develop one, I’m gonna post the cliffnotes for all of them and see what people are or are not interested in. Fun fact: not all of them are ygo related.
    1. Skies, again? Really?
    Skies. Again. Really. Possibly picking right up where we left off with it as well. Old apps would get auto-acceptance, and the RP would be open for new ones. I’ve made some changes to my plot notes to allow it to flow better and be more inclusive though. More on that if you ask. Also links are on the table now that they’re not rules-mandatory. For those who weren’t around for the last one, its high school duel monsters, except set in a post apocalyptic arcology dome with a fake sky (hence the name). If you’ve ever played custom robo for gamecube, its similar.
    2. Cardgames on motorcycles.
    I love, love, love me some 5ds, and I have a ton of notes laying around from FORTUNE and other ideas. So this one would be the easiest to set up and get going. It’ll be a sequel, set X amount of years later. Limited acceptance in order to keep the workload small and plot moving fast, unfortunately (i really do hate those). PCs will become signers over the course of the plot, other newer summon types will make appearances, etc etc. You can probably expect to see some sort of novel spin on the formula, but what exactly that’ll be is still up in the air at this time, since I don’t want to 100% retread things I and other people have done before.
    3. Magic: the Isekaithering
    Mtg has expansive lore running back decades, and I love it to death. I know a lot of you are big fans, too, so this idea came about. The player characters are semi-pro magic players, and/or fans at a big tournament/con, who are all isekai’d into the mtg multiverse as planeswalkers via some kind of, well, magic, with all of their knowledge of the game and its lore intact. The possibility for altering the plot of past blocks, as well as riffing on magic and card game tropes in general, will exist. I have it envisioned as somewhat lighthearted, but depending on what people want to go for I’m very willing to make adjustments to the plot and tone to do something more serious.
    4. Yughioh’s bizzare adventure/Exiles 2: electric boogaloo
    A redux of my very first rp on ycm literally ever. Apologies for the textwall. Essentially taking the notion that a character’s deck in ygo anime is their stand as literally as possible, with inspiration from digimon and a classic anime called orguss thrown in. The basics: monsters from ygo (called exiles) and all of the varying card storylines, art, events, et all, are real, and exist in alternate dimensions, collectively called the spirit world, that reflect the emotions and imaginations of humanity. Something happened during a duel monsters world championship that overlaid every one of these dimensions onto ours, which caused the apocalypse and drastically altered the reality and makeup of the world.
    The conciet, in a shellnut, Is that Cards can now be tied to the creatures/objects/locations they represent, as well as a duelist, to essentially become that duelist’s stand, jojo style. Using those cards as summon materials, or generally doing gameplay things to them, causes those effects to become as real as the monster, who may or may not be willingly partnered with that duelist. People don’t usually play duel monsters with rules anymore- they fight using this effect instead. Your monster-stand will change forms when used for summons, card effects played on it become literal effects, and when it dies so do you. Plot wise, the world is getting worse and soon won’t be able to support human life, and the cast will be instrumental in turning that around.

    5. Something comepletely different!
    I have other ideas floating around for a yugioh rp too, but none as fully developed as the above. Little bit of sports anime here, some saving the world there. If none of the above sound fun, but you still wanna do some yugimons with ya boi zai, I can concoct something entirely new.
    if any of these strikes your fancy, let me know! Or, come to the discord server I’ve got set up for this and do it there. Whichever works for you!
    Before I go into that though, just a quick tidbit to adress what I’m sure is gonna be the first thing that comes to mind when a lot of you see that I’m hosting an rp again: is Zai gonna post? Short answer: Almost certainly. I’ve got a fairly set schedule these days, and while I’m not gonna outright promise anything, since I’d rather not make a liar of myself, I do have a block of time set aside every monday after 5 pm est specifically for this, and a better grasp on my ability to juggle projects and other things. A post a week is what I’m giving, and also what I’m (nicely, with no pressure) asking. So if you’re ok with all of that, welcome aboard! Its good to be back.

  2. T-Bear



    “Come closer and run that by me again homie? Can’t hear you that well when the ear pro’s in, and this piece-of-shit drive train ain’t gonna fix itself.”

    Name: Theodore McCallum
    Age: 22
    Birthday: September 9th
    Role: Turbo



    Theo is 5' 10". His distinguishing features (Other than the grease and dirt he's usually covered in after a long stretch in the shop) are his pronounced canine teeth and big, pretty, baby blue eyes. Between that, the high volume at which he laughs and speaks, and the unkempt mane of red that is his hair, Theo gives off a vibe similar to that of a big, friendly dog. Coincidentally, head scritches are his kryptonite. Just be mindful of the gunk in his hair if you intend to indulge him.



    At a glance, Theo seems to be warm, happy-go-lucky, and personable, though he can also come off as somewhat oblivious, a little bumbling, and immature. He has a self deprecating, off-color sense of humor, and swears like a sailor. Combine all of this with willingness to eat crow for the sake of productivity and/or morale, and one can paint a picture of the combination of class clown and janitor that is Theo. He's the guy who handles all the busywork that needs doing, but (perhaps purposefully) trips over himself in the process, and in doing so he helps everyone have a good time.

    There’s a subtle, but noticeable disconnect there though. Its hard to put your finger on what exactly feels off, but almost every acquaintance who spends significant amounts of time around him eventually comes to the realization that something about him doesn't quite fit. One might be inclined to chalk that up to his east coast sensibilities. After all, he’s a lot less easygoing and way more blunt than the locals. Truth is though, there’s a lot to his personality that Theo tries to keep hidden. He’s smarter than he lets on, as evidenced by how quickly he’s able to pick up new skills and adapt his deck and himself to to different problems. As well, though he tries to obfuscate it with his damaged hearing and penchant for tripping over both himself and his own words, he’s also far more attentive, and sensitive, than he tries to appear. Almost always, if he seems to be especially engrossed in his work, or he’s offhandedly asked someone to repeat themselves, he’s actually been listening intently.

    The reasoning behind all of the above is complicated. To chalk it up to his self-esteem issues wouldn’t be inaccurate, but also wouldn’t paint the whole picture, as Theo is genuinely good-natured and does have a tendency to get a little too absorbed in whatever he’s doing. Rather, its more fair to say that his problems have motivated Theo to carve out as inoffensive a social niche as possible; keeping aspects of his personality that most tend to find agreeable on the surface while holding things that could intimidate someone or rub them the wrong way closer to his chest. After all, he’s starved for affection and affirmation. It should be noted, however, that this behavior is subconscious, and not something Theo usually does deliberately. He’s not without his own flaws, either. Theo can be manipulative, and in spite of his propensity to make himself the butt of the joke, he also tends to take things personally. As a result, he has trouble expressing himself constructively when he’s hurt or angry, and sometimes the things he’s repressed boil over.



    Theo was born all the way across the country, smack in the middle of New Jersey, to lower-middle income parents. The youngest of two, the seven year age gap between himself and his sister, combined with the long, awkward hours his father kept (both through warehouse work and alcoholism) meant that he spent most of his early childhood in the company of his mother, who doted on him some and often took Theo with her to the office, as the family couldn’t afford a regular babysitter. Thankfully, he was a sweet, intelligent little boy who more often than not endeared himself to his mother’s coworkers and made himself useful (as much as a toddler can be, at any rate) as opposed to causing trouble.

    Theo’s first love was music, and unfortunately for his family’s ears, he gravitated almost immediately to hard rock, punk, and grunge, which he was fond of playing at the highest possible volume. Worse still, and rather unfortunately for Theo himself, they also found out very quickly that he had zero musical talent, which squashed any dreams the little boy might have had of being a rockstar. Thankfully, he soon found something that he did have a talent for: tinkering. It was a hobby to keep him occupied at first- lego sets, then model kits, and so on, but by the time he was out if elementary school Theo had become proficient with his hands, and had moved on to functional motors, electrical work, and power tools. He and his best friend built their first go-kart when they were 11, using parts they both saved up a year’s worth of allowance to purchase. That, in turn, led to racing, and then to turbo dueling. Theo didn’t take to duel monsters quite as fast as he had to mechanical work, but with practice he honed that talent as well, competing on his middle school and high school dueling teams, and even helping to bring home a state championship in his sophomore year.

    His home life, on the other hand, was not as healthy. Theo’s parents divorced when he was 10, and his mother’s subsequent relationships were less than amicable, compounded by her working especially long hours to support the family. A live-in boyfriend of hers had a particular dislike for him, and though he never got hit, the man’s constant verbal tirades did quite a number on his self confidence. Combined with the lack of an adequate support system, save for the few friends he had from school, this left Theo feeling depressed and isolated for much of his adolescence. His grades and his social life outside of duel team suffered as a result. These issues persisted up through his graduation, and even after his mom’s abusive boyfriend moved out, and its something he still struggles with.

    Theo went to trade school after graduation, finishing a two-year program and finding work as an auto mechanic. When the landlords decided to put his childhood home on the market, he moved out, and made his way to Seattle to start a new life. Though he isn’t entirely on his own, as his older sister also lives and works in town, he hasn’t quite settled in as of yet, and as a result has a very small social circle. He currently rents a small studio apartment and works as a mechanic, spending his free time immersed in the local music scene and dueling.

    After seeing a show at a local college, he happened upon a flyer for a casual duel team, and signed up on a whim. Though he earned a spot as a turbo duelist, he also quickly found himself in charge of maintaining the team’s gear- from both of its duel runners to everyone’s disks. He’s also the one who usually handles the odd jobs that need doing, and occasionally orders a booster box or two for the team when they have spare cash.

    Deck and Ace Card:


    Deck: Theo plays a P.U.N.K. deck (what the acronym stands for shifts with the breeze), which revolves around the eponymous archetype of rock & roll themed psychic type monsters, and uses them for Synchro summoning. His ground deck and his turbo deck aren't very much different, though the latter includes some speed spells he's fond of. Theo favors a highly aggressive playstyle focused around large, showy combos, and usually makes a point of getting close to his opponent so his cards and effects have maximum physical impact. He's especially fond of the resultant pyrotechnics this tends to produce when combined with his ace card: Volkite Dragon.



    1 Psychic Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner Monsters
    You can use one of the following effects of "Volkite Dragon" once per turn: Banish 1 Psychic type monster in your GY; Monsters your opponent controls lose ATK and DEF equal to the number of Psychic type monsters used as material for this card's synchro summon x 300. Banish 1 Psychic type Tuner in your GY to target 1 monster on the field; Its ATK and DEF become 0 and its effect(s) are negated, until the end of this turn (Quick Effect).



    -Theo is tone deaf, and his singing is atrocious. He also knows how to play bass guitar, but he isn’t particularly good. His bass face, on the other hand, is the stuff of nightmares; comparable in terror to the vissage of an overly motivated joey wheeler.

    -Years and years of concerts and power tools without adequite ear protection have also started Theo on his way to being actually deaf. He has mild tinnitus, and isn’t always aware of his own volume. Thankfully, he’s far better about protecting his ears nowadays.

    -His preferred nickname is Theo, but he also responds to Teddy, TJ (his middle name is Jackson), or, begrudgingly, his full name. His teammates in high school usually went with T-bear, as did a lot of people who knew him back east.

    -Theo gives 10/10 hugs. 

    -His favorite color is red, and he likes strawberry flavored sweets.

    -Theo has never been in a relationship, a fact that he conceals and is very self concious about. 

    -He’s had his duel runner, which is also his primary means of transportation, since high school. Like many teens’ first vehicles, it was purchased secondhand and has since been refurbished several times. It is red, but otherwise rather unimpressive looking.

    -When pressed, he’ll choose dogs over cats every time.



  3. 55f22069e3db09b18fb4e0762ffcea3a.jpg

    PPL: 50

    "Oh, so that's your play."

    Enrique looked down at his arm, which now had a decently sized gash in it, and then at the inky black shadow on the side wall which had suddenly grown a long, gangly claw and slashed at him. It let out a monotone, droning cry as it left the wall and took a three dimensional form. At first, going off on his own hadn't seemed like the optimal choice, but Enrique had opted to anyway to hopefully get himself back into the swing of things. And Lo and behold, an opportunistic, predatory spirit had decided to make it worth his while. 50 was sizable, but still small enough that he could handle it no problem. It even had a cute gimmick.

    Choosing not to waste any more time, he drew his knife, and in one quick motion he lunged forward and inflicted a comparable wound to the creature's own arm. It too looked down, presumably shocked that it could be wounded in such a manner as inky blackness seeped from the stab wound.

    "This blade kills spooks good, cabron." He taunted. "You got some cahones, I'll give you that, but you picked the wrong guy to mess with today."

    The thing retaliated by launching both of its arms out at him. One nicked his cheek as he ducked, but Enrique was otherwise unharmed. With a practiced upward swipe, he then reached up and cut a nasty gash through the spirit's wrist as it withdrew its appendages, splattering some of the black ichor onto himself as the wound gushed, much like it would on a living person. It droned again, though despite the monotone, it was very clearly in a lot of pain.

    "Been in too many street fights to get knocked down by something like that. How's about I send you back to the hole you crawled out of and put that PPL to better use?"

  4. 08:32, ToSoftware HQ, Megalopolis



    Enrique Cabrera shook his head and sucked down the last bit of his cup of coffee. Today... well, yesterday-blended-into-today, had gone from bland and mildly aggravating to downright terrible. Second shift on the new apartments downtown, normally a crappy night doing interior work now that the the facade was up on the building, had turned godawful when his body abruptly decided that carrying spot lamps up the stairs was the perfect time to develop sudden onset narcolepsy. The next thing he knew, he was somewhere else, staring down some crazy mist monster with a bunch of people who's faces he didn't recognize. It was kind of laughable at first, like a scene out of a horror film. The thing even had a PPL so large that quantifying it was impossible for him. Then it screamed.

    Being an empath was tough, even at the best of times. But the sudden rush of fear, emanating from everyone and everything, hitting him all at once? He was surprised it hadn't killed him.

    Or maybe it had, since he was conscious again, and at the bottom of the stairs. Understandably, his super had sent him home after that. Can't have a worker sleepwalking on a job site, after all. But that also meant no pay until he could get cleared to work again. No money, no rent. Fantastico.

    This exorcist gig was supposed to pay for a new guitar (and maybe a prerelease copy of BlackSpirits, if he could swing it), but now it had to keep him afloat. It was too late to sleep, so he'd had a cup of coffee and played some games at home for awhile, then left, got himself another and some breakfast, and made his way over to ToSoft with three hours and change to spare.

    He was the first one there, as far as he could tell, so he went and got himself a newspaper and sat down near the door. It provided him a good vantage point to people watch as other ESPers filtered in. He got a feel for each of their PPLs and their surface emotions as they walked past him. " Cien y diez... muy inquisitiva. Cien y setenta. Una Duendecilla. Not a good time. Dos cientos y cincuenta- ansiosa... did it just get colder in here?  Whew! Tres cientos y cuarenta. Estas abburida... Eres guapa tambien." He paused a moment, the next one interrupting his inner monologue. " Mil cuatrocientos. Puta madre why are the rest of us even here... wait is that a monkey?!"

    And so it went until he'd taken what stock he could of his erstwhile coworkers. By the time the suit showed up, it was around noon.

    "Th-thank you, everyone, for coming! We here at ToSoft care utmost about our employees, so when we discovered the presence of something… paranormal on our campus, we did our best to find any and everyone capable of handling it! Thank you for answering our open ad."

    Well, at least there was cannon fodder here with them. Enrique had also brought his knife.

    I believe that the… the ghost is that of a former employee. While developing a game for us, he had created a 'boss monster' that the game balancing team deemed too difficult for our target market. Despite pressure from superiors, he refused to lower the difficulty in any way. Said it would ruin his work of art. He refused to listen… we had to let him go! Everyone at a business like this has to be a team player, surely you all understand! Needless to say, he was angry, and… he crashed his car in a road-rage incident shortly after leaving the premises…"

    The suit was inching closer and closer to the exit, clearly having no interest in remaining in the building longer than was absolutely required. "Cabron. Too scared to help solve a problem he caused."

    "Now the boss monster is here! It's been spotted on the top floor, and strange things have been occurring throughout the whole building in this last week! You need to help us, we haven't been getting anything done!" Before anyone else could, the big man with the 1400 PPL chimed in. Enrique folded up his newspaper and stood up, formally joining the crowd now that there wasn't anything to gain from being incognito.

    "Alright. After a quick look around the room, I was able to see that my PPL was about four times that of anyone else here. I'm gonna be leading this if none of you mind."

    "PPL..? What are you talking about, mister…"

    "Don't worry about it. The people who can actually do something with that information know what I am talking about. As for you, I recommend leaving before you see something that renders you mentally disabled for the rest of your life, or worse." Well, at least big man knew what it was they were getting into.

    As for the rest of you that are real espers, you can call me Aki. Any questions?

    "Yeah, I've got one. Were you raised by aliens or something to get a PPL that high?" And the rest didn't. Muy Bien.

    "Sorry to break it to you, but some people are simply more special than others."

    "I-I knew that! I just--but--for it to get that high... fine! I'll go look for the ghost." The girl in the rain gear started to go on ahead. "If anyone wants to tag along, be my guest. If I find it, I'll... hmm... just watch through the windows, you'll know when I find it. And then I'll lead it up to the roof."

    Enrique shook his head, then went off after her. He knew better. Besides, the Q&A was likely to be boring, and big man could probably handle getting the rest of the clueless ones up to speed.

    "Oiy, Chica!" He called out as he caught up to her. "This ain't no scavenger hunt. Even weak spooks can be dangerous if they catch you off guard- I almost got done in by the ghost of some old lady's parakeet once. Might be a better play if you stick around with all of us and listen to what Senior 1400 has to say, eh?" He was tired and aggravated, and she could probably tell that from his tone of voice, but he did his best to try and be nice about it. He put his hand on her shoulder as he continued, ignoring the image of what he assumed was her front door that flashed before his eyes for a second. "Besides, this is your first time ghost hunting, right?"

  5. Them Bones.


    Name: Enrique Cabrera
    Age: 25
    Birthday: September 9th
    Gender: Male



    6 feet 1 inch. Tall boi.



    One would think, judging solely by the dour expression he usually wears, that Enrique is a quiet, perhaps sullen young man. Though you'd be right about his general unpleasantness, you'd quickly find out that he's actually rather foul mouthed and confrontational. He has little patience for people (especially authority figures), be they incompetent, selfish, or simply rude, and he's not afraid to let someone know it, either. This isn't to say that he's a bad person, he's just not nice, usually. Of course, you'd be something of a sourpuss too if you were always feeling the emotions of everyone around you. It gets tiring after awhile. And you also would have run out of patience for people too when you're able to see all the bad stuff they've been up to recently. Being an ESPer takes a lot out of a guy.

    Enrique prefers the company of animals to people; they're always honest. He has few friends, most of whom he's known since he was young and are used to his personality. That said, there is some warmth to him- which he usually reserves for his family and pets, and he tends to show it physically. Hugs, fist bumps, pasts on the back, whatever. If you're tight with him, you'll know it, and you probably had to work pretty hard to earn it. His madre raised him right: he has a strong sense of right and wrong, and he's incredibly loyal to those who've earned his trust. As well, in part thanks in part to his powers, he's also an excellent judge of character. People who do right by others will find rather quickly that the curses (from both languages) stop being thrown in their particular direction, and that he's always willing to lend you a hand if you need it. With pretty much anything, even if its illegal.



    Though he grew up in a pretty rough neighborhood near Los Angeles, California, Enrique (or Ricky, as some friends are inclined to call him) had a pretty normal childhood. At least insofar as an ESPer can have a normal childhood. It helped that Mama was also an ESPer, and shared the same empathic abilities he had. Papa was a veterinarian, and he grew up with four cats, three birds, and two (and then five after the puppies came) dogs. As well as four siblings: two older sisters and two younger brothers. Familia' was always numero uno, and this helped to mostly keep Enrique out of trouble with gangs and other delinquents, though he's been in more than his fair share of fights and even has a scar from a stray bullet.

    When he hit puberty, the rest of his ESPer powers manifested. Post-cognition proved to be too tempting not to use for an adolescent boy, and Enrique very, very quickly lost whatever innocence he might have had left after a few months worth of "practice". Even nowadays, he tends to avoid other people's bedrooms for fear of seeing too deeply into their love lives. Ortheomancy, on the other hand, scared him. Even moreso after an incident involving getting one of the dogs to dance ended with a pair of severely mangled hind legs. However, Mama, bless her, was thoroughly supportive of her firstborn son, and did everything she could to help him come to terms with his abilities and how to use them in constructive ways. His favorite (and first) guitar pick, made from Mama's replaced kneecap after her surgery, was the embodiment of her efforts, and was the first object Enrique ever made from bones that exhibited supernatural properties. Even now, over a decade later, it instantly tunes any stringed instrument its used to play.

    He kept his head down, graduated high school, and went to work in construction to help pay his way through night school. His dream though, was to make it as a musician. Papa always had a soft spot for bachata and mariachi, but Enrique was much more interested in alternative rock and grunge music (he even named his ESPer powers after a favorite song). He learned to play guitar at age 10, and throughout his childhood floated from garage band to garage band. He sings (badly) too, but his guitar skills might just get him somewhere, if he's lucky.

    And that, in essence, is why he now finds himself in megalopolis, living in a rented studio apartment and working for a local construction firm. He has a bachelors in history that he's just finished, but he's really here to chase his dream of making it big in a rock band. He still calls home once a week to make sure la familia is doing ok though. SO far so good. He's even an uncle now!

    ESPer Ability


    Them Bones

    Them Bones, as Enrique's ESPer powers are collectively referred to, are a trifecta of abilities that are tangentially related to one another, and interact in different ways when used together. They are, in order:

    • Empathy- The ability to sense and feel the emotions of other beings
    • Post-Cognition- The ability to see the past of a person or place
    • Ortheomancy- The ability to animate and manipulate bone

    Enrique's empathic abilities are somewhat limited. He passively feels the emotions of all beings within a roughly thirty foot radius, something he is incapable of stopping himself from doing. He can, however, focus this sixth sense onto a single target in order to drown out others. When physically touching an individual, this is amplified by several orders of magnitude, allowing him to perceive with absolute clarity every layer of their current mood and, with some simple deduction and the help of his other powers, glean the underlying stimuli for it. He is also able to use his empathic abilities on the deceased, provided there is at least some part of their skeleton remaining in their body when he touches it. This allows him to glean their emotions during their last moments, or to get a sense of what their spirit is currently feeling in the afterlife.

    He often uses his empathy in tandem with his post-cognition. Unlike the former though, the latter is an ability that Enrique has total control of. When he makes physical contact with a person, he is able to perceive their past. Usually, this only extends back a day or so, but he can extend his viewing window through prolonged contact. Though he's never gotten a chance to try it out, he can theoretically see a person's entire life through prolonged intimate contact, even events that they themselves have forgotten or repressed. He can also see past events that have occurred in a specific place through a similar process of placing an uncovered part of his body on the ground. Normally this extends out to about a thirty foot radius and only goes back as far as a day, but the more he concentrates, and the more time he spends in a place, the larger his viewing window becomes. He has been able to view the entire one hundred and fifty year history of his old house in California, for instance. He can also use this power on the dead, so long as he makes physical contact with the body or a remnant thereof that contains at least a part of its skeleton. This allows him to see the individual's last moments, and as far back as twenty four hours prior to death, though doing so is rather taxing emotionally.

    The last and most potent of his powers is Ortheomancy: the ability to animate and manipulate bone. It goes far beyond simply being able to animate a skeleton- so long as there's enough material (read: bone or matter that is composed in part or whole thereof) available to him, and he is able to see it, Enrique can form and shape virtually any tool or object he can imagine. Examples include, but are not limited to: literal skeleton keys, bladed weapons, animate statues, and a bicycle. Rather gruesomely, this extends to living beings as well. If he wanted, Enrique could bend and twist a living person's skeleton in any way he so desires. Though in a rage he has often fantasized about making a marionette out of someone he dislikes, he has only ever used this ability on living things for mundane applications, such as helping an injured person to walk, or repairing a broken bone. Interestingly, objects he creates from bones not found within a currently living body often manifest anomalous properties, usually in some way related to the manner in which the individual died or lived their life. Enrique has no control over what these abilities end up being, though by using his other powers, he's often able to make an educated guess as to what those might be. These anomalous abilities can and have ranged from the mundane, like a guitar pick he once made from a kneecap that will instantly tune the strings of any instrument, to a knife that has been able to harm incorporeal or otherwise supernatural entities like ghosts and djinn, which is something he almost always keeps on his person.

    Its also worth noting that Enrique is able to use his abilities on fossils as well, and any items crafted in part or whole from such material will have whatever abilities they are bestowed by his power amplified. However, as non-mold fossils are hard to come by, he rarely has a chance to make use of them.



    "Ey Cabron! Go back to the afterlife where you belong!"


  6. 18 minutes ago, Comrade Duck said:

    I demand pictures immediately.

    What big moves you made lately? Besides pupper.


    she’s now slightly bigger and far longer but this is Millie. 

    starting school again (just one class but its a start), trying to improve my quality of life, etc. mostly small things.

  7. 9 minutes ago, Thar said:

    please do, maybe that'll also answer my question:

    where the hell you been?

    Getting my life together, moderating a discord server chock full of stormers, miscreants and right-wing nutjobs, and playing a lot of tabletop RPGs. Its been... a time. I legit regret making a big deal out of like, any drama in this community. Ever. So, soooooo small potatoes and you’re all decent human beings.


    EDIT: I also have a puppy now.

  8. A grotesque, agonized gurgling noise came from Relinquished, which was now laying prone on the ground, charred and blackened by the bolt of divine lightning. The King turned back around to look over its vanquished foe, and let out a roar of triumph as all around the tide began to turn. Without the pipe, the horde of low level monsters had descended into unorganized chaos, and the combined force of the students and their own decks began destroying them en masse. Over the mayhem Kuriborhn flew, keeping the pipe out of reach.





    "Oh? What might you wa-AAAAAAAAA!"

    The piper cried out in agony as Unmasked dragon shot a jet of flame into his face, the force of it sending him into the air, off of Yushiro, and conveniently right into the uncoiled tail of Proto Cyber Dragon. The mecha dragon scooped up its foe and, after constricting the piper for a moment in order to send a jolt of electric current through him, flung the piper forth towards the oncoming Darklord Ukoback. Yushiro watched it unfold as he gasped for breath, the searing pain in his legs dulled just a little bit by the realization that they'd won.

    And indeed they had, for Ukoback's punch was enough to finish the piper. He hit the ground nearby with a thud, shattering into pixelated dusk before he even had a moment to gasp out some last words. Nearby, Relinquished suffered a similar fate, though its destruction was more gradual- turning to particulates from the bottom up. The monsters it had absorbed faded away with it, and a few moments later a familiar voice spoke in Yushiro's head. Surprisingly, he wasn't angry.

    "Not bad, kid. Next time, try to fill me in on the plan though."

    "Maybe, if you stop patronizing me."

    "I just might. It took some guts to run through all of that on hurt legs."

    "Yeah tha- wait how did you see that from inside Relinquished?"

    "Duel Disk. So long as my card's on it, everything it sees, I can see. Even If I happen to be physically elsewhere at the time."

    "Is that so you can spy on people?"

    "Something like that. But we can talk about it later. You should get up. Go see your friends."

    Yushiro winced as he used Unmasked Dragon's wing to steady himself and get back on his feet. He recognized it as a wyrm type- it must be Jun's. The other two were mysteries though. Either way, he owed all three of them a thankyou.


    Kuriborhn tossed the flute and flitted back over onto Yushiro's head.

    "I owe you big time too, pal." He said, as the two of them, accompanied by the other three monsters, walked back toward Melissa's duel field where the rest of their friends were waiting.

    Meanwhile, the King of the Skull Servants looked over the spot where its defeated enemy had been. Something had caught his eyesockets. Carefully, the giant skeleton bent down, and using his thumb and forefinger, plucked something off the ground, then carried it back with him. He let out another roar to get his mistress's attention, and then took a knee. The King bowed in fealty, then outstretched his hand, offering up the blue monster card with their foe's visage printed on it up to Gabby- a prize for their well-earned victory. The rest of the Skeleton Army, having now fended off the remainder of the level one horde, turned and did the same as they began to disappear one by one- the piper's influence fading away.



  9. mqYjeXr.png

    Dragons and even more dragons tore into the hoards of fungi with their attacks, and from behind them came shambling forward a massive skeleton king- a worthy challenger for Relinquished at last. The repulsive demon fired yet another blast from its eye, but the King shrugged it off and continued to advance, grappling Relinquished when he at last came close enough. Yushiro weaved in and out of the crowd, trying to inch closer to the piper. His legs hurt, and occasionally he came close to getting caught by an attack from a monster, but he soldiered on as the battle raged and the students began to rally. Then a blast from one of the cyber dragons shook relinquished, and it was enough for the King to win out of the moment, hoisting Relinquished into the air and moving it back toward the duel field.

    "You munchkins think you have the strength to defeat us?! Absurd!" The piper yelled, angry that he seemed to be losing some ground.

    "Now's my chance!"

    Seizing the moment, Yushiro dove at the piper, tackling him to the ground and knocking the pipe out of his hands as Kuriborhn flitted in and snatched it up. The pain from the burns came searing back into his shins as Yushiro and the piper struggled on the ground, and Yushiro gritted his teeth. Still, they had managed to succeed for the moment.

    The hoard immediately lost cohesion now that the magical instrument was no longer controlling them. Fungi turned on each other, possums exploded, d boyz went flying, and soon all hell broke loose as the one unified force of low level monsters morphed into a free for all, giving the students the perfect chance to clean house. The piper, however, was stringer than Yushiro was, and soon he overpowered the boy, rolling on top of him and tightening his hands around his throat.

    "You'll pay for that, impudent brat!"





  10. "Coming Noah? i think we ought to take the Aegis over there and try to catch up with Ash before he gets into any trouble." He nodded, following her as she ran below decks. It wasn't long before they came upon their other four compatriots. "We've got something! It isn't much but it's more than the nothing we've been seeing. We gotta get the ship over there!"

    "A rocket just crashed over the hills." Noah added on. "Maybe somebody was on board."

    With that, he waited for everyone to head up to the deck before following suit.

    "I would appreciate it if the two of you stopped hitting random buttons on my control panel. The engine isn't even on yet, young ones." A motherly, but slightly annoyed voice echoed in the minds of the two digimon at Aegis's main control panel, bouncing into the heads of everyone else present a moment later. "Please pull the lever on the far right of the panel downward, Grudge. Slowly. Quill, if you would be so kind, make your way to my stern- the back. There is a tiller there that will help us steer, dear. As for the rest of you, I would suggest raising my sails. You will find deployment panels located around the deck for the hard light array. Please switch them on. You may also want to make your way to the bow once your finished- I can only perceive things that are close by, and so we shall need a lookout."

    Instructions. Great. Not quite the same as a manual, but Noah wasn't going to complain about a boat that walked you through everything herself. Noah wasted no time putting his goggles over his face and running up front, Kicking on one of the sail projectors as he ran ahead. The cluster of hard light sails unfurled with a flourish, and surely the other four sets around the deck would do the same. Once they did, Aegis would begin to lift off the ground, and then it would be up to the eyes of the lookouts, Grudge's management of her controls, and Quill's pulls of the tiller to move her in the right direction. Something of a gamble, the ship reckoned, though she did not share this trepidation with her erstwhile crew.



    Ash, meanwhile, was in a flat out run, covering hills just as fast as he could. His instincts told him he needed to get to that rocket, and soon, and they were rarely wrong.


  11. mqYjeXr.png


    "Skeletons, Dragons, and Superheroes. Oh my!"

    The Piper laughed manically as the gathered students switched from defense to offense and came at his hoard with everything they could muster. For his part, Yushiro spent a good few seconds stunned at the sudden turnaround and the loss of Zetsuei to Relinquished. Clear Wing was his best, after all. What was he supposed to do now?

    "You're going to have to do better than that!" The piper played another note, and on command a hoard of Explossums, probably the rest of the same group that had burned Yushiro's legs, rolled up and dove into the path of as many of the oncoming attacks as they could, exploding on contact with any projectiles or lowly monsters. As for the rest, Relinquished didn't seem fazed in the slightest, probably thanks to all the power it had absorbed from Clear Wing. "Take the big one with the gun next!"

    On command, Relinquished absorbed Rampart blaster this time, her agonized form appearing opposite Clear Wing on its membrane shell. It seemed about ready to rear up and attack, were it not for another large threat appearing before it.

    "Calamity! Null Terminal Pulse!"

    A grotesque mechanical dragon had appeared on their side- powerful enough to give Relinquished pause with a blast from its gaping maw. As the smoke from the impact began to clear, Yushiro trailed the cyber dragon's movements back and found the person who had summoned it a few more feet back. He didn't look like anyone Yushiro had seen before... a new student? And then Liz caught his eye again.

    She was staring at him with a look in her eyes that, in some part of his mind, he would have hoped she'd reserve for him. Jealousy wasn't exactly foreign to him, but in the context of the situation it certainly felt alien. Why should it matter? Especially at a time like this. The pulse of a laser blast snapped him out of his haze before he could dwell on it further, though.

    Relinquished's eye beam hit Cyber Dragon Calamity with tremendous force, sending it careening back through a crowd of students and skull servants. Some jumped out of the way, but others weren't as lucky, and found themselves knocked down and bowled over by the semi-real hologram... Wait, that was it!

    Yushiro began sprinting through the crowd toward, dodging bones and minor fiends and anything else in his way until he found a familiar face. Kuribohrn's, in this case. As he ran, pandemonium erupted around him. Studendts started screaming and running for their lives in panic, and it seemed even more monsters were coming out of the woodwork.


    The little puffball let out his trademark cry to  let Gabby know that Yushiro was approaching. "Hey, princess!" He'd forgotten her name, but the impression Gabby had left on Yushiro was much harder to forget. "We have to pull that thing into the duel field!"

    Gabriella looked at her skinny arms then back at Yushiro in surprise. "I can't pull THAT!"

    "Your Skeletons can! You practically have an army of them! That Cyber dragon got less solid when it entered the duel field. If we pull relinquished and the piper in here, it'll do the same to them!"

    "A-ah right. Of course! Get them, my minions, so that I may...enact my punishment directly!"

    It took them a couple of seconds to process what Gabby meant by "Get them" but thanks to duel space the gathered skull servants did as they were told, and began to converge on Relinquished. Yushiro looked back toward Elizabeth for a moment, then to his duel disk, and finally to the one monster that he still had. He wasn't gonna sit this one out.

    "I'm gonna need your help too, pal." Kuriborhn nodded, understanding what Yushiro's plan was without him having to say it. Then he landed back on Yushiro's head, and without another word, they took off running again. This time toward the Piper himself. Kuriborhn's magic would keep the pain from the burns at bay after they left the field, but Yushiro would still be open to further harm from the hoard of low level monsters. Still, he had to get close. He only had one shot.

    "Now, then, munchkins, care to keep playing?!" The Piper cackled, playing his instrument again and bringing forth an entire hoard of Fungi of the musk. As the killer shrooms shambled forward, the Skull servants threw themselves at relinquished, doing everything they could to drag the behemoth closer. Through this mess Yushiro ran, hoping the others would pick up on what he was trying to do. There hadn't been time to explain in full to Gabby that, if they could get Relinquished into Melissa's duel field, they would likely be able to destroy the monsters within it, making it weak enough to defeat. They were treated as spell cards right now, after all. If he could just get in close enough to the piper, maybe he could distract him long enough for everyone else to handle relinquished, or at the very least toss a mystical space typhoon at Zetsuei and try to get him out of that thing.

    Another blast from Relinquished to knock Cyber Dragon Calamity around some more. Somehow, it wasn't down yet- it was a tough bag of bolts, that was for sure. As for the rest of the students' assembled monsters, the fungi were on them now, and they would have to deal with the hoard first if they wanted to help the skull servants dog pile relinquished.





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