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Mr. Hyde

Jujutsu Kaisen: Wild West (OOC/Not Started/Accepting/PG-16)

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In this world, all of the negative emotions humans harbor leak out into reality as Cursed Energy.  When enough Cursed Energy accumulates, something repulsive is born.  For millennia, humanity has tried to explain supernatural phenomena with ghosts, spirits, gods, and devils.  In reality, that shadow you see in the corner of your eye is probably a Cursed Spirit.  For just as long as Cursed Spirits have haunted the earth, a certain sect of society has sought to destroy them.  Jujutsu Sorcerers, humans able to use Cursed Energy to their own benefit.  Predominately an Eastern profession, their methods have been used by others throughout the centuries.  You might know them as Exorcists, Witches, or Shamans.  Their missions are all the same:  Destroy Cursed Spirits.  However, the West has always been disorganized in their efforts, compared to the beacon of Curse Eradication known as Jujutsu High in Japan.  The United States has initiated steps to begin training young Jujutsu Sorcerers in their hopes to destroy the threats to the country that seem to be popping up more and more everyday.  This facility, located in Erie, Pennsylvania, You are one of the chosen few recruits of the Jujutsu Justice Association.  


Give Your All for Family and Friend

Give Your All for Countrymen and Country.

Give Your All for the JJA.

Give Your All.



1. All NCM Forum Rules Apply, including the Role Playing Rules.

2. I'm the boss, what I say goes >:3!  I have last say in all matters, regarding the IC.

3 No God Modding or Power Playing here!

4. Give your all, and please post on a semi-regular basis!  Leniency will be given to slow posters on a case by case basis.  Failure to meet posting parameters will result in a penalty.  Three Penalties and you will be removed from the RP!

5. Have Fun!


Application Skeleton: 



Name: (Reminder, this takes place in the US.)

Gender: (Wild)

Age: (Teenage or above, if you'd be so kind.)

Appearance: (A picture or description will work for me.)

Backstory: (A paragraph detailing where you character comes from, and how they were recruited to the new United States Jujutsu Program.  You may send it to me in a DM instead of posting it here.)

Personality: (A paragraph detailing what your character is like.)

Cursed Technique: (Self-explanatory.  Name your Main Technique, and any branching techniques you may have.  Your sorcerer will be graded solely on this in the Opening Post.)

Cursed Pacts/Restrictions/Heavenly Restrictions: (Does your character have any self inflicted restrictions, or pacts with other Sorcerers?  These aren't necessary at all, and can be forged at a later date if so desired.)

Misc.: (Anything that was missed can go here.  Your characters theme perhaps?)





Known Characters:



General Edison Reach



Name: Edison Reach

Title(s): General, Special Grade Jujutsu Sorcerer

Cursed Technique: ???

Known Info: Ex-Military.  Leading and Founding member of the JJA.  Highly revered in the global Jujutsu Community.





Name: Bradley Williams

Title(s): Chief Sorcerer Manager of JJA.  1st Grade Sorcerer.

Cursed Technique: ???

Known Info: Surfer


Double A



Name: Avery Anderson

Title(s): Co-Chief Sorcerer Manager.  1st Grade Jujutsu Sorcerer

Cursed Technique: ???

Known Info: ???


Bailey Friedman



Name: Bailey Friedman

Title(s): N/A

Cursed Technique: ???

Known Info: Nervous


Jessica Warhol



Name: Jessica Warhol

Title(s): Street Demon

Cursed Technique: ???

Known Info: Cooler than you.


Skipper Kahele



Name: Skipper Kahele

Title(s): N/A

Cursed Technique: ???

Known Info: Probably Hawaiian.


Joe "McMann"



Name: Joe

Title(s): Special Grade Jujutsu Sorcerer

Known Info: Garret McMann's adoptive father, and one of the founding members of the JJA.  Highly Respected in the Global Jujutsu Community.

Cursed Technique: ???




Cursed Spirits:





Cursed Energy:


Cursed Energy is caused by the output of raw negative human emotions.  It is what causes Cursed Spirits to manifest, usually in areas where Negative Emotions run rampant, such as major cities, schools, and even hospitals.  Cursed Energy can be used by Jujutsu Sorcerers as a sort of power source that boosts all of their natural abilities.  Any novice sorcerer can also feel the presence of Cursed Energies.  Cursed Energy is also used by Jujutsu Sorcerers to fuel their cursed techniques.  

Jujutsu Sorcerers:


Jujutsu Sorcerers are humans capable of utilizing their own Cursed Energy to perform superhuman, and supernatural feats.  They range in ability and are graded as such.  The lower the number Grade, the more powerful the sorcerer.  The pinnacle of Sorcerers are graded as Special Grade.  Sorcerers are dispatched on Exorcism missions that are also dependent on their rank, usually being sent to deal with a Cursed Spirit one grade below themselves.  


Cursed Techniques:


Cursed Techniques are unique, or generational, abilities used by Jujutsu Sorcerers, or a strong enough Cursed Spirit, bestowed to them upon birth.  Blood Manipulation, Summoning, and Teleportation are examples of abilities that Sorcerers have been able to pull off with their Cursed Techniques.  Alongside their Innate Cursed Techniques, Sorcerers can further their own abilities with sub-techniques that are branched off the main ability.  A Jujutsu wielder can only activate one of these techniques at any given time.   


Cursed Items:


Cursed Items are objects that are imbued with Cursed Energy.  These tend to be used as tools or weaponry by Jujutsu Sorcerers, and usually come with their own abilities.  They come with their own Grading system, alongside Sorcerers and Cursed Spirits.




Bonds are a powerful conduit for Cursed Energy.  Forming Pacts, or Deals, with others have various outcomes in relation with Cursed Energy.  For example, revealing the intricacies of one's Cursed Technique is a sort of Pact with an opponent that increases the power of the Cursed Technique. 


Cursed Restrictions:


Cursed Restrictions are restrictions placed on oneself to enhance their Cursed Energy.  An Example would be a Sorcerer saying they would become blind once they started using Cursed Energy.  In return, they are able to double or triple their usual Cursed Energy output.  The greater the restriction, the greater the desired outcome is.  


Heavenly Restrictions:


Heavenly Restrictions are restrictions placed on a Jujutsu Sorcerer at birth.  These often yield the greatest possible returns, at a devastating cost to the user's quality of life.  One could be restricted to not be born with Cursed Energy at all, but instead become incredibly Physically gifted.  


Cursed Spirits:


Cursed Spirits are the culmination of enough Cursed Energy to form a corporeal body.  They are not usually intelligent, and mainly go about life on instinct like beasts.  Cursed Spirits cannot be destroyed unless affected by Cursed Energy.  Cursed Spirits usually cannot be detected by normal humans, unless their Cursed Energy amount is large enough to not be ignored.  Cursed Spirits range in ability, and have been graded by the larger Jujutsu Community dependent on the amount of Cursed Energy they possess. 

Grade 4: Weakest Form a Cursed Spirit can take.  Generally nuisances. 

Grade 3: Curses that are mere fodder for any competent Sorcerer.

Grade 2: A Curse that would cause a group of Jujutsu High Students a bit of trouble. 

Grade 1: Strong Curses that might require a Special Grade Sorcerer to deal with.  These Curses might even be capable of using a Cursed Technique.

Special Grade: A classification for Cursed Spirits that are strong enough to destroy entire cities.  Special Grade Spirits most certainly contain a Cursed Technique.   




Edited by Mr. Hyde

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And with that, we are officially an OOC!  Let the good times roll

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Posted (edited)

Hell's Comin' with Me


"You can't hide from my eyes...we can bring you in hot...or cold. Either way, you aren't leaving here alone."

Name: Virgil Elliot
Gender: Male
Age: 27



Height: 6'1"



Most would probably take a look at Virgil and come to one conclusion on this western man...he is a southern gentleman through and through. So long as you aren't on the receiving end of the barrel of his gun, then you'll have to agree that he is quite the respectable and kind young man. Having a soft spot for the elderly, the women and of course the children, they happen to be one of Virgil's Achilles' heels, all because of his upbringing when he was young: always respect the elderly and women, while with the children, he feels like they have to have someone to aspire to be...so he naturally had to be the best role model he could be. But even he fell and stumbled in certain places.

One of those places is his absolute thirst for a challenge. This was prevalent every time he got in a "shoot out" with anyone he could or those who ever challenged him, be it a Curse or Jujutsu Sorcerer, living for the adrenaline rush and high that these challenges give him, it being a very strong thirst and longing for it.

However, there will be one side to him he'll never want to show again...it was the bloodthirsty, vengeful killer he became when his love was taken by a group of cowardly Curses and even Curse Users. The massacre up to that point was truly something new he had never experienced before, but it's one he's truly haunted by. The sight and sound constantly plagues his mind at certain times in a PTSD manner and it'll lock him up for a moment or two. He fears that this will happen again, and he truly prays to whatever god runs the afterlife that it never has to.



Virgil, surprisingly had a nice family life at his beginnings, though before he was a gunslinging Jujutsu Sorcerer...he was a young boy that tended to his family's livestock on their homestead in the state of Arizona. He was a normal child, though he was always plagued with seeing shadows move int the corners of his eyes...shades, shapes...it was strange. But he was a young child, stuff like this happened...cause monsters weren't real. Nevertheless, it was a simple life, one he was happy and content with, but it ended up changing one day...as they normally do.

Around the age of seventeen, is when the shift in life began when he and his father went out on an errand into town. There was a robbery that was going on at the local bank, a shoot out between the police and the thieves. It got to a point where the thieves started running away with the cops in hot pursuit, and naturally, they were running in the direction that Virgil and his father were walking. One thief was shot and fell in front of them, while the other knocked Virgil over and took his father hostage, gun to his head. The police did their best to try and de-escalate the situation, but it was to no avail. However, the oddity happened here in this moment. From Virgil's perspective, he could feel the negative emotions from this gunman and it was heavy. The young boy simply acted on instinct, picking up the discarded gun from the fallen thief and took aim. It was hard to navigate the angle, with them going through the crowds...but for some reason, Virgil could see it. An eyewitness in regards to this moment, actually spoke that they swore the boy's eyes began to glow a bit red...perhaps a feral gold, but they couldn't tell. Regardless, the boy pulled the trigger and the bullet seemed to just simply weave through the crowds before lodging itself right into the thief's side, causing him to collapse and give the police a moment to act.

This moment stayed with Virgil for weeks after, contemplating the moment every chance he could. And he realized something: n that moment where he shot the man, there came over him a rushing feeling, the adrenaline, the excitement...it was all there and he loved every moment of it. It wasn't long before he was sought out by a strange older woman. She told him that what he was experienced was something completely different than he ever thought was possible. What Virgil had stumbled upon was an awakening of his innate "Cursed Technique" against a thief who had a serious amount of something called "Cursed Energy" about him. Apparently, though, the thief was incapable of truly harnessing the energy he had, but Virgil did. Thusly, he was invited to join her and be taught by her to be what she called a "Jujutsu Sorcerer", to which Virgil happily agreed.

He played it off as a sort of...internship with the woman and under her tutelage, Virgil and his Cursed Technique, Demon Eyes, was honed and even paired well with a pair of revolvers that helped cover his Technique's drawbacks. Over the course of the years that followed, Virgil became a well rounded user of his Cursed Energy, stopping Curses and Curse Users in the process. And of course, he even found himself a young woman to fall head over heels for, a beautiful southern wildflower by the name of Jessica...Jess for short. The two were of course happy...the happiest Virgil could ever be. And then...tragedy befell him. One day as he was planning to surprise Jess with an elaborate date that he was potentially going to pop the question, he arrived to her apartment, she wasn't there. The air was stale and tense, the emotions in this room were strongly negative...a Curse was here. This threw Virgil into a rage filled spiral as he did the best he could with finding the source...and found it he did. But it only fueled the rage inside of him.

There he found his beloved Jess, but no longer bound to this mortal coil. No...she now walked the afterlife. The Curse in question that did the deed was one seeking revenge for the deaths of his fellow Curses...but unbeknownst to him...what he unlocked from Virgil was a thirst for something worse: Retribution. There is a story about a lone gunslinging Jujutsu Sorcerer that massacred an Curse and it's lower tiered underlings in cold blood...no remorse, no care in the world. That story...is about Virgil Elliot. A story and chapter he tries his best to keep hidden away and to never truly go through again.

At present, Virgil finds himself standing at the doors of the JJA...trying his best to not have history repeat for anyone like him. He wants to put an end to that nightmare of his...and the only way, is to make sure it never happens to anyone else.

Cursed Technique:


Demon Eyes
A innate Classification Cursed Technique that allows the user to look at a target and basically lock on to them. With this, any projectile he fires will instantly chase after that target. Downside to it is that he can't choose where the projectiles hit on the target nor do the attacks from these projectiles carry much weight. The distance he has to be with sight on the target is six hundred meters. Pair this technique with his Cursed Tool, Virgil can fill the gap left by this drawback.

  • No current Sub Techniques are available at this time...

Cursed Tool:



Lock & Key
A Cursed Tool in the form of a pair of revolvers that have been tailor made for Virgil by his mentor to channel his Cursed Energy into. However, this pair of revolvers has with it its own abilities that pair well with Virgil's Cursed Technique:

  • Lock - The revolver with the brown hilt allows for the user to fire a bullet at a target and the bullet lodges itself in the target.
  • Key - The revolver with the black hilt, while it doesn't have any direct damage capabilities, works in-tandem with Lock. A bullet shot from Key, if it hits the lodged bullet from Lock, will result in an explosion of Cursed Energy being dealt to the target.

Cursed Pacts/Restrictions/Heavenly Restrictions:


Nothing at this current point in time...

Virgil's Theme (Alternative | Alternative 2) | Battle Theme

  • Virgil's name is a mixture of two individuals: First being Virgil Earp, brother to the Old West lawman Wyatt Earp. The second being a strange coincidence in being named after the actor who played Virgil Earp in the 1993 film "Tombstone", Sam Elliot.
  • Virgil being from Arizona is a little jab at the joke that Saikazo and Yui say about where I'm actually from IRL.
  • The original version of this character was first seen in another Mr.Hyde's RP work: "S.Y.S. Inc.".
  • The musical title for this character app is "Hell's Comin' with Me" by PoorMansPoison.
  • In a strange happening, upon looking at this character, LordCowCow originally thought that Virgil was just a huge Devil May Cry reference. It wasn't at first, but then I just dove fully into it.


Edited by Chaos Sonic

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Tightly Wound



Name: Garret McMann 

Gender: Male

Age: 24






Garret doesn't remember his birth parents very well, and he'll tell those who ask about them that he doesn't care.  Garret was dropped off at an orphanage in North Carolina at the age of 3 years old.  There, he grew bitter and angry at the world.  It didn't help that he could feel the intense negative emotions swirling around the place like a storm, a feeling only he felt.  The orphanage he was raised in was filled with shadows that would move in the corner of his eye.  Obviously, the others never believed him when he would claim to see the things of nightmares, probably just the attention-seeking ramblings of a young child.  He would often bring this up with potential families who saw Garret as nothing but a basket case.  Whatever...they probably would've just returned him anyway.  He often kept himself preoccupied by making himself clothes as he grew older, gaining a knack for sewing.

Garret's luck, and life, changed when a strange man visited the orphanage when he was 14.  This man took a particular interest in Garret, for some reason.  Garret felt the same spark of curiosity, on account that the feeling from the man was tenfold what he felt swirling around the orphanage.  The man introduced himself as simply, Joe.  Joe told Garret that the boy was special, and that the monster he saw skittering around the place were real.  They were monsters, called curses.  He was here to eliminate one.  He asked Garret for help in the matter, and the boy couldn't help but be happy that someone had believed him for the first time.  With glee, Garret led Joe to the attic.  The curse jumped out, shaped like a worn down stuffed bear, and attacked the two of them.  In an instant, Joe had dealt with the threat.  He turned to the young boy, and asked him if he wanted to do the same thing.  Garret accepted in a heartbeat, and was adopted the same day.  

In the past 10 years, Garret has trained himself in the ways of Jujutsu with Joe's guidance, scarring himself profusely in his early years. He was introduced, and accepted, to the JJA on the day of it's inception by his adoptive father, a founding member of the association.  



Typically hot-headed and brash, Garret usually makes a bad first impression on those he meets.  However, don't think that he's shy about putting himself out there.  On missions, he's usually the first one to throw themselves into danger, and has a blast doing it.  He's confident in his abilities, and boasts about them on the regular to anyone unfortunate enough to be in his presence.  Garret loves to sleep, and will strangle anyone brave enough to try and wake him up, even for a mission.  

Cursed Technique: 


Cursed Threading:  Garret's cursed technique allows him to create strings of cursed energy of various length, thickness, elasticity, and sharpness.  These strings can appear from any point in his body, but he mainly spins them from his hands and fingers.  

-Piano: Garret creates a thread similar to Piano Wire, able to cut through tough flesh, bone, and cursed energy.  

-Lifeline: Garret attaches his Thread to an ally, allowing him to share his Cursed Energy with them.

-Puppeteer: Garret attaches his Thread to an enemy, pumping them full of his Cursed Energy.  If he is able to overpower the enemy's Cursed Energy, he can take over their body movements.  With enough control, he may be able to activate Cursed Techniques as well.  

Cursed Pacts/Restrictions/Heavenly Restrictions: 


Atropos: Garret has created a single strand of golden Cursed Thread that runs up the entirety of his femur.  If this string is ever severed with Cursed Energy, Garret will instantly die.  In return, Garret's Cursed Technique and Cursed Energy are boosted highly.  Garret can even spin his Golden Thread into his Cursed Technique at great risk, boosting his Technique by at least ten times, where it returns to it's original spot after he releases his technique.  He cannot spin his Golden Thread into any Technique for a month after doing so.  



Garret's Theme

Garret is able to simulate string instruments, mainly Guitar, with his Cursed Technique.



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Posted (edited)

Find the Flame


"There's a lot of things in the world worth doing. Do them."

Name: Kiara Evans-Arasaka (非逆)

Age: 27




Made using Picrew #447208

Height: 5'11"

Due to the nature of her "Extinguishable" restriction, Kiara invariably wears various articles of rain gear when on official exorcist business. It seems she tailors her wardrobe to the details of each job. Otherwise, however, she prefers not to dress in such a manner.



Born the first sorcerer of her family and orphaned as a child, Kiara was taken in and taught how to use her gifts by another sorcerer. Over the years, their relationship developed into less of a master & apprentice business relationship, and more a second family. Seven years ago, however, the two had a falling out, and by the time Kiara was ready to set things right, he was gone. In the years since, she's wandered the land as an exorcist for hire, trying to find and follow what leads she can on her master's whereabouts. Joining the JJA was also a means to this end, since having an entire network for support would make it far easier to track the man down.



Generally quite level-headed and rational. Kiara's not the type to let emotions blind her or guide her actions, preferring the measured approach. The type of person who would save her game after every battle if she were playing an RPG, or follow the instructions in the book down to the letter when cooking. She can get irritated easily, but despite this, she has a remarkable amount of patience for the little things she considers irritating. This can make her come off as harsh and bitter, but in her own way, she's always looking out for those around her. She isn't the type to offer words of assurance, but if she senses a comrade in distress, expect her to stop by with tea and short-term advice.

Cursed Technique - Immolate:


A technique taught to Kiara. Immolate condenses the user's cursed energy and then ignites it around a single point of the body, immensely increasing its capabilities by forcing muscles, nerves, and organs into overdrive. This makes each punch or kick a devastating, explosive blow, allows the user to move at incredible speeds, etc. However, since the user is quite literally burning their own cursed energy, Immolate can only be used for short periods of time before "burning out", after which time the user needs time to both recover their cursed energy, and rest to restore their physical stamina. It must be noted that despite the fiery appearance of Immolate, and the technique being built around the concept of fire, it does not involve the use of actual flames, meaning the user cannot burn or melt objects with this technique.

Sub Techniques:

Full Ignition: An enhanced version of Immolate that covers the entire body instead of just a part of it. In exchange for not having to switch Immolate on and off to change body parts, however, it's less fuel-efficient.

Pyroblast: Expels the cursed energy ignited by Immolate as a projectile. Despite being a projectile, it can't go very far, since the cursed energy quickly fizzles out once it leaves the user's body. As a tradeoff, however, it explodes in a significant radius, making it difficult to avoid both the explosion and the user at the same time if used well.

Smolder: A low-output version of Immolate. While it doesn't offer the explosive power of Immolate, burning through less cursed energy allows it to be used for longer periods of time.

Detonate: The logical opposite of Smolder. The user ignites all of their cursed energy at once, resulting in an immensely powerful, point-blank explosion centered on them. After using this technique, however, more time to recover is needed than if they'd simply spent all their energy on Immolate, not to mention it causes significant harm to the user.

Cursed Restrictions:


Extinguishable - "My technique will not function if my body is wet."
Further leaning into the concept of fire, Kiara has restricted herself to disable her technique entirely if she's wet. In return, being in high-risk conditions or environments where it's easier for this condition for be fulfilled increase the output of Immolate, with the returns increasing further with higher risk. Due to the specific phrasing of this restriction, Kiara is able to somewhat circumvent it with waterproof clothes; her attire can get completely drenched, but as long as her body stays dry, Immolate will function as normal.

Black Phoenix Clause - "If I die before setting things right with my master, I will become a Cursed Spirit, even if I'm killed with jujutsu."
A condition Kiara has put on herself as a way to demand she see her goals through, no matter what. In exchange, when she's at the brink of death, Kiara can regenerate cursed energy at a breakneck pace, allowing her to more freely use Immolate in a desperate last bid to stay alive and right past wrongs.



Character Theme

Kiara's second surname, Arasaka, was taken from her master.



Edited by yui

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[Nasty Habit]

”That's it? Guess we'll be done before lunch!”

Name: Gwendolyn Hawthorne
Gender: Female
Age: 26

Height: 5’7” - 170 cm

[Cursed Technique]

Cursed Technique - Smoke Transmutation: By channeling cursed energy into smoke, Gwen is able to change its properties. At this time, she is able to perform two extension techniques with this.

Concretion: This extension technique allows Gwen to solidify smoke in mid-air. These created objects hang in place until acted upon, and can serve as footholds, barriers, or even weapons.

Expansion: With this technique, Gwen is able to rapidly increase the pressure and volume of smoke, producing explosive force. While the damage yield of this technique is low, it creates considerable thrust, and is effective at pushing enemies back and propelling herself.

Grade 4 Cursed Object - Cursed Incense: In order to produce smoke, Gwen burns both sticks and blocks of incense that are cursed ahead of time for increased effectiveness.



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