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Chaos Sonic


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  • Member ID: 78

  • Title: Back to Basics...Gotta Go Fast

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  • Joined: 01/08/2019

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  1. Finally free from the bloody casing, Ziun finally was able to move around and no longer be bound to the casing of blood. He thanked his lucky stars for this, but all that remained was... the Blood Mage. He started to grit his teeth, looking over at the direction of the imposing figure, as he was fighting Lana. He hoped the blood spikes that were heading towards the Mage would've killed then, but alas, that wasn't the case... nothing but returned to a splatter of blood. However, this gave him an opportunity. Mustering some strength, Ziun began to close the distance between himself and the Blood Mage, although he found himself cursing himself due to not wanting to be attacked yet again... Luckily for him, it seemed to be that him and Chris started moving and working on this at the same time. The rogue seemed to be going low... so... "Guess I'll go high..." Ziun said, closing the distance and immediately casting Color Spray in the Mage's face whilst also calling forth a swarm of bats. "Enjoy this, why don't you!" The Mage began to swat wildly and blindly at the bats, not seeing much after the flash of colors invading their peripheral. Same time, it wasn't just this that occurred. While they did this, Chris delivered a blow on the Mage's ankles, cutting into them. It would seem that they were starting to get off balance. Perfect... Ziun cast a series of icicles right at the Mage's chest, watching the Mage immediately fall due to being off balance. "Perfect! Blinded, dealt with bats, cuts to the ankles, and now on the ground... but you are far from done!" He began to cast and place various amounts of webbing along the Mage's body to keep them in one singular place. "T-That... should do it..." The Blood Mage tried to push through it, starting to rip at a few of the webs, but alas... the Rage faded in the same manner as the other cultists... and the Blood Mage died there. "That was the last one..." Ziun huffed slightly, looking at Chris and Lana, lifting up a thumb slightly. "E-Everyone good...? S-Still in one piece?" he asked, concerned with everything up to this point but was still glad they made it through another floor.
  2. “With such an open question like that, I worry I will not be able to supply everything you want to know. Like I said, Cassandra was rather secretive. If I know more than you do, it is only because I was inducted into their circle and have more time to investigate. That is something, though. I will not deny that. With all that in mind, let me tell you this: Whatever apocalypse Cassandra has foreseen, it is doomed to happen. Cassandra has given predictions before that have proven to be inaccurate, but those were off the cuff visions. Like I said, if Cassandra had bad information at the start, their power could only give them a bad output. This was known, even to them, of course, so if a portent like this were to show up, why would they not try to verify it beforehand before speaking out? So we have to believe them. The world is ending. There is no getting around that.” This did make Victor frown ever so slightly. It seemed like there was no getting around this impending doomsday. Of course, he did neglect to remember that Cassandra could only give a bad output. Therefore... this fact was inevitable. He cursed under his breath as Tinker kept going. “By the same token, however, we should also remember that they gave their proclamation for a reason. Maybe we can still do something about it. Not stop it, but… survive, I suppose. Put another way, you can’t be looking at this as a crisis of prevention, but mitigation.” Mitigation? he thought, thinking more on this word that was dropped. An action of reducing the severity of something... Was this the fresh perspective he needed? Don't attempt to prevent, but be ready to reduce the severity of the coming apocalypse? Victor wasn't too sure about it all, but he had to admit... that did make sense. “Cassandra had us contact you for a reason, too, of course,” "Still don't know why though..." Victor sighed, but relented on any further questions. This seemed like enough, so with that he did plan to take his leave. That was, until a Fate appeared with butterfly knife in hand... Atropos. This wasn't the best case scenario to have right now, especially when he didn't have his NOVA armor active and on right now. “Oh, perfect! Well, I’ll just follow you there, then, huh?” He decided to step in and take point, after getting the looks from Tinker. "Unfortunately, ma'am, we did just hand out the last burger a bit ago." Victor chuckled, speaking up. He moved and patted Tinker on the shoulder. "Same time, he's really beat from that. So maybe y'all can talk another time?" Atropos cocked her head to the side, and focused her response Tinker's way. "You just said you were going to your workshop. Maybe it's because I don't have a magic gadget brain, but lab work seems like a dangerous work if you're as tired as he says you are." "Well, perhaps some just like to nap in their workshop?" Victor shrugged. "Case in point, I nap in my workshop from time to time. So I totally get it." "Sure, but I wouldn't go to my lab to nap, I'd go home to nap. I'd go to my lab if it was convenient for me. And it is -- convenient for me, I mean. Besides," Atropos tossed her butterfly knife into the air and caught it while it was open before snapping it shut again. "I won't be long." "Well, sure that's fair..." Victor said, clearing his throat before moving in front of Tinker for a moment. "At the same time, how about you just ask him what you want right here and now? Surely the Fates wouldn't mind just not being in secret. After all, it's not like you're collecting a favor from anyone yet." The knife snapped open and shut again. "Oh, you know," Atropos said. "Headhunting. Caesar's dead, after all. Can't stand around waiting for the whole organization to fall to someone else's less deserving hands. That part's not secret. You can have that for free. But I'm not going to have the guy who can record everything be around important business deals if I can help it." "Funny, Clotho didn't seem to have nearly as much of an issue with that." he chuckled, noting what Atropos said. So the Fates knew? Of course they knew, it made sense. "But, nevertheless, I think the main thing is... you should probably make an appointment and return at a later time. It's a bit more proper, and if anything... in this day and age, we need to at least keep our manners, should we not?" Her head cocked to the other side. "That's... what I'm doing now?" "So we'll pencil you in about a month or two from now and you can return then." Victor smirked. "Or, you lose the knife, I accompany and you have my word that nothing will be recorded." Atropos pouted. "A month? Haven't you heard the world's about to end?" But the pout did not last long, and the knife slammed shut again, and she held it out. "But if it's this you're worried about, you can have it if you leave with it. Go ahead, study it. Tell your bosses all about it if you want." Victor clicked his tongue a bit, looking over at Tinker. "Okay... I honestly tried everything I can to get you out of this. Any ideas on your end? ...aside from just taking the knife and going?' Tinker looked a little more relaxed. "Honestly, I was worried it was the other sort of headhunting," he said. "But if she's unarmed, I'm happy to at least hear her out on her terms." Victor sighed and nodded. "Then I guess we'll be in touch then..." he said, giving Tinker a two finger salute before turning towards Atropos and taking the knife himself. "It seems Tinker will see you now. Truth be told, next time if you want to talk to folks... don't brandish a weapon." He walked past the Fate and sighed, just looking at the knife. "Impeccable negotiating, sir." "...I can tell the hint of sarcasm there, P.I.X.E.L. Remind me to dial that back on your next update..." Victor muttered to the voice in his earpiece. He didn't know what Atropos wanted with Tinker, nor how the hell they knew of his identity when he tried very hard to keep that from everyone except for the higher ups in the G3. Nevertheless, he figured to just play it cool for now. After all, he had the data and information from his talk with Tinker to digest and compile.
  3. One of the cultists finally dropped... as a red mist started to escape from them. Ziun knew what this had to mean: Rage was ending. Thank the goddess above!! However, the other two were still running... er... more like hobbling, but either way, one was dealing with Chris... while the other... Ziun watched as his mandril had taken a fist to it and immediately shattered and dissipated. He cursed, seeing that this one hobbling towards him was still affected by Rage. "So now I just need to wait out the clock..." he muttered, as he decided to cast another icicle that was aimed directly at the cultist's chest and he started to wiggle and thrash about to try and free himself from the blood. While Ziun could only get everything but his legs free from the blood, meanwhile, the cultist had the icicle embedded in his chest, stepping back slightly but simply kept hobbling forward... further... further... until he was right at Ziun, preparing to swing down his readied blade. The bard began to grit his teeth, not liking the situation he was in (or he had found himself in this entire floor, but he digressed)... I hate that I can't wield the weapons I conjure nor wear the Mage Armor, because at this point... either one would be greatly appreciated... he thought, trying to piece together a plan. Then, inspiration struck him. The weapon could be used... just not wielded. Ziun proceeded to conjure up a cloud of daggers, though he was at the edge of the cloud, but he did what he could. Thankfully he cut it close, but the cloud of daggers did just what he needed: it made the cultist lose control of the sword. The moment this happened, he took the moment to swing at him with his free arm. "Ngh... you just don't quit!" Ziun groaned, lifting his free arm up and proceeded to block the punch... though it felt bad, a nearly broken arm... but it was better than being slashed at or through. "This... hopefully should do it!" Ziun immediately fired off another icicle at him, point blank. Ziun hoped it was the time frame where Rage would possibly drop. And thanking his lucky stars, the bard watched as the same red mist left the cultist and he watched as the one before him finally falling over. He let out a long drawn out sigh of relief, as the 'Rage Issue' was finally over. "Now... let's try and get the hell out of this!" Ziun groaned, still wiggling and thrash. Least this small problem was something he could easily handle.
  4. It was a blast... scratch that, more than a blast... what would be higher than a blast? Irrelevant, namely due to Trevor having one dumb grin on his face. It had been too long since he was able to truly have a fun time with that. How long was it? Maybe it was before his training as a sorcerer under Master Balthazar? Yeah, it was probably about that time frame, he figured. But regardless of the twists, turns, and everything in between, Trevor was having... fun. He even lost his signature hat at one point, only to eventually have it fall back on his head when they twisted back in a different direction. After it all, he stood there with the rest of his team and just grinned from ear to ear. "That...that was..um...that was something much more...different than anything I have, uh, ever. Done before. Wow...I can see, well, I can see what you meant Melissa. That was..." "Not... much needs to be said after... a thrill like that..." Trevor huffed out with a slight chuckle. "But if anything else is like that... then we're in for a really REALLY fun day!" After a while, he noticed that Melissa was being asked by an attendant of the ride... “Yoohoo! You were in the front of that last Stomach Dropper ride, right? Can I interest you in a photo of your experience?” Trevor noticed the look on her face and could see she... wasn't too thrilled at the idea. "Perhaps another time for her..." he said, giving Melissa a knowing nod. "HOWEVER... if you have one of me, I'll happily take it. A fine beginning souvenir from the first trip here." He gave the others a quick glance and smirked. "So what next? Shall we find that merry-go round for Melissa? Or should we prepare to grab some of the delicious fried foods?"
  5. Ziun couldn't do much against the raining blood thanks to the Blood Mage, and it now had started hindering his movement, and now he was facing down three cultists boosted with Rage… he was a sitting duck. He started thinking on what he could do, before coming with an idea. Another ethereal creature to summon, one that could assist him in breaking out of the blood and attack the cultists… Ziun came up with a single idea, before trying to figure out HOW to put his plan in motion, on the count that he was in a position of staring down three cultists, high on Rage, poised to attack. Thankfully, his prayers were answered, as Chris came in and began to assault the three cultists. One was struck at the wrist, one struck in the ankle, and the last given both strikes. And now, only two were focused on him… the one with both injuries and the one with the wrist. “Perfect…” he muttered, exhaling slightly. He closed his eyes, envisioning what he wanted. “Hear the verse and rhyme that I sing… Come forth and assist thy master…” What began to conjure forth was something that resembled a mandril… twas quite simply: a monkey. Without a second thought, the monkey did it's best to try and free Ziun, however, the cultists began their attack. “Forget about me for the moment. Attack the cultists!” Ziun ordered, to which the mandril simply howled a bit (if you would call it a howl), and proceeded to attack the cultists. The bard proceeded to strike as well, taking this moment to cast a series of icicles towards the cultists. He took aim specifically at the wounded areas left by Chris… the ankle and wrist for the one, and the wrist for the other. After the icicles, the mandril proceeded to attack at the one cultist’s wrist and ankle, keeping it occupied for the time being. This left the other to be dealt by Ziun. “Here… have another… on the house!” Ziun shouted, casting another icicle, delivering it straight to the cultist's head. It apparently simply… dazed… the target. He cursed under his breath, not liking the fact that this didn't finish him off. Thusly, he immediately cast an Acid Spray, hoping that would do something. It did… something, but not what he hoped. While of course, the acid was sizzling as they were covered in the liquid… but nevertheless, they were still simply coming forward, swinging blindly. “...how in the nine hells do you die?” Ziun groaned, still not being able to move like he wanted, meaning he would be getting struck. “For the love of…” he whistled towards the celestial mandril, to which his summon heeded his call, immediately going after the swinging cultist and attacking him. He was put in between a rock and a hard place… Ziun now officially loathed Rage and the Blood Mage who casted it.
  6. Ziun had his back towards the Mages and his front was looking down the three Swordists. This bout of things was not going in his favor, but they wouldn't go further in his favor... as the Blood Mage proceeded to send out a bloodied weapon, poised to strike at the unsuspecting bard in the back. A fitting end for some, yes. However... Perhaps his goddess of music watched over him a bit more than before, and Ziun... stumbled on some of the bones and debris from the ground, moving and bit to his left. And it was a good thing he did, as this is when he noticed the impending blood weapon. "S-Shit...!" he shouted mid stumble, as he did his best to roll into the stumble, narrowly avoiding the blood and avoiding becoming a bard shishkabab. It fell immediately on the ground after missing the target, but now... "The swords... again with the swords!" he shouted, rolling out of the way of the Swordists. Ziun took the opportunity to fire off a few icicles at the cultist's legs, watching them lodge themselves into their legs... but alas... they kept going. Ziun cursed this Rage boost they had. But they were slow though, he had that going for him. This... is quite literally getting me nowhere. What I need, is for some friendly fire... he thought, finally a ways away from the swords, allowing him to get back up. At this point, he ran in the direction of where the Blood and Fire Mage were, as apparently the Fire Ball chucker moved to be with his ally. Perfect... Ziun made sure to position himself in perfect line between the Mages and the Swordists, before exhaling and producing a few illusory copies of himself, about four at the max. Of course, at first everyone would know which was the REAL Ziun. However, soon the copies and the real bard started moving and shuffling around. Now, if all goes according to plan... they'll fire, miss due to me moving out of the way and they'll hit their allies. Ziun remained calm, doing his best to win this gamble.
  7. "The Stomach Dropper", now that was a name befitting the style of the coaster. Trevor couldn't help but enjoy the design of the coaster from what he could see and he was enthralled with what he saw. It was in sections that floated throughout the park and the many drops it had to jump across one spot to another... and none of them were connected directly. There was a rise in his spirits that Trevor hadn't had in a while: a thrill-seeking side of him he really never let out... not in a long, long time. But with them being guided, Trevor couldn't help just enjoy the sights and sounds... and of course, the smells of all the different foods... Speaking of... "I see. Hm, well, I'm not all that familiar with fried things so..." "You aren't? Oh Fen, you don't know what you happen to missing out on!" Trevor chuckled, waving his hand dismissively in the air. "Remind me after our bout with the Stomach Dropper, we'll get you acquainted and introduced to all kinds of fried foods... but do keep in mind to enjoy in moderation. Otherwise the end result won't be as great." Soon they were lined up for the Stomach Dropper... as Trevor noticed the video presentation of said coaster. “With a top speed of a hundred and sixty-one kilometers per hour, the Stomach Dropper really makes you feel that classic acceleration of nine point eight meters per second squared. And we haven’t even gotten into the free-falls yet.” Where as Melissa had one reaction on this, Trevor couldn't help but grin widely at this. It brought back memories from Arcana Cabana and those many coasters he rode in the Victorian Gardens. Needless to say, he was excited and pumped for this. Unfortunately, he wished his magic would've allowed him to make some small bags for his teammates and himself... after all, with a coaster like this, it would help if they had some sort of barf bag handy. Oh well... Finally they were being seated in the coaster train carts... and surprisingly, Melissa was up in the first car. He didn't take their resident God-fearing woman as a thrill-seeker, but he figured looks were deceiving. Regardless, he got sat in the second cart behind the first. "This is going to be a good one, I can tell!" he laughed, obviously more excited than he originally let on.
  8. “I understand you have questions for me, but I would appreciate just a little bit more help with distribution if you would be so kind. I can answer what I can when I have free moments.” Victor thought about this for a moment, but it was only for a moment. He gave a little bit of a shrug and smirked. "Not like we're on a time clock here..." he chuckled at Tinker. "But a hero's work is never done... I'll help you out with this, then we'll talk. You can basically pay me back that way when this is all said and done." "So transactional!" Tinker joked. "But if that's how you would like things to be done, then so be it." "Hey, what can I say, I got my priorities" Victor smirked, proceeding to hand out a few of the burgers as requested. "Now, let's start handing these out, shall we?" It was a bit... different for Victor to be doing something like this. Handing out food to people that lived like this, it made him remember the times he was asked to help volunteer for one of those soup kitchens where they did this too. Of course, that was also about the time frame he wasn't exactly all heroic either... nothing but a hacker with one thing on his mind: getting paid and taking down corrupt bureaucrats. Even still, he didn't really make it a bit of a habit to do this either when he took on the Override persona either. Part of him felt bad because of it, but then again, no time like the present... right? After a while, a man came up and accepted the burger gracefully, but ended up seeming embarrassed when he spoke to Victor. "I hate to ask for more shit," he started. "but do you have a cigarette? I had a couple stashed away and now I can't seem to find them." "Hmmm cigarettes? Unfortunately I can't say that I do. Don't really smoke." Victor sheepishly chuckled. He glanced over towards Tinker, whistling. "Hey, do we happen to have any cigs?" ...probably not the smoothest move on his part... The man just got more embarrassed at that. "Hey, nah, you don't have to go announcing it to the world. It's fine. Thanks for the burger." "Well, the goal wasn't to embarrass you. Just new to this, so bear with me." Vic bowed his head slightly, a little embarrassed himself. ...smooth, McCoy... smooth... Tinker walked over all the same, though, and it didn't take long for him to suss out what was going on. "Didn't you say you were quitting?" Still sheepish, the man replied, "A month ago is a month ago. Now is now." After this little exchange between the two, Victor cleared his throat and continued. "Why pick it back up if you wanted to quit? Again, I'm new to this. If I'm intruding into business, just tell me to drop it and I will." The man dodged the question. "It's a bad habit, I know," he said, looking down at his burger, peeling at its foil wrappings with a fingernail. "I just think I'm allowed a few bad habits is all, given the circumstances." Victor sighed a bit, before nodding. He moved over and put his hand on the guy's shoulder, removing his sunglasses to look the guy in the eyes. "But you shouldn't throw all that progress away just due to some circumstances. A month or not, that's progress nonetheless and it's steps you want to take to prove to yourself that you can be better." Victor gave the guy a smile, backing away some. "Trust me, from someone who had a hell of a start in his life, breaking bad habits and starting on the right foot... it's not something to sneeze at." "Yeah, maybe in six months I'll try again," the man said. "Thanks again for the burger." Victor watched the man walk off, though he heard in his ear the all too familiar Scottish voice. "Helping out the public not fall back into old habits, sir?" He sighed, before muttering to where only P.I.X.E.L. could hear. "...you of all people should know... what some encouragement can do for a person who's struggling to find themselves." After a while, they finally got the burgers handed out, which meant now was the time for Tinker to hold up his end of the bargain. "So... any place we can talk privately?" Victor asked. "I think any place around here is bound to have a wandering ear or two," Tinker said. "But I know these people. I trust them." "Alright then." Victor moved slightly, taking what Tinker said as gospel. He tapped his watch for a moment, making a quick scan with it. He needed to make sure no one else was around to listen... namely anyone that was Zodiac related. "Give me one sec... just, making a quick scan of the area." "I don't think they'd be happy if they found out about that-" Tinker said, but the scan returned negative. "Yeah, well... more so just a safety precaution." Victor nodded, noticing the scan results were negative. "Good... now..." He took the moment to produce the pendant he wore under his shirt, letting Tinker get a look at it before putting it back in. "Our mutual friend, Sarah, provided me it. And while I've done extensive searches on it, I need to hear these things from a member of that order. And like you showed me before, you were... are... one of those members." "Are. Present tense," Tinker said. "Past-tense only in that its founder -- Cassandra, the reason we all gathered together -- died, but we're still carrying on their wishes, so present-tense in my mind, at least." "Word tense aside..." Victor shook his head. "I want to know anything and everything you all know. Starting with the biggest thing: how did Cassandra come to obtain that prophecy? What did they do to have it appear before them?" Tinker shrugged. "They were a Thinker," he said. "Same inscrutable way they got all their prophecies, or how Lachesis knew how far away Caesar was based on the light-speed delay of a Catty Key call. Thinker brains are build different, taking in all sorts of data -- data that might not even seem relevant -- and just spitting out an answer." "That tracks... even still..." Victor rubbed his chin. "Next thing I'll be asking: their initial disappearance years before the declaration of the end of the world... where were they? I assume you all had the same question when they made the Order, correct? ...well, depending on if the order was made before or after they returned, I suppose. Not the point..." "They were still around. Not like there was much space for them to go," Tinker joked. "It is easier to do so when nobody is looking for you, and, frankly, nobody was." "So they were still technically active, just... no one was looking for them. It makes sense. Disappear to the point where no one finds you just to continue operating." Victor nodded, crossing his arms slightly. "My next question is this: why didn't they just come out to both sides before then? Let's be honest, most already knew they were a Renegade Cape working with both sides... so why didn't they just come up to the heads before that initial declaration? They could've helped them out immediately..." Tinker frowned. "You are getting into questions I cannot answer," he said. "I cannot explain all of the actions of a dead person. If I had to guess, I would say it was a manner of logistics and secrecy. Imagine if one of the four major organizations in Scarlet City found out before the others, what might they have been able to do with that information!" "Right... right..." Victor paused, sighing as he ran his hands through his hair. Tinker was right... questions like that were not helping... not right now they weren't. "I'm sorry. But you happen to be right. If any of the organizations, more likely say the Gibbons... that probably would've pushed Project Rubicon further than what it already was." He let out a heavy sigh, before looking at Tinker. "What can you tell me? Anything... I'm over here struggling to put all these pieces together and despite my vast access to all the databases and tech... I'm coming up with barely anything."
  9. Sooooo about that tail Gene thought he cut off... it was still there. Bleeding like crazy for sure, but it was still hanging there, swinging around. Speaking of swinging around, the five tails were coming back his direction for another strike. "Crap!!!" he shouted, diving to his right in an attempt of a dodge roll... though it wasn't the best direction for him to roll into. Rather than going opposite of the tails, he went towards them. Luckily, he got under them just barely, however on the back swing, he was struck and knocked over to the right. "D-Damnit... okay, n-not cool..." Gene groaned, as he got back up. He watched the tails and in the moment where he could get a chance, he made his move. He rushed towards the wounded tail and this time for sure... severed the tail. With that tail out the way, he immediately backed away, avoiding the flailing tails. Gene let out a heavy sigh of relief, trying to catch his breath. This was going in a direction he wasn't expecting, namely cause the using his environment idea was... well, wasn't going as great as he expected. That was on him, namely due to the size of this creature. In any case, after taking another breath, Gene activated his Weapon Art - Quick Strike and rushed forward again, hoping to slash through the remainder of the tails... however, try as he might, he couldn't get through the remainder of the four tails, but... he did slice another tail off. "A-And then there were three!" Gene said triumphantly, having just enough time to retreat back away from the remainder of the flailing tails.
  10. Once again, Ziun found himself knock to the ground due to a fireball hitting the wall. This time, he obtained a scorched back... wasn't the best feeling in the world whatsoever. He was starting to tire of the fireball, but this was far from the main worry he needed to deal with now. Because now, he had the 'Swordist' trio coming for him. Albeit, it was only the two for the moment, thankfully the acid strike on the one slowed him down enough, but it wouldn't be long before they were all together and striking him. "This is truly getting me nowhere... alas, this is what happens when I forego physically fighting, unlike my last delve." Ziun huffed, his face wincing in pain due to the scorched back. Nevertheless, he conjured up a wall of ice that blocked the Swordists from him. It wasn't a high one, by no means, but this was something that would help him. They were raged up beasts in a sense, so they'd be too occupied with this to deal with him. True to his thought process, they did just that, starting to hack and break the wall. Ziun took the moment to move around to his left, circumventing the trio as he immediately got behind them. Once the raged up cultists broke the wall and realized what happend, it was too late. Immediately, the bard cast an Acid Splash right on the three of them. Naturally, it did some damage and hurt them to an extent, but they were still raging. "I curse the fact that I can't negate that affect... oh well." Ziun muttered, before casting an array of icicles at the trio to damage them even more, but still on they held on. In the meantime, however, Ziun began to slowly move backwards, not wanting to be in range for these Swordists or the fireball mage he had seemingly pissed off twice today.
  11. Depends on my mood. It'll range from various chips, chocolate, snack cakes, etc.
  12. The Prana Amusement Park was the destination they set out on, and truly, it was a spectacle to behold. How long was it since Trevor had laid eyes on an amusement park? He figured it would've been back on his home world of Arcana Cabana... way before he "died" and awoke in the Ever. A bittersweet appeared on his face as he thought on this quite a bit. Nevertheless, Trevor let himself be lost in the moment and in the sights, just taking it all in about the time that the group was approached by a young woman with a hobbyhorse saying that she was expecting them... ominous, sure, but even still, they seemed to have that reputation around here in Prana thus far. "Well hellooooooo there and welcome to the most magical place in the universe! Whoa there buddy. I heard you were heading here and had to come on over; I always love to meet the newbies!" “It’s nice to meet you. I, um, may I ask to whom I am speaking?” "oh me? Fufu, I am the apprentice to the Grand Wizard, Sorcerer of the 888th degree, master of magic! Hi! You can call me Tia!" Now this perked his interest more than anything else. Apprentice to the Grand Wizard? Sorcerer of the 888th degree? There was a degree to that level? It didn't surprise him that this was the case, but even still, this impressed the young sorcerer. "Grand Wizard... Sorcerer of the 888th degree? Color me interested." he muttered, before speaking up a bit louder. "May I ask who that sorcerer may be? Oh, apologies, my manners have escaped me yet again. I am the apprentice to Balthazar Blake, Sorcerer of the 777th degree: Trevor Masters. A pleasure to make your acquaintance." Trevor took a slight bow, removing his top hat as well with a tip before returning it on his head afterwards. "The Grand Wizard is the Grand Wizard, she's also my...auntie! She's very powerful and amazing which means I also am very powerful and amazing." "Fascinating, truly. She does sound like a powerful wizard indeed." Trevor nodded slightly. "Out of curiosity, who was your aunt's master? If I'm prying too much, please, don't hesitate to tell me." "Huh? Well that would be uh....no one! That's how powerful she is!" Now THIS was a development. No master? She must be a prodigy of magic if that's the case. Truly marvelous! "I see, I see. Master Balthazar had to learn from Merlin himself centuries ago... but to have no one teach your aunt? Truly fascinating." he chuckled, nodding, glancing at the grimoire that had already started writing things down. "Apologies, making notes for my own journal as I go day by day through life here in Prana." He snapped his fingers and the grimoire returned to his side. "In any case... you were excited to meet us? Slightly ominous, but I didn't think anyone was expecting us." "Well you don't need to know you're being expected after all. I knew you'd come visit here eventually, how could you not?" "well, thanks for coming over to greet us, this place certainly sounds like a, um, fun place to be. So, um, do you want to, well, try riding that?" "Fair enough." he gave another small laugh before nodding. "But, we shan't terry too long. Seems we got our first attraction to enjoy." Trevor looked at Fen and gave a smirk. "I think that'd be a fun one to start with first in my opinion."
  13. “You didn’t cast anything on yourself either, did you?” There he was, being helped up by Chris... again. He was always finding himself being helped by either one of his allies, though it was Chris that made him pause more. After recalling what those of Kalo family spoke of with him. And yet... still... he wasn't 100% convinced they told the full story. Chris, for the last few floors, had actually helped not only himself but the others out as well... how could he possibly be...? Questions again for later. "Alas... as much as I wish it were possible, it's sadly not something I can do..." Ziun said, dusting himself off some. "You see, while I can conjure things, I myself cannot utilize them like say if you or our dear Lana di-..." He paused, already seeing Chris leaping into the fray against the bone amalgamation. "Perhaps a better time for that conversation will be when we aren't up to our ears in chaos..." He had to reassess the situation he found himself. Apparently, the individual behind the sword cultists... swordists? ...they had caused the others to seem, angrier... along with bulkier. A rage buff spell, if he had to guess. There was the mage on the right... the fireball individual... and then... wait, the leftmost mage was gone. Apparently, they were slain by Lana. You have my thanks, my goddess divine... Ziun made a silent sigh, before returning to his current status here and now. "Hear the verse and rhyme that I sing... Come forth and assist thy master..." Above 'swordists' heads, a swarm of bats poured out and began to swarm them, biting them without issue and without delay. However, try as they might to keep them in place, the 'swordists' kept moving despite being bit. ...truly a rage filled buff... he thought, before turning on his heel and firing off an icicle straight at the rightmost mage, only to see it meet another fireball, the two attacks colliding and causing quite the steamy display. "Of course you would be the one that remained... you're the kind that give magic users bad names..." he muttered. He decided to shift his plans slightly. With a whistle escaping his lips and his finger pointed towards the rightmost mage, the swarm of bats left the 'swordists'... - who at this point were pretty eaten up, not by much though - ...and started to swarm against the mage. Though it wasn't before said mage cast another fireball, which Ziun immediately dodged again. "I'd ask if you had any other spells, but something tells me you don't!" Ziun shouted to the mage as the bats began to swarm. He turned his attention back to the 'swordists' before casting an Acid Splash right in the middle of the five individuals. His hope: the residual acid from the initial splash would hit and deal damage to the others... this plus the bites from the bats would potentially provide even more damage, especially if the acid got into the bite wounds.
  14. Hmmmm waaaaaaaaait a minute 🤔 Me thinks you aren't talking about the game there, bucko 🤣
  15. Today's the big day...the propsal to my girlfriend at the Water Lantern Festival. Wish me luck everyone!

    1. Supreme Slayer
    2. Chaos Sonic

      Chaos Sonic

      We have confirmed status: SHE SAID YES!!!!

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