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[Cardfight Standard/Premium] Spike Brothers Jan2019

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IRL deck, sides into Premium.




G0s: 17

FV Mecha Trainer

6 Crits

4 Draw Sentinels

2 Draw

4 Heal


G1s: 11

4 Gyro Slinger: On-ride/call, slide a card from hand to soul, look at cards from top of deck up to vanguard's grade, call a card from among those cards, and the called unit gets +5k.

4 Wonder Boy: On-call, botdeck a non-G1 from drop zone, +5k, slides into soul to call another from deck.

3 Commander, Garry Gannon: When it boosts an attack that hits, slide into soul to draw 2, then botdeck 1 card in hand.



4 Spike Bouncer: On-ride/call, CB1 & SB1, look at cards from top of deck up to vanguard's grade, call a card from among those cards. After it attacks, CB1 to slide into soul and draw 1.

4 Highspeed, Brakki: +10k on-call, slides into soul to call another from deck.

4 Treasured, Black Panther: On-attack, SB1 to give it either +5k or +15k. If +15, it goes to soul after the battle.


G3s: 10

4 General Seifried: Boss. CB1 & slide 1 rearguard to soul, call 1 copy of unit moved to soul from deck, then it and Seifried get +10k. On-hit lets you SB2 to to stand a rear-guard and retire 1 of your opponent's rear-guards.

4 Juggeranaut Maximum: +10k on-call, slides into soul to call another from deck.

2 Unite Attacker: SB7, call 5 from top of deck, then +5k to front row.




G0s: 17

FV Mecha Trainer

4 Crits

4 Draw Sentinels

4 Mecha Instructor (Stand): When botdecked from field, move a card from hand to soul, bind a rear-guard, then call it back.

4 Heal


G1s: 11

4 Gyro Slinger: On-ride/call, slide a card from hand to soul, look at cards from top of deck up to vanguard's grade, call a card from among those cards, and the called unit gets +5k.

4 Wonder Boy: On-call, botdeck a non-G1 from drop zone, +5k, slides into soul to call another from deck.

3 Acrobat Verdi (Stride Enabler)



4 Spike Bouncer: On-ride/call, CB1 & SB1, look at cards from top of deck up to vanguard's grade, call a card from among those cards. After it attacks, CB1 to slide into soul and draw 1.

4 Highspeed, Brakki: +10k on-call, slides into soul to call another from deck.

4 Treasured, Black Panther: On-attack, SB1 to give it either +5k or +15k. If +15, it goes to soul after the battle.


G3s: 10

4 General Seifried: Boss. CB1 & slide 1 rearguard to soul, call 1 copy of unit moved to soul from deck, then it and Seifried get +10k. On-hit lets you SB2 to to stand a rear-guard and retire 1 of your opponent's rear-guards.

4 Juggeranaut Maximum: +10k on-call, slides into soul to call another from deck.

2 Unite Attacker: SB7, call 5 from top of deck, then +5k to front row.



1 Temerarious Cataclysmic Rogue, Hellhard Eight: GB8 Finisher. When any unit attacks, give +10 to anything, and after that unit that got the +10 attacks, move it & 1 card in hand to soul and call 1 card from deck.
2 Great Villain, Dirty Picaro: On-attack, CB2 & flip up a G unit & move 1 card in hand to soul, call cards from deck up to the number of face-up cards in G zone.
4 Black Horn King, Bullpower Agrias: On-attack, CB1 & G-persona blast to bind any number rear-guards. If you bind 3 or more, draw 1, card 2 for each face-up in G zone.
3 Godly-speed, Flash Bruce: On-hit, move 1 card from hand to soul, call 1 from deck, and it gets +5k.
3 King of Interference, Terrible Linus: On place, flip up a G-guardian, +10 shield for every 2 of your open rear circles.
2 Durable Barrier, Hecaton Gyace: On place, botdeck up to 3 cards with different grades from soul or drop zone, and if 3 were botdecked, +10 shield.
1 Air Element, Ractome: On place, discard 1, draw 1.







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