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Showing most liked content on 08/01/2019 in all areas

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    I like that it punishes the negation with a double search, making it a +1 in a vacuum, and even if your opponent gets to see what you searched, it still has to deal with them. However, I find the activation condition too restrictive, as it relies on the opponent specifically negating the Spell/Trap. It it could also apply when the Spell/Trap gets destroyed, it would get a much welcomed flexibility. A clause like Mana Dragon Zirnitron, which only requires your Spell/Trap to leave the field by an opponent's effect, would be even more flexible, and IMO would still be acceptable considering this is a Normal Trap, and you have to run the 3 copies of the Spell/Trap to search, 2 of which should be in the Deck for the effect to be live. Speaking of the latter, another option for improvement is to allow the card to add up to 2, just so it isn't dead if the 3rd copy is already out of the Deck.
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