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Showing most liked content on 09/24/2019 in Posts

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    Quite like my previous post I'm not going to bother giving these a specific order to which I list them off in because that's just added thought to the even more that I have to write about. And three of these will probably be obvious anyway, but there's a lot less servant that I actively dislike then I like, so excluding them would just make my life that much harder. So. First up is Scheherazade. I'm pretty sure no one likes her and i've already said my bit on it to you before anyway but i might as well say it anyway. On the pros I think she's got a neat enough support kit that adds in some nice stall options and an AoE guts is always cool. I also think her roll in Agartha was pretty neat. Onto the cons. Mechanically, her noble phantasm makes like no sense with her kit...or with her really. She has the second highest HP in the game, has abysmally low attack and is a caster. Her character is centered around not dying and her story is all about the stories she's told and how she evaded said death. So why is her NP an AoE nuke with an NP Strength buff and an even more situation damage buff that has zero utility outside of being an Arts card. Beyond that she's kind of annoying and her personality is very one note. And it does not help that she doesn't shut up about the one note that she has. Also, on a personal level, I think she's got the makings of being really attractive but there's a lot of weird proportions going on with her body that just kind of make everything look off. Second on the list is Oda Nobunaga. I used to dig Nobu for her swank ass design and kind of memey summer animations. I still do, and all of her kits are generally pretty solid too. Since playing the game and going through a singular gudaguda event and summer 2, her looks and kit don't really make up for how terribly I think she's written. In general, I didn't really enjoy the gudaguda event because the writing kind of felt way to lol random xd funny, which is to say it felt like it was trying to be funny way too hard and thus just came off as annoying. And unfortunately, Nobu basically encapsulates that whole issue I have with that event in one character. There are other characters that are basically just living jokes - like Heroine X for example - but they have gimmicks to follow. Nobu just is random and haughty and that's about the extent of her character so far, so she basically just comes off as way more obnoxious then any of the other ones. Also she's voiced by Rie Kugimiya and I actually can't stand her voice except on a few characters. I'll look forward to see if she gets better in the next 3 gudaguda events (well, next 2 with 1 rerun), but for now, I just don't like her. Third is Minamoto no Raikou. You're probably not entirely familiar with this, but Raikou to me is basically like Camilla in Fire Emblem Fates. Fantastic unit all around, to borderline insane - as both her Berserker form is one the premier berserker farmers and will continue to be until either Skadi or Arjuna Alter come out. Her summer form is also like, actually insane with how much damage and star gen she's packing, and that she can give these damage buffs to everyone else. So it's a real shame her personality is basically just someone who obnoxiously smothers you while acting like your mother but also kind of wanting to bone you? It's like, the proto version for Mom Isekai. That and her design is pretty annoying and could be hot if not for the two giant latex balloons strapped to her chest. Fourth is uhh.....Ivan the Terrible? It's in the name. I honestly don't know who I'd put in this slot because I can't really think of anyone i expressly dislike but i do know who I hate most of all and want to end this segment with. So just have this joke answer. The final one, to no surprise at all, is Blackbeard. I mean, there's hardly any reason I should explain why I should dislike him because there's hardly any reason at all someone should like him. Like, he doesn't really seem to have a target audience and the way he's written isn't so much that you should love to hate him you should just hate him. He takes every opportunity he has to be the most worthless person on screen and his dialogue physically pains me to read. So yeah. This has been my ted talk, feel free to come again later.
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    As Cat had wondered where Shiro was, the boy simply pointed over to the protean who was busy helping out the animals. It was then that the woman had gone to ask what exactly it was that they had found out about the village they were in so far. As Gunther took the lead on that topic, Alois simply nodded along and said, "that about sums it up." As Gunther then explained the animal turned man, Alois nodded saying, "yeah, we met a naked guy earlier who turned out to be Amas's hound." Looking to Cora he said, "they were also with Amas at his place. Old man's a dog now." As the new girl seemed to be taking all of this in, Alois shrugged at her comment. "Village of animals is a first, but I'd say it's about normal for us." Meanwhile, Tsetseg had seemed a bit disappointed by the group's new findings. That there was people who were animals was nothing new to her. However, that there were animals that were now people, was something the girl was a bit in awe of. Unfortunately, as she examined the naked horse man, she was met with some small disappointment that they had no animal features about them. Which meant, that whatever was doing this was not at all as wonderful as making the people into proteans. Which meant that this truly was a curse worth fixing! Tsetseg looked over to Gunther saying, "this is no time for sleeping, no no! We've gotta make sure of all the animals get fluffy again!" The girl nodded to herself.
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    Growing a bit more impatient, Peaches shook a bit as person after person filed out of the building; yet none of them were Citron. Crying out a bit louder, she lightly stomped one of her haunches as the blood-caked man who had helped her came out, who very much wasn’t Citron, before screeching out loudly again; a reminder to her slow rider that it was time to go. Just as she was about to let out another, much louder cry, a soft, fleshy object--- A hand brushed up against the bottom of her chin, scratching in much the same way Citron did. Shaking her body in much the same way a bird would, she lowered herself into the scritches, letting out a quiet, or at least relatively quiet, coo. Blood-caked man? Trustable. Very trustable. Rating? Trustable out of trustable. --- While Citron’s head had stopped impeding most of her movements, that didn’t mean she wanted everything to happen quite so… Fast. And boy, did the events following seem to move quickly. First, her questions were answered; or, well, sort of. Edrick, as he left the room, reassured her that there wasn’t any sort of cultural dissonance, but that that was just how Penelope was as a person. Promptly after that however, Penelope explained the situation more; leaving more room for questions than before, really. “If, it wasn’t a monster or monstrous animal, and if I’ve met them, then--” Citron cut herself off, trying to connect the dots in her head. She had heard about some slang for eating, could that have been it…? But, only one type of slang would really fit in that context, and-- Shaking her head, Citron brought a hand up to her mouth, her face growing redder by the second. “...Ah-ah, I really shouldn’t ask about things like that…! Sorry!” She scratched the back of her head while backing away; doing her best to be polite, before excusing herself outside the house. As she left the house, the next thing that would happen was just as strange. Peaches, who by all accounts should have been on her haunches, wings extended, screeching at her at the highest of volumes as if to say ‘you are late again, dummy!!!’... Was nuzzling into the hands of yet another one of the people who she had temporarily joined up with. Tongue lolling out, the lizard was… Frankly, adorable; with much more of the demeanor Citron preferred to deal with, when compared to what she had been expecting. “Thanks for calming her down,” Citron smiled as she walked up towards Edrick and her temperamental… Steed? Yeah, steed. “She tends to get antsy when she thinks we’re heading out, so I guess I talked too long.” She laughed a little, scratching at the back of her head. And, as everyone had left the house, and the two that had left them earlier joined back up, it was time to… Return to the market square. Leading Peaches carefully, she winced as they returned to the market square, and she was reminded of why it hurt to stare at any light sources, or to hear anyone yell. Her stomach shifted a bit as she thought about what the owner of the stall was going to think, or say when they found out; either yelling or guilting her, one way or another. Of course, it wasn’t like she didn’t deserve it, she just... wasn’t looking forward to it, was all. “...Stay here, okay?” Citron commanded, tapping Peaches’ foot, and then the ground. Then, as the Wyvern ‘sat’ down, she began her own agenda. Looking around for her stall, she would eventually find it near the broken, mostly destroyed stall, a feat that was more difficult than before due to the lack of… Well, remaining broken pieces from the original stall. But, nonetheless, she did find the make-shift stall, and more importantly, her supplies that had been stowed beneath it’s table. Namely, her fruit. Her fruit that, if she recalled correctly, was the same type of fruit that she had seen being sold at the ex-stall across the way. Taking a large assortment in her arms, practically dropped it as she turned from her stall, she slowly and steadily made her way to the bare remains of the crushed and broken stall; kneeling down and laying the fruit on whatever remained. “I know you’re not here, to hear this,” she began, muttering somewhat quietly as she stood back up. “But it’s gonna eat at me all day if I don’t apologize, so…” She lowered her head. “I hope this can suffice until I can make up the money to repay you, wherever you are, Miss or Mister stall owner.” She scratched at her neck, before turning on her heels and returning to the group… Just to arrive late to whatever explanation was going on. It seemed like everyone was trying to pool their information, much of which… Didn’t really make sense to her. It sounded like something out of a story, or a fairy-tail as they described it; the villagers had just been whisked away, into animal forms? They had just… Poofed, right into animals? The confusion and disbelief was evident on her face as she tilted her head to the side, before turning to shock as she noticed that everyone had started walking. These people didn’t exactly mess around. Scratching the top of Peaches’ nose, she motioned for the Wyvern to follow her as she followed behind the others; a bit curious as to where they could be headed. As they reached the house, Citron almost gasped at the size of the estate; before her attention was grabbed by… Something else. Or rather, someone else. A loud noise, not quite like laughter but not quite dislike it, prompted her to look around with confusion, until her eyes eventually found a… Man. A very strange man; strange in the fact that he was… Without clothing. Letting out another, quiet gasp, Citron moved a hand to cover Peaches’ eyes - who promptly sat down to the best of her ability - and her own, before glancing away from the ‘sight’ to behold. “This… Isn’t normal around here, is it?”
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