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Showing most liked content on 05/29/2020 in Status Updates

  1. 1 like
    COVID-19, murder hornets, cicadas, police stations blowing up. 2020 is the greatest year of the 21st century.
  2. 1 like
    Hey all I just wanted to remind you that if there's any issues or improvements you can think of go ahead and make a thread in comments and inquiries. We're here, we're watching, if something gets looked over tag me and I will badger about it (It's basically my main skill as RPers may know). And we have two admins who actively do stuff. (Heck, Yemanchu STILL is making improvements to the card maker to this day). Basically feel free, as long as its not spam/flaming, to speak up when there's things you think could make the site better. There's some things we do see but no harm in at least mentioning things.
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