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Showing most liked content on 08/23/2020 in Posts

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    Midome had no idea what kind of "jobs" Miyu intended to have them do, but he wasn't looking forward to finding out. Not that he had any intention to do anything but his best to avoid them, whatever they were. Still, he mechanically went to drop the supplies, much to the relief of his arms. That was done, at least. Now, everyone else seems to be in the recreative room, right? Without haste, he took out his flask as he made his way there, the muffled sound of people talking guiding him as he started drinking, opened the door, and then almost chocked on his beverage. Hot, basically naked girls wrestling in a kiddy pool didn't quite fit what he expected to find. The next couple of seconds didn't help to make more sense of the scene either, as he stared oblivious to anything else, including the splashes of water caused by the two. He had to avert his gaze before the bewilderment passed enough to make space to... other feelings. For the others, his roommate seemed to be the only one interested in the scene. Very interested, it seemed. One was at the tv. The other were... playng card games, or something. Doing his level best keep his gaze away from the splashing sounds, he made his way to the table. Nobody was commenting on the fact, and he sure as heck wasn't going to bring it up first. "So, how did it go to you guys?"
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    Sure enough, Nanami had set several of the boys on edge with her bearing it all in the kiddie pool. Though that Akuma was shamelessly taking in the sight was a bit less expected. Still, she didn't much mind the attention. Rash actor that she was, she had pulled similar stunts many a time before and gotten scolded for it just as often. The truly unexpected factor came in the arrival of Miyu, who before Nanami could even react was already in the pool with her in a very hands on fashion splashing about. The shark protested in a mixture of laughter from being somewhat ticklish and aggravation at the unsolicited touch and less than appropriate questions. "Ever look in the mirror?" she managed to bark back with regards to Miyu's own incredibly lewd nature. The two wrestled a bit as Miyu continued her harassment as conversation shifted to the events of the different teams. It seemed all things considered, the Electronics store had it pretty good. At least compared to the team that got scolded by some no name heroes. At this point Nanami managed to break away from Miyu long enough to stand up in the pool. Water droplets slid down her scale-like skin like they were racing back to the pool below. Enough was enough. "Yeah boys are useless, just like you in a few minutes!" she called out while moving in to attempt to put the devil child into a head lock. Taking in what everyone else was up to was going to prove difficult until she got this one under control.
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