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Showing most liked content on 11/10/2020 in all areas

  1. 2 likes
    I was bored, so here, have some Hades fanart.
  2. 2 likes
    i remember when ycmaker was harangued for his christmas lights being up late and yet here we are under the new administration and there's a pumpkin in the logo on the 10th of november what a shame
  3. 1 like
    Chris didn’t partake in too much bacon; he’d probably eaten half a hog already before he got called away and he hadn’t quite worked up enough appetite since. But he couldn’t deny the company was nice, and Lana’s enthusiasm was certainly infectious. He wasn’t even aware of Estellise’s presence until she made herself known. “No finer way to start the morning than a hearty meal, hm?” she said as she walked in. “Sergei is not here too, is he?” He gave her a nod and gestured to an open seat, inviting her to join them. “I haven’t seen him yet,” Chris said. “He might not be joining us?” He was a little unsure of that second part, unable to comprehend the mercenary lifestyle that had Sergei coming and going as he pleased, but what else was there to say about it? “But that doesn’t mean we were waiting for you. At least, not for that reason. I did want to ask you something, actually.” Now it was Chris’ turn to look around, eyeing everyone else in the room and trying to suss out any prying eyes or ears. He was comfortable enough to continue, though, and he produced the purple heart from his pocket and recounted his events of the morning. He wasn’t sure how to describe all of it, like the weird starfish creature or the exact texture of the ichor one of the Kalo goons had bled, and he wasn’t a good enough storyteller to say better than “we got in a fight,” but the important parts like the mysterious girl were things he thought he relayed well enough. The conclusion was this, though: “So yeah, Estellise, I wanted to know if you’d heard anything about the Kalo family lately, or maybe if you know what this is? And Lana, I think I just invited myself to that church you’re staying at, hope that’s okay.”
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