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Showing most liked content on 01/15/2021 in Posts

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    Librarian Hero - Pager Master “The Art of War? My young studious J’adoube...I abide by those teachings.” Page Master slightly adjusted his glasses, watching Kio’s Quirk loadout Assault Dust, which kept him and the pawns from being able to see. “An ingenious tactic if I may say so myself. But quite a tactic that could backfire if executed incorrectly. For example...” he glanced at the pawns of Takehiko and smirked. “Willing to sacrifice one’s allies and comrades for the sake of winning? While this could be a smart move in the game of chess, I’m afraid this is no game, students.” Page Master remained as calm as he could be, adjusting his glasses once more. He knew the attack from Ayane was coming...as Kio was gracious enough to telegraph that knowledge to him. He had to simply wait. “He who is prudent and lies in wait for an enemy who is not, will be victorious.” He was about to do something...but was shocked at seeing Ren now in the general vicinity of him and his paper hounds, but was even more shocked at the display he gave, which generally knocked back the attack support from Ayane, Takehiko’s pawns and even the Assault Dust. In one fell swoop, Ren had taken down what his teammates had worked hard for. And now with his hounds being pushed away ever so slightly, he was planning an open palmed strike at his center mass. An attack that would do a lot of damage…’twere only that simple. Opening Hook Holding his book slightly, he began to reach into the book and pull something out from it’s pages, the pages swirling around his hand slightly with the hand holding the briefcase now in front of him. “I’m sorry, but while this attempt of coordination was quite impressive, for the most part, it proved fruitless. Pop-Up Style: Aegis!!” Now around the Pro Hero there was a see through paper barrier for a moment, before it erupted into the appearance of a shield, protecting him. The attack from Ren was easily deflected and even caused Ren to be knocked back a bit before the shield itself shattered and the pages seemed to return to his book and both of his paper hounds began to move back into position. “A valiant effort students, but if you cease your bickering back and forth and work as a full unit, then perhaps you could land a hit or even retrieve the case. In general, I’ve heard a total of four separate team names from you.” Page Master looked sternly at Kio, then Ayane, then Ren and finally Takehiko’s pawns. “Ironheade, Perfect Aces, Prana, Rooking Memories...if we’re taking applications on a perfect team name for you, then I will gladly call you: Team Conceited, as it seems like there is some strong arrogance and pride in the methods of your movements. Especially for some of you...after all, while it may seem underhanded, why go through the trouble of wasting and ruining everything your teammates have done up to this point?” The teacher’s words directed at Ren by this point, before he exhaled slowly. “Pride comes before the fall, my students. And yet, you still seem so headstrong in your methods. And it’s this that will make you do one thing: repeat the same thing, expecting to be granted a different result. That, my dear students, is the very definition...of insanity.” A sigh escaped the Pro Hero’s lips. “Do remember...it’s not just one student’s grade on the line...there are four of you here...meaning if one fails, you all fail. One passes, you all pass. This is not a one man show.” The man adjusted his glasses once more. “Remember: amidst chaos, there is also opportunity.” His peace said, Page Master snapped his fingers as the paper hounds began to multiply. “I shall admit, while unlike Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s famed “The Hound of the Baskervilles”, there’s more than one canid before me. In history and other literature, there have been mentions of these black hounds...these ghostly apparitions which symbolize death. Therefore, what you once thought was going to simply be one or two...shall be able to keep up with your pawns, J'adoube.” At another snap of his fingers, a few of the paper hounds began to make the offensive, already attempting to strike at a few Takehiko’s pawns, being wary of the one that had the stick. “Now...this time...instead of throwing caution to the wind and the constant infighting...perhaps if you come up with a coherent plan of attack, then you may get results.” he stated, immediately beginning to make an advancement, moving forward and no longer remaining where he stood.
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    @Members @VIP - Just an FYI we've removed the necro bumping rule from the site (please let me know if there are still remnants anywhere!) We no longer feel the rule is necessary across the site, spam rules will still apply though.
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    - Ma Dai - Gan Ning - Ma Chao - Wang Yi Why Blake and Yui are rivals I'm not sure just ignore that part
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