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Showing most liked content on 03/06/2021 in Posts

  1. 2 likes
    A lot of scenes come to mind, but I remember this one in particular gave me an actual phobia of whales: and while we're on this movie, I completely forgot about this one. It never really traumatized me as a kid, but watching it again is legitimately disturbing:
  2. 1 like
    Chris had to marvel at the goblins’ level of engineering, not because the locks were any sort of masterwork or even competent, but that they held together at all. He also had to commend them for seemingly knowing the level of their craft, and compensating with double the locks. It wasn’t going to keep him out, obviously, especially not if Lana did her job and kept everyone off his back, but the effort was still appreciated. The first lock came off without difficulty outside of the obvious pain in his side still burning away, masking some physical sensations even as he grit his teeth. Before he could start on the second, he heard some chatter behind him. It was indecipherable to his decidedly non-goblin ears, but the intent was still clear: the goblins were on their way back. He had to get this door open quick. He continued to bite through the pain and practically forced the pins into the right place -- there was no time for finesse now -- wrenching the door open with a final heave, and looking over just in time to see Lana manage a hobgoblin, a vertical cleave with her axe dealing the finishing blow. “Door’s open, let’s go!” Chris said, beckoning both her and Estellise onwards with a frantic wave of his hand. He just managed to get the door shut behind all of them, narrowly blocking a few extra goblin projectiles, whereupon he collapsed to a sitting position on the stairs, back against the wall. “Two down, three to go,” he said through heavy breaths, clutching his side. “How are you two holding up?”
  3. 1 like
    Never have actually!
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