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Showing most liked content on 09/28/2022 in Posts

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    Keres had thought Lindow was about to run away and leave Ryia behind. When he turned back she realized that many of them were already upon Ryia. Keres half stumbled her way forward in her haste. Without even a plan in mind. She noticed some of them branch off towards Lindow but there were still far too many around the Earth Chosen. Eight in total to be specific. Keres sent a wave of water towards the four on the right side yet her magic seemed to have no effect on them at all and the water just passed through harmlessly. The eight phantoms bore down on Ryia. Each ready to piece her through with their strangely physical weapons. The water mage glanced over towards the other side. The doorway hadn't changed at all. She wondered if there was anything at the other end that could help. But it was much too far for her to reach it before the attack. Just as she saw them begin their thrusts a thought came to Keres's mind. She had watched what happened with Lindow early and an idea sprang up from it. As they attacked she tried her magic once more. Bringing water down on one on each left and right side. This time the water seemed to have some effect. Not as strong as she might hope but it did seem to weigh them down essentially and their attacks stopped suddenly. Though that still left six more attacking the girl. Keres called out "They're....somewhat physical, when they attack!" As Lindow trampled on the flower he would feel a cold chill through his body and a brief noise. Almost like a shriek but from far, far, away. And as he slashed at the bark one of the phantoms suddenly vanished. However before he could celebrate the seeming victory he felt something grab his leg. The phantom that had vanished appearing right under his feet and grabbing onto his legs with two hands. As this occurred the other three swooped down at him rapidly and thrust their weapons. A glowing barrier appeared at Lindow's side and two of the spears bounce off them. However the third struck true and Lindow felt himself impaled from behind. A cold chill spread through his body as the spear pierced entirely through his back. The attack somehow managed to avoid any organs but it was still quite the injury. And when the phantom pulled the spear back the wound only grew more chilled and numb feeling than before.
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