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Showing most liked content on 03/25/2023 in Posts

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    Sibyl found herself in a great mood. Sure, she was a disappointed with how the day at the warehouse ended and would've wanted to level the whole building and sure, her teammates that she were never to see again were a bit sticks in the mud. But at least the muddiest stick was convenient transportation and even gave her lunch money! So she could forgive him for not going for food. And in spite of that, she ended up finding good company anyway. Once the colorful hero gave her compliments to Sibyl, the girl let out a hearty laugh. "Hahaha, I like to think I blend the two together well too. Take a look at any news channel later and you might see what came earlier." Even if it were prematurely ended for her, she was still proud in the work she ended up doing today. Sibyl then looked towards the hero girl. She had definitely heard the name, "Aeon" before. In fact Sibyl had known that name from her childhood, even if only passingly and didn't even know much about the her to begin with. Even then she couldn't help but think that something wasn't matching up with her memory. After a bit of walking around, the girl then mumbled to herself, "Aeon...Aeon..." Then, looking at the hero with some degree of scrutiny as if trying to intensely remember something, squinted her eyes saying, "didn't you use to look different?" "Probably! The color changed a few weeks ago." She grabbed her hair and lifted it, "been growing it out too." "Ooooooh!" The girl's eyes lit up, cheerily saying, "so you're kind of an artist too. Looks good on you." Sibyl looked over to Lachesis and said, "I don't know where you met her, but I think I like your friend already Lock. Oh!" The girl then reached into her pocket and pulled out the money she had just got saying, "wanna join me for a bite? Alder's paying."
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