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Showing most liked content on 11/29/2023 in Posts

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    I don't really have one for stories I'm reading or watching or... I guess the word is "consuming" but that feels wrong. I dunno, that's just not where my taste lies. This might be resultant from reading a bunch of old science-fiction novels as a kid -- especially Asimov and Clarke -- who were more interested in the conceptual thing itself than the nuance of the characters exploring it. It's something that has certainly influenced my personal writing, and while I can try and push beyond when I need to and create characters with internality -- I'm currently rewriting and editing one of those now -- a lot of my scribbling revolves around one person telling the story of a weird thing that happened to them. Like, I do try to inject character there. I like the implication that they *need* to be telling their story just so they can make sense of it too, and one person's musings about the hitchhikers they're picking up on the road would be different than another person's seeing aliens fighting by chance through their telescope (real stories). But at the same time I do strip out, say, gender, from them, almost preferring the ambiguity there, even if it made writing workshops in class super frustrating.
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