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    Outside Team Bartleby's home away from home came the excited flopping sound of fins slapping the pavement. Unusual perhaps but not a first for these parts though it had been some time. The door to the apartment building burst open revealing Aduain, freshly returned from the oceanside city, to all of nobody in the entrance way. That wasn't super unusual. Everyone had a room, it was morning. Sleep or food were believable enough distractions. The fish boy took in a deep breath through the gills at his sides before letting it out and looking the place over. No immediate changes. It had only been a day so that was to be expected. But given the way they could customize rooms for some of their pay he had been hoping someone on the team had bought something silly. "Heeeeeeeeeeeeey! Team?" Aduain happily shouted into the room trying to guage where people were. The only thing he had on his person was his familiar weapon though right now it was conspicuously across his shoulder with a large bag tied to the end of it. After shouting he set the whole improvised backpack affair onto the nearby table. The watch's notifications about potential skeletons seemed exciting but it wasn't quite enough to distract him from opening the bag to ready the souvenirs he'd gotten for everyone. A large apple-looking type fruit that was a shade of green the fish had never seen before, a bizarre trading card from a game he had little knowledge of, a book or two, and several simple wooden boxes of traditional Prana seaside cuisine were soon unpacked. The apple was for Bartleby though seeing the creature asleep he decided it better to wait for it to wake to present the gift. The rest he hadn't entirely settled on. "Hopefully everyone likes the food. They got some weird fish out there. Tasty, but weird. If someone knows what the card's from that's easy. Maybe I shoulda actually read these books before gettin' em." The boy casually narrated his thought process while looking over his bounty. One book was thicker and without title. Only upon opening it did Aduain realize the people had gifted him a copy of some of their holy texts. "Ohhhhh that makes a lot of sense." Aduain's epiphany came quickly. The town he'd been sent to was a lot more simple in its construction than the city they currently resided in. And the people had reflected that simplicity, many of them content to work their jobs and worship an ancient Dragon deity of some kind. The most prominent structure in the town had been a shrine to said Dragon. Aduain had even gifted his hat (pair of shorts) from Mauvache as a tribute and while those attending to the shrine had seemed confused they had thanked him for his generosity and had gifted this book in return. This brought Aduain's attention to the second book. It was much smaller and paperback and opening it revealed it to be some sort of comic book. That was exciting enough and the fish began flipping through it casually to see if he could judge whose tastes it might fit. Pausing somewhere in the middle his eyes widened and he shut the book quickly before wrapping it back up in the bag he'd held everything in. "Heh, maybe that one just goes upstairs with me." he said nervously. This was a very naughty book and probably didnt make for a great gift. But that was okay there was still the food to go around. All kinds of sushi preparations that even now tempted his rumbling stomach. But it would be better to eat a shared meal for sure so he was willing to ignore it for now. The goods secured it was time to find his teammates for real this time. Shouting could only get one so far after all.
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