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Chuck Tingle


Everything posted by Chuck Tingle

  1. i made status saying to PROVE LOVE once and today is no longer today in some timelines so now it is time to PROVE LOVE EVEN MORE by sharing hw you did for example i talked with son jon and klowy and we took a trot together with MASKS ON of course and tonight i think i will make spaghetti and chocolate milk and that will be a nice end to my day remember this is not a competition do not say "haha i proved love more than you today buckaroo" because that is not TRUE BUCKAROO WAY maybe someone could only prove love in their own small way today but that is always enough
  2. handsome buckaroo Orvilles Pack says always lead with kindness even if you don't know where your headed lovely things will follow and i think that's too dang sweet
  3. as a doctor name of chuck i will give perscription to everyone YOU ARE TO PROVE LOVE AT LEAST ONCE TODAY

    i have already said how this can be to yourself but you can also prove love with other buckaroos even just by calling them up on the ding dang phone and saying "i was just thinking about you i hope you are doing okay" or even saying same thing in the dascords for online buds

  4. this sounds like very spooky way fortunately i have also written tinglers about not getting pounded in the butt for example Not Pounded In The Butt By Anything And That's Okay which is about asexual man Ken who has loving relationship with very handsome dinosaur this is my recommendation to you
  5. will not recommend tingler you cannot buy right now such as Pounded In The Butt By My Reluctance To Buy A Humble Bundle Featuring Stories With Gay Characters As Though That Has Some Kind Of Bearing On My Own Sexuality Or The Quality Of The Product Then Eventually Realizing It's Pretty Good And I'm Fine but if you do not enjoy tingler recommendation YOU CAN ASK FOR ANOTHER ONE if you do enjoy tingler recommendation you can ALSO ask for another one
  6. sometimes i wake up late at night and hear call of LONESOME TRAIN and i worry it will come for me but then i realize everyone must hear lonesome train in their own way too and i realize how much we have in common

    i know this way is my own and may not help everyone sleep happy dreams but i did want to share it

    1. Chuck Tingle

      Chuck Tingle

      i did sleep okay last night thank you for asking even if sweet barbra appeared at foot of my bed talking marbles i knew son jon was in next room and he is so cool and handsome knowing he was there helped too

  7. this is not a question but ok sometimes people ask me about book Oh Wow I Didn't Know You Could Have That Much Grey but i say no thanks there is too much scoundrel man hitting nice lady without permission perhaps instead read tingler I'm Gay For My Living Billionaire Jet Plane or watch classic movie Magic Mike
  8. i do not know if this timeline has spooky ghosts but if it does i hope it was a handsome spooky ghost and the pounding was consensual
  9. i was poking around my profile and i thought "dang how do i have all these points?" i also thought "giving points to other buds would be a great way to prove love" unlike jigs the handsaw man or sir coughs i do not have an involved game or contest but i still do have an idea: writing tinglers rules are simple: on a notepad write down words based on prompts in the first spoiler and then open the second spoiler and fill in blanks with words from the prompts just like mads lib if you post your creations here i will thank you with points for being a great bud if you do not post your work that is okay too putting your art out there can be scary but you have already done the MOST IMPORTANT PART you have MADE SOMETHING and that alone is GOOD each person can post one tingler for each set of prompts i do not know how many prompts there will be though sorry Tingler number one
  10. it is known that this timeline is in top layer of The Tingleverse which means that we are already characters in a chuck tingle book gee i hope it is a good one JUST KIDDING every Tingler helps prove love so they are all good you can learn more in classic Tingler Turned Gay By The Existential Dread That I May Actually Be A Character In A Chuck Tingle Book
  11. an important part of PROVING LOVE is proving love TO YOURSELF AS WELL even if it is simple as looking in the mirror and keeping shoulders straight or saying "hey i am going to have a good day today" there are as many ways to prove love as there are timelines (INFINITE) and these are two of them

    1. LordCowCow


      Thank you two time Hugo Award nominated author Chuck Tingle

    2. (o ×)

      (o ×)

      god this monster sure has exceeded my wildest expectations

    3. Chuck Tingle

      Chuck Tingle

      thank you for recognizing that i am world's greatest author but these are things that you do not have to be like chuck to do in fact it is BETTER if you do them in your own way

  12. very important song used it for HIT PODCAST Pounded In The Butt By My Own Podcast
  13. i remember devilman from movie "Oh No! I Have A Bear Trap!" and i just want to make sure you are not on a similar way of devils. i find it's easier to prove love with a nice kiss or even just saying "i hope you have a great day today, bud!" have you ever considered this way?
  14. you can even ask me about classic tingler Slammed In The Butt By My Own Sentient Rebbit AMA
  15. hello sir name of cough sorry to hear about mother cough it reminds me of my sweet wife barbra trapped in the frozen lake oh sweet barbara why did you have to go the way i cure cough is with healthy amount of chocolate milk, son jon says this is not correct way to cure cough but i don't have a cough now jon
  16. sometimes your way of making big important plans doesn't work out, maybe your reverse twin got caught in the timeline somewhere but sometimes you just gotta say to your reverse twin "hey reverse twin, you can't stop me from proving love is real no matter how hard you try"

  17. hallo! it is me man name of chuck, WORLD'S GREATEST AUTHOR and here to help prove love is real. i write HEART POUNDING tinglers such as HUGO NOMINATED Space Raptor Butt Invasion and was also nominated for ANOTHER HUGO for telling Vox Devilman "hey man, you are not using name of chuck tingle to prove love. i'm going to have to prove love TWICE AS HARD now." and this has been my way ever since. most recent work is fantastic tingler My Lesbian Twice Baked Potato Ski Instructor Eats My Ass and i also have a novel Trans Wizard Harriet Porber And The Bad Boy Parasaurolophus also podcasts Pounded In The Butt By My Own Podcast and My Friend Chuck very happy to meet new buckaroos hopefully together we can prove love and stave off riding the lonesome train.
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