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  1. So since it's the end of the year and I probably wont find a sudden goty now I'll just say a bunch of my favorite games, and a bunch of games I thought I'd like but didn't. Gonna be using neogaf rules where it's any game I played for the first time this year is eligible.

    1. mido9


      Games I liked:

      Zanki Zero: Same writers as danganronpa and it shows, but the story is one of the most intriguing sci-fi fantasies I've seen, you always want to see what's going to be revealed next, it's so so good. Battle system is ok I guess though.

      Code Vein: Weeb souls, etc, but I still liked it a lot, the characters are all likeable and good, the music is moody and memorable, the combat system is actually pretty involved since you're switching up passives and skills to find the best broken combo all the time.
      Yakuza 0: Extremely awesome combat, fantastic story, and there's so much stuff to do after it's done.

      Catherine Classic: I was really into the story, wanted to see what would happen next always, and the puzzleblock thing was a pretty unique puzzler.

      Oxygen not included: Ridiculously hard, and ridiculously high skill cap, like, the game has so much working on all at the same time, you need to manage so much and there's always *SOMETHING* that's looming over that's going to destroy everything you own one link in the production chain at a time. I loved it for that.

      Evenicle: Goofy waifu hunter game with excuse gameplay, but it's nice, everyone is cute and likeable, the characters' interactions are incredibly funny, like one of the funniest I've seen, and it's a good wholesome experience... except when it isn't and it's traumatizing and you can look up sseth tzeentach's review to see what  I mean.

      Granblue Fantasy: "Begorrah, mido, this is a gacha game, what jew shit is this". I still liked it, I dont care, the combat is very final-fantasy-5 ish, I got a ton of characters from the free roulette/giveaways, and the combat is so competitive and involved since every boss fight is basically a race against up to 29 other people to get the MVP chest.

    2. mido9


      Games I thought I would like but I did not:
      Sekiro: Shadows press 2 buttons for 30 hours. I already made a review of it, so I'll copy it here: "the game has no variety in gameplay at all, you don't do anything except parry for the whole game except for the occasional firecracker on animal bosses, and rarely even combat arts or items, and it got really boring. It just took forever to do anything and one slip up in your parries meant you die, by the time I got to things like the guardian ape I didn't even bother deflecting, I would just sprint away, wait for an obvious weakness/opening, and just nightjar slash in, nightjar slash out, repeat for 20 minutes to win at 100% HP and posture and all gourds still up, just had a sense of "ok, I get it, can the game end now?""

      Borderlands 2: How does this game have infinitely generating guns and they ALL suck? Like, all of them had like 30% accuracy over more than point blank range, by the time I was emptying whole magazines and not even being able to kill a raider because the majority of the fire bullets had just missed him entirely even pointing at center mass(at least, for the enemy under cover) I was getting actually frustrated and just went "yeah, not worth it"

      Moonlighter: Extremely shit. Basically, the game's gimmick is that it's a zeldaclone roguelite, but items you find in the underground can be sold for gold or used to craft new weapons, but going back to home base to sell items takes a long time and a lot of price adjustment, and crafting items takes a lot of grinding, and you NEED to grind and craft these to do anything, so it just felt like legend of zelda, but with grinding and delays between each run. Really hate this modern roguelite theme where the "replay value" is literally just grinding for the stat increases/weapons you need to beat the game instead of the variety of the items in the run, seen this in Undermine too, bad design.

      Graveyard Keeper: This is like one of the only games where I felt the devs dont know what the concept of fun is. It's a harvestmoon-like, sort of, but everything takes up a massive amount of your energy, you can only do like two or three activities a day before you run out, food is hard to get, everything is grindy and has a ton of steps leading up to it, some activities can ONLY be done on certain days so you have to wait more, it takes forever to get places, it's just a horrible waste of time all around.

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