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mido9 last won the day on April 16 2020

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About mido9

  • User Group: Members

  • Member ID: 114

  • Title: Preeeeeeeeeeetty good member

  • Post Count: 19

  • Post Ratio: 0.01

  • Total Rep: 51

  • Member Of The Days Won: 3

  • Joined: 01/11/2019

  • Been With Us For: 1934 Days

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  • Age: 28


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  1. man, there's so many good artists and artstyles it's almost hard to choose what I'd want to be like. I like persona, and hideo minaba, and fire emblem, and puzzle and dragons, and mistover, and mazeran, and riyo, and countless random internet guys, and I know im basically going "something tells me I can easily beat those trained professionals with a 10-man art team who do it for a living", but still it's hard not to get inspired

    1. Thar


      I always looked at it as if you should stick with whatever process or technique you're most comfortable with/enjoy the most and let any breaking point be a perk more than a goal, cause if you don't enjoy doing what you previously envisioned yourself doing like these other successful artists did, then really what was the point?

    2. mido9


      Yeah, for me I mostly just make my drawings out of rough assemblages of other artworks, just take a pose/shape from one drawing, add the hands from another, add the clothes from a different one, etc etc to make something overall good.

    3. Thar


      I'm kinda the same way. Most of my original work that I spent the most time on usually came from a photo I took and then used a grid to transfer it to a larger canvas to mimic in pastel. I've been meaning to get more into pure scratch drawings where I don't rely on references to create, I just need to get the feel for certain things before it starts to feel natural.

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