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mido9 last won the day on April 16 2020

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51 Honored

About mido9

  • User Group: Members

  • Member ID: 114

  • Title: Preeeeeeeeeeetty good member

  • Post Count: 19

  • Post Ratio: 0.01

  • Total Rep: 51

  • Member Of The Days Won: 3

  • Joined: 01/11/2019

  • Been With Us For: 1933 Days

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  • Age: 28


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  1. This place is boring, it's basically all polls and and RPs which I dont really care about and seeing one or two statuses every day which half the time are for things I dont care about is lame, it's like 90% thar, yui, and blake that I care about or are interested in, sometimes saiko/cow

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    2. yui


      I've been thinking about reviewing stuff. And it'll help me put off things I'm supposed to be doing. Good idea, mido!

    3. mido9


      You sorta are, thar, but it's like, pretty endearing how things have been going on in your life or an anecdote you say or a simple drawing you made or etc. Also your videogame stuff is fun.

      Also @ darj, you could, for instance, make a review of a game you liked or say one you're excited for, or a movie you saw and didn't like, or how you listened to bohemian rhapsody and liked it so much you looked up 50 other rock songs, or share a moment from an anime you saw a really funny/clever moment in ie murenase, or a badly put together drawing you made where the only anatomy you looked up is Grey's anatomy, or how you got a cute character in that one gacha game you play, or how your crew got top 5k in Guild Wars, or DAE tories bad, yknow, something, anything

    4. mido9


      like, i know im being cynical and saying everyone else should do more stuff for my amusement but when I can go  on my discord server that I made for my crew in gbf and talk about and see talk about anything from recipes involving corn and how to properly eat it to granblue fantasy to getting recommendations of 10/10 VNs like raging loop just because I said I was gonna play AI the somnium files or talking about whether or not Parasite's a good movie to watch if you dont care for political messages or what gacha games are cool or shitposting or cute images or etc, and then open this and just see poll, poll, showdown, poll, pokemon, tharAnecdote, my post from 3 days ago, irs/tormey/dae memeing, dragon sage with something obscure but interesting, my post from 6 days ago and I just think "why dont I just stick to my server and forget this?"

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