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Summer Aix


Everything posted by Summer Aix

  1. Spoiler Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eu sodales tortor, posuere mattis nunc. Integer eget sapien ullamcorper diam mollis laoreet. Praesent dignissim id urna at malesuada. Etiam id nisl vitae ante vestibulum volutpat. Etiam congue, neque a commodo iaculis, nisl massa varius felis, eget commodo eros mauris vitae felis. Pellentesque sed nisi bibendum, faucibus lectus id, varius metus. Vestibulum lacinia vehicula justo, ut molestie magna tincidunt nec. Suspendisse sit amet sagittis enim.
  2. Currently not planning on going to Orlenya, but if what you're interested in is my sort of reinterpretation of traditional fantasy world building, there should be plenty. Seems we got enough people now with Timeskipper and Reptilious also expressing interest on Discord. I gotta get some basic details down along with the OOC before I get the Discord ready and open everything up for input and discussion.
  3. I don't really want to see the bottom of the site turned into a skittles ad again, but yeah I guess it would make a lot of people happy to have them.
  4. Yeah, but I simply was not interested in these teams at all. They seemed bland as hell. Grimgar's best point to me was their struggle through dangerous situations and survival against all odds as well as all the suffering.
  5. I dunno about Lizrog. It costs so much and just gets Cast Down, you don't have that much mana left to adapt your creatures again after. Arrester seems bad, I really wouldn't want to pay 3 just to bounce.
  6. Grimgal LN was weird at first, I couldn't get into it there was just something incredibly awkward about the dialogue and character interactions. The second time I tried reading it, I made myself look past it, but eventually it kinda just dragged a lot (at the part where everyone is in the other world thing and they meet the legendary adventurers) so I dropped it.
  7. I PMed Torm and he said he'd go about making a Trusted member group that would allow using source code mode. As far as I've heard from CowCow there isn't a BBCode mode anyway. Source code mode would be welcome.
  8. I did have albums on Photobucket years ago but Photobucket basically nuked everything so idk. You can just make the thread and ask mods to pin it.
  9. Huh, I want to play Simic too. Well, I just like the idea of Simic at any rate, being both blue and green and doing weird things. Is Adapt strong in practice? Which Simic cards stand out here?
  10. To give an idea of what one of the city dungeons are like for Suzu. Note that all lore at this point is still subject to change actually since it's just brainstorming. Orlenya the Immortal Grove The most of the world believes Orlenya to be a secluded paradise, a forgotten piece of heaven accidentally left on the mortal realm. If you were ever invited by the xenophobic Orlenian Conclave to visit, the first look at the city after being allowed to take off your blindfolds would steal your breath, and thoughts, away with awe. On the second look, you would be able to think again and come to the conclusion that all the rumors were true. Everything you experience at first would only affirm this. The elves of Orlenya, on average, are the most beautiful people in the known world. They eat delicious fruit and game that cannot thrive anywhere else. Serene music regularly drifts past the city like a gentle breeze. Yet despite the lush nature and flora that adorns the city, slowly you would come to realize that the place was, at its heart, cold and lifeless. The heart of Orlenya is the Dryad, a woman ascended to virtual godhood by her assimilation with the dungeon core. Under her influence, the society of Orlenya is one of the most stifling meritocracies that could possibly exist. The dungeon produces a limited supply of nectar every month. This nectar is what grants elves their long life, slowing aging by up to ten times. It is also an antidote to the poisonous pollen that gives the air of Orlenya a very faint sweet scent and allows nature around the city to flourish by accelerating natural growth. Competition for this nectar is fierce and the only thing stopping the city from dissolving into a river of blood are the city's uncountable laws regulating upon almost every possible action in life. It is harsh, but this competition is also what makes the elves also the most powerful mages and spellsingers alive as the prodigies of their people end up living for hundreds of years to hone their craft. Fortunately, these same circumstances prevent them from ever leaving Orlenya for long as nectar cannot be taken outside of the city bounds and the secrets of the elven masters are never taught to anyone to prevent their rivals from learning them. So really, the city of Orlenya is mostly unimportant in the grand scheme of things. It should be noted however that though elves rarely have children, when they do, they always have two or three children in quick succession. Only the most talented is kept after adulthood and the rest are cast out. So the few elves outside of Orlenya are either unwanted children or, in rare cases, powerful mages who just weren't talented enough and cast out of Orlenya later in life. These elven exiles still tend to live for around 150 years in the outside world.
  11. The way which things are just floating in the middle of the cover photo is pretty bad though, it's obvious the UI designer did not make it like that, gotta move the avatar and buttons back to the bottom, or you could throw them to the top.
  12. No, it will be more arc based with maybe quests stuffed in between.
  13. Old hr tag on YCM was actually just an image lol and the hosting site kept going down I noticed later. I stepped down before I could make a better version of it.
  14. Okay it was just the name I didn't recognize.
  15. "W-Will he be okay?" No, of course not. Are you as blind as you are stupid? It was fortunate that Béa did not often give voice to her thoughts. The boy's abdomen was mangled, his spine was crooked, his ribs were probably caved into his lung from the way he was struggling to breath, but Béa's face betrayed none of her squeamishness as her mind raced for the words she would actually say. "We have some of the best potions and medicines in the world," she stated, not meeting the other girl's eye. It was technically true, but just because they had them, did not mean they would use them. There was no way the sobbing young girl next to her would be able to afford it. If Béa got the potions, she would end up having to take responsibility and become the pair's guarantor for repaying the fees. As if she would do that—as if any would do that—for these naive idiots. Béa walked over to the cabinet. Her hand hovered the rows of glass bottles before settling on a vial of clear liquid. It was just a painkiller, but it should knock him out of his semi-conscious state. Plus it was cheap. The girl seemed to lighten a bit as the boy eased into a dreamless sleep and Béa herself felt a little less anxious. "The healer should be arrive soon," said Béa. At least, she hoped so. They were all out answering the distress calls from other adventurers in the field. Why this girl carried the boy all the way back to the guild house in this state rather than keeping him as still as possible and calling for help was anyone's guess. However, the answer to that stumbled into the room moments later—Maizer, their "mentor" assigned by the guild. His gear torn and covered in mud, his expression grim, but Béa could tell he was completely unhurt. She considered, just for a moment, accusing him, but it would raise more trouble she had no intention of taking on. "Thanks for looking after them," said Maizer smiling. "Béa, is that right?" Béa gave a small nod in response. The man before her was anything but trustworthy, but Béa was perfectly happy to shove all the responsibility on him and leave. They were supposed to be under his wing to begin with. "Wait! W-Where are you going?" cried the girl. She reached out and grabbed the hem of Béa's shirt, jerking the receptionist back. Béa gave a started cry and spun around. At the same time, the girl shrieked. Two punctures had appeared on the girl's hand. Then, for a brief moment, the transparent outline of a snake was visible in the air before it lunged again. "Woah there," said Maizer. He acted faster than Béa could see. His hand was outstretched in front of the girl with two puncture marks on his wrist. He did not so much as flinch. "I'll… I'll go grab the antidote from my bag!" stammered Béa. "No need, a little bit of tranquilizer isn't enough to even make me dizzy," Maizer said. He glanced at the girl, now slumped on the floor. "As for her, let her sleep. A lot less annoying this way. I'll take of her when she wakes up." "Is… is that so…" She pondered for a moment before straightening herself out. "Then, I will take my—" "I must say, I am surprised that a mere receptionist has this kind of magic," Maizer said. Béa's expression hardened. "You recognize—" "Whoa, whoa, let's not get too serious, I don't really care. I just want to live peacefully," said Maizer, raising his palms. "But… there is a favor you could do for me. I hear there's a new group arriving today. How about you assign me to them?" "What…? I don't have the authority to…" Maizer narrowed his eyes. "I'm sure you will figure something out. You are, after all, more than you appear." "You are threatening—" "Come on now, you wouldn't even believe me if I said I was just going to let it go," said Maizer. "At least I am being transparent." "You must have others intentions, too... that you are not transparent about." Maizer merely shrugged. "I will… see what I can do." You are brand new adventurers who signed on with the Mage Tower and are sent to the Labyrinthian Peaks to seek your fortune like many thousands others. Most of you will probably have some sort of minor combat capabilities that you are willing to put to the test or you could just be a fool who just knows to stick them with the pointy end. Ancient evils, political plots, divine trials may very well await you, but for now you need to be able to earn your daily bread. All NCM and RP section rules apply. Use common sense. Discord is required. You may format your app however you wish, but you must have all the fields that are bold, underlined, and in all caps in my (currently unfinished) example app below. I would prefer that you keep things concise or even in bullet form, because I would like you to focus your creative energies on writing a short scene of your character taking place some time before the start of the roleplay. I leave the details up to your discretion, but they must have some spoken interaction with some other character from their background and the passage will basically serve as a sort of character sketch.
  16. I wanna know the context of the first one.
  17. The thing about the header image is that different themes have a different shape/size header on your profile. The header image behind your profile pic on the side of forum posts is god awful though, even if it didn't scrunch up headers that don't fit its aspect ratio, it's still ugly as hell.
  18. Wow nice. It's really cute, the colors are better, and the marker outlines are a lot nicer than the pen you used to use when I last saw your art years ago.
  19. When will you find your true calling as a professional crossplayer?
  20. First MtG thread on NCM by... Aix? Anyway, anyone have any ideas for cool decks seeing the new cards? I'm not paying attention to any MtG communities right now so no clue what's cool. I play Standard (cuz MtG:A) so new set's pretty exciting, I guess Modern tends to be pretty immobile in terms of changes. Link to spoiler compilation: https://scryfall.com/sets/rna?order=spoiled
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