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Everything posted by Saikazo

  1. OP: HIDEKI NAGANUMA – FEEL the POWER in YOUR SOUL ED: MasakoX - 「70cm四方の窓辺」 -A Saikazo RP- -Cohosted by Skaia and Yui- -Logo by Yui- -Special thanks to Yui for helping with World Building- Rules Setting Database Very Basic Plot Application Available Dragons
  2. Shugoshin Exodia (Exodia, Master of The Guard) Level 10 DARK Spellcaster Effect Monster ATK ? DEF ? This card cannot be Special Summoned. If this card that was Normal Summoned by the method of its first effect battles a DARK Fiend monster your opponent owns and destroys it, you win the Duel. (1) You can Tribute 5 monsters to Tribute Summon (but not Set) this card. (2) This card’s ATK and DEF are equal to the total original ATK and DEF of the monsters Tributed for this card’s Normal Summon. Well, this exists. Gimmick deck a-go go, baby!
  3. Wen Pendulum? Pendulum now!!!

    1. Kay Faraday

      Kay Faraday

      ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give PENDULUM ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

  4. Chapter 1: Of Hopeful Heroes
  5. So here we go again. The second shoot at the non-canon spinoff fic of the RP My Hero Academia: Rise Above Max Omega, which is an AU of My Hero Academia. What a rabbit hole. This post is also the table of contents, so feel free to comment! Chapter 1
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