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Everything posted by Nico

  1. Match ends 12/21 4:00 AM EST
  2. Match ends 12/21 4:00 AM EST
  3. Match ends 12/17 8:00 PM EST
  4. Had some quality za today. (round 3 is up)


  5. Match ends 12/17 8:00 PM EST
  6. Match ends 12/17 8:00 PM EST
  7. Match ends 12/17 8:00 PM EST
  8. Note that I definitely played more LA than BShitSP without paying on my bro's account. ;D

    NS 2022
    1. Nico


      *crash woah* that's a status break! Critical hit! (I posted from my profile lol)

    2. LordCowCow


      Mine seemed to be Three Hopes, Brilliant Diamond, and Hades

      Also yeah idk what happened to this image damn

    3. Nico


      I know what. Well not really, just that I finally got an imgur album to embed, so not quite 1 image.

  9. You can vote for moar pizza toppings now


  10. Match ends 12/14 3:00 PM EST
  11. Match ends 12/14 3:00 PM EST
  12. Match ends 12/14 3:00 PM EST
  13. The Snickers White, Mars and regular Bueno. Already tried Twix and regular Snickers, this should be good.
  14. 8526869aeb26b69a3a938bf7740ecd04.jpg

    Then eat them!! Pizza topping polls are up

  15. Match ends 12/11 12:30 PM EST
  16. Match ends 12/11 12:30 PM EST
  17. Match ends 12/11 12:30 PM EST
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