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Everything posted by Nico

  1. This truly is the VTuber of all time. Saying this on 2 separate occasions, simping for a crab and quoting 50 Shades of Grey, absolutely deserving of the title of The Fister.


    1. LordCowCow


      Gigi is a lot of fun, before Justice I only had one vtuber I was still watching regularly but now its up to 3

  2. Kitdy. 


    P.S. Nekomata slaps. and I'd slap dat ass

  3. Well I've never been athletic but ZZZ's style is just so... damn... good. Making a hook rack out of a skateboard? Making a BENCH out of them? I adore that. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. yui


      i think it's a great game, but element stat hell and substat hell both still existing is kind of a big turnoff imo

    3. Nico


      @Zamazenta the OS-Tan FanPlease flame you? It might have something to do with this site always breaking emojis for me once posted, no matter what device I use, though, but I don't think that's more than the single fire emoji there.


      Well, I don't spend money on mobile games, or mostly the first month on a monthly pass thing to get going faster (which I def can't do currently, though), but I do get that take. Because even doing that is part of the problem. That said, it's a cross-platform game, and definitely one more geared towards PC/Console gaming judging by the way the UI looks, with certain quick dialogue/tutorial segments too small for my damn phone in any inconvenient corner. 

    4. Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

      @Nico True also I made some typos sorry about that also the emojis are broken on certain themes, yes the games from MiHoyo looks good but they are not on the Switch.

      It's not that I hate Mobile Gaming/Games in general its that they are all there to try to suck money out of people which is what I don't like prior to this back in the late 2000's/early 2010's mobile games where very different; I was too young to understand this kind of stuff back in the day I was still in elementary back than I remember playing with the school's iPads in 2012 things like Angry Birds nobody at the school bought stuff though there was also things like Jet Pack Joyride I remember when apps used to be for fun and not just for scamming and sucking people out of their money or collecting their data and selling it or shoving a bunch of shitty ads in your face there are desciving ads on Youtube where you have Mobile Games that look like $ 1 Billion Dollar projects with nice graphics than decisive you when you download its something else entirely or there are ads that are NSFW Mobile Apps ads this is why I use an adblocker in my browser.

      Its not that I hate MiHoyo or anything there games looks nice I just don't want to be apart of the money pit, though the game can be played for free and I understand that again the business is all about money.

  4. Her name is Petit but her tits are not petite




  5. Good cereal combination: Honey Nut Cheerios & Honeycomb. 🍯🍯

  6. VTubers shman. They're all such filthy perverts! Great!


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nico


      Oh I just realized, it does get bigger if you click on it. I thought there was a time in which it didn't. Maybe not for some phones, idk. But shouldn't be a problem now hopefully!

    3. Nico


      Shman, saying that "Great!" at the end would not go over well on EEEEEEEEX.


      ALSO, Update after punching "You" in the gut:


    4. Nico


      ^Ah. So it was comment images that can't be clicked? Can probably still open in a new tab, but to help the lazies:



  7. Kinpatsu... CHANGE! emoji-timeline

    1. LordCowCow


      idk who is but is cute

  8. Alright, fess up! Who put a bag of trash in the empty cup?! (☞ ՞ਊ ՞)☞



    Do I have 1 less Praise of High Morals now?

  9. I've not been expecting characters I shitpost into these threads to be my given, but when I read this, thought of something, and then actually found it, well hey.
  10. Was looking through my screenshots, felt like posting this with no context.
  11. Super Alfred Chicken Mega Man X Porky Pig's Haunted Holiday F-Zero
  12. Sausage & egg McGriddle, Chicken McGriddle Before breakfast literally just now, it would be the French Onion Cheeseburger Wendy's currently has inspired by the soup of the same name. Mello Yello @ the freestyle machine, of course.
  13. Elsie x Weronika gets me ery tiem 😭

  14. Got lucky pulling for Yuni feet! 😭

    1. Crow



    2. Nico


      idk if that's what people call it because I'm more used to it starting with "Pri" (that sounds more like Precure to me, lol), but Priconne? Yeah!

    3. Marschallin


      based perverted 30 year old male precure fan

  15. Yes unfortunately couldn't include Rika in it but I do really like how it was handled. Risa does the gyaru stuff just as well and named pretty similar lol. Also I did like Side M, but as far as male idol shows go, I've found it a bit too many focused characters. Tsukipro related series have been more fun for me, at least until the sequels show up, which I've always found to be very boring.
  16. Celebrate the Year of the Dragon with the fruity, lively Dragon Drink®. 


  17. Yesterday: hApPeNs

    Mom: Are you okay? What happened?

    Me: Nothing.

    My brain: You wouldn't understand, she was Selen Tatsuki of Nijisanji EN wave 2 OBSYDIA. 

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