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(o ×)


Everything posted by (o ×)

  1. DISTRICT 5 56: John Spencer, the Fount of Evidence 61: Charon, the Fount of Aphelion
  2. DISTRICT 2 30: Venus Dionaea, the Fount of Orchids
  3. DISTRICT 1 15: Gareth Apollo, the Fount of Brilliance 33: Diana Seigi, the Fount of Sacrifice 69: The Fount of Honor 99: Madeline Harper, the Fount of Bloodlust 100: Richard Stratford, the Fount of Civilization 105: Nika Volkov, the Fount of Order 112: Adrian Edelbern, the Fount of Fate
  4. This OP will be beautified later. Don't be surprised if you see a character not originally created by me, but rest assured I have received permission to adapt all involved characters as NPCs.
  5. Enacting a soft deadline of Friday, July 15th, 11:59 PM with no penalty for late entrants. Those interested in joining before the RP starts, make sure to get something up by then, if you are struggling just let me know and I will gladly give assistance and/or accommodations. For those that are not complete by that time, it's no worry, as it will be structured in a way in which characters can come and go without making large narrative concessions.
  6. why haven't you joined the the RP yet I ominously alluded to it and everything
  7. @Thar got picked up by the YouTube algorithm and dropped into my recommended feed, what the fuck

  8. Come one, come all, so I have enough people that I have an excuse to reject Yui after all his hard work.

  9. OP: Omega Rhythm ~ UPLIFT SPICE Megalopolis, 2100. Born of calamity, this artificial island traversing the Pacific has risen to the top of the world's stage in its 70 years of life. Now it is the greatest city in the history of humanity, spanning over 50,000 square kilometers and holding a terrifying population exceeding 100,000,000. But it has more to offer than volume, as the large majority of the world's founts, humans with incredible abilities, reside within this city-state. While the city is ruled by a careful peace, it is clear to anyone with the slightest view behind the curtain that it all balances on the tip of a needle, and those lurking in the shadows will take any opportunity to make this modern Tower of Babel topple to the ground. Rules Database Character Application List of Founts
  10. Man why does this forum take a shit every time I try to do some nested spoilers. Is BBcode functioning as intended really too much to ask?

    1. LordCowCow




      seems like a you problem


      get good




    2. (o ×)

      (o ×)

      Allow me to be more clear. When using BBCode syntax ([§poiler]content[/§poiler]) in cases where a spoiler is nested more than once, the forum has an inexplicable habit of rearranging content, and even making a good deal of it disappear. I am aware that the in-forum spoiler button has no such issues, but I would prefer to use manual code, as most of my content is made in outside documents and pasted in immediately before posting. Because of this process, individually using the embedded spoiler button and pasting a document in several if not dozens of pieces would be quite a time sink and leave quite a bit of room for error, akin to having to manually go back and bold or italicize any text you wanted to be such, hoping you forget nothing.

      I understand that most everyone else does not use code manually, but given it is a function that the forum is supposed to have, I don't think it is unreasonable to be upset about. The presence of stairs don't write away a broken elevator.

  11. My first animal crossing game is going to lose to some Japanese game, this tournament was a mistake.
  12. I am too busy rewatching a 25 episode dr pepper ad
  13. What are you most excited about in Akihabara?
  14. Bro I do not fuckin know
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