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(o ×)


Status Updates posted by (o ×)

  1. Working on an idea, what typically digivolves into Etemon?

    1. Blake
    2. Blake


      Don’t hate me, I’m right

  2. Would anyone here be interested in a JJBA RP, who I don't have in the discord already?

    1. Sophia


      Very much yes if I was just not so awful with writing.

    2. (o ×)

      (o ×)

      @Sophia fucking accept my friend request on discord

    3. Comrade Duck
    4. Show next comments  12 more
  3. Would be cool if someone could link me the discord. Kinda wanna see how it is now

    1. LordCowCow


      I'm not in it but


      I assume it's the thing at the top bar

  4. Would people be interested in an NCM mtg discord server? I honestly don't know if anyone here plays outside of my relatively small circle, but I would be willing to put something together if there is interest.

  5. Yo remember that time lelouch gaslit a cop into working for him?

  6. you're gonna have a good quote on auto insurance.

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